Dmitry's Consultant application [UK]

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Well-known Member
Feb 2, 2023
Steam ID:

Discord name:
normal goose#1619

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
1.5 months


In what country are you located?:
united kingdom

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Dmitry Rodriguez

Civilian name:
Antonio Rodriguez

What server are you applying for?:

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
4 warnings (2 for RDM, 2 for failrp)

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
to further my career in the medical department as well as gain experience being a lvl4 personnel as it gives me experience for me to apply to other jobs that may interest me in the future

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
i believe the quality's that make me suitable for consultant are that i am active in the medical department, I'm liked by other departments, i feel like I'm easy to talk to and understand I'm also very calm as a person which is needed for a job like this due to the nature of some of the tasks you have to perform such as making sure other medical staff are behaving appropriately etc.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
electroshock therapy:
1. ask what the problem is to make sure you actually need to go through with the procedure

2. ask whoever needs the procedure done if you have their permission before you do the procedure

3. ask them to lay down on the table and start the machine, calm them down if necessary

curing a patient:

1. ask them what the symptoms

2. ask them to lay down on the machine to figure out what the disease is.

3. give them 100ml of the cure for the specific disease

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:

1. Deliver medical care to all foundation personnel

2. Educate medical personnel on how to properly perform procedures through lectures and answering questions

3. Review medical documents generated by department personnel and relevant to medical staff.

4. train new recruits effectively

5. Perform any and all procedures without any issues

6 Uphold the The Hippocratic Oath

born 14th of July 2001 Dmitry was born into a large family in a small town in the Russian mountains so growing up i learnt basic survival skill such as cooking, farming and other stuff like that but was never interested after at the age by the age of 11 after a terrible tragedy involving a bomb and the family house i had to move away and live with my cousins in spain, the move changed my perspective on life entirely everyone had different jobs they had access to food, internet and variety. and ever since being exposed to theses changes my interests also changed i took a liking to the practices of doctors and nurses, became interested in medicine and healthcare and of course in school i took every opportunity to learn more about as much as i could about chemistry, biology and even technology.

before foundation:
at the age of 17 and many attempts and applications to other university's i finally managed to get a place at the university of Navarra to study medicine it was a dream come true! after years of blood, sweat and tears and the constant work placements and internships i finally managed to graduate with a masters degree in medicine all thanks to Dmitry's interest in the subject and helping people. the first thing i did was jump straight into work as i was Eger to learn more, this was the worst mistake i made i was overworked, under constant stress and was starting to develop mild schizophrenia and PTSD from the lack of sleep to the point i was taking recreational drugs such as cocaine, crack and heroine to stay awake and due to this i ended up passing out mid surgery causing hospital directors to send me on mandatory leave and so i used those two weeks to go on vacation! unfortunately...

meeting the anomalous:
thinking a vacation would do me good! so i booked a flight to Iraq to both explore the world and its culture as well as visit some relatives, the first week went amazing i had amazing food, visited many landmarks although on the Saturday of that week after my great grandfathers funeral i was offered strange drugs from the locals and unfortunately i was in a negative mindset and thought what's the worst that can happen? this unfortunately led to a series of events that had me meeting many strange yet interesting characters from the anomalous group the church of the broken god for the rest of the vacation i was learning how their religion works, what they do and even why they do it and it just made sense although i didn't formally join the church at the time i still took time to practice and follow their belief system and ever since i have stayed in contact with them! what's the worst that can happen?

joining the foundation:
after returning to work after my trip about 6 months after i was back to my normal routine just a little more relaxed as i found something to believe in at least i thought it was normal... until i was taking my usual walk home and that day i had had a lot less energy then usual making me less observant and in turn i didn't notice someone following me? someone strange? and to my surprise there are multiple people waiting for me they questioned me about the experience i had in Iraq and my thought in it, i started answering their question and after they finished questioning me they just got up and left. a few weeks go by and this time i notice the same people waiting for me eventually after a few more questions i get a formal invitation to join the SCP foundation medical team!

lore continued:
after eventually rising the ranks in the medical department and reaching SR doctor although my mental conditions got worse then they where before to my surprise my past would come back to haunt me... what started out as a simple question and telling a friend what i did became something worse I'm being injected with all sort of amnestics i feel like I'm being watched constantly! who can i trust!
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Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 12, 2023
I have seen him and he is great and he is funny to be around and I have had a great time with him in the past he is fun to be around

Tony Wilson

Well-known Member
May 2, 2022
-Fun to hang around
-Good leadership
-Interactions good
-Always in a good mode
-Knowledge in medicalRP


SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023

The following message is composed via consensus of the medical leadership team.

Hello, @Dimitry Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

We wish you good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.
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