Denied Do not allow CI to spawn a 008 spore in their base to infect people and throw into vents.

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Well-known Member
May 11, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
As the title says this would not allow CI to put a spore in their base and abuse it (in my opinion) by infecting kidnapped people and throwing them into vents.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I could not find a post about it

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. Does not allow CI to create an unending 008 breach until they are raided.
2. Would make a mass 008 breach more difficult and therefore harder to have a nuke set off.
3. Forces more variety in breaching 008 instead of doing the same method over and over as its easiest to do.
4. Like with number two it would benefit the pacing of 008 breaches of just having a single breach instead of basically waves of infected thrown in.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1. Makes mass 008 breaches more difficult.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe it should be accepted due to the fact that use the spore method basically guarantees a nuke because rarely will a raid on CI base be organized let alone even succeed due to their entire base basically being one big chokehold. For example last night CI had stolen 3 syringes and escaped the facility. Later at 2:15am (checked logs, page 22 lol). They used the spore method confirmed by DEA (and staff) and sent the first "wave" of infected being 3 civilians (one parawatch and two surface medics) into the vents but they spawned in storage and it was contained. Afterwards they sent more, and then more, and then more. So many were sent through the vents that spores were spawning in the walls of vents which we could not deal with, a spore also spawned/was put down in parawatch spawn which ended up with parawatch just purposefully getting themselves infected after spawning and then rushing to foundation or sitting on surface. (one camped CI base which they cried about lol) It kept going to 3:30am which is when I got off so I do not know if it was ever contained or ended in a nuke. While I like a 008 breach every now and then this method is just infuriating because its basically impossible to contain as even if you destroy one wave they will just send another until CI are raided which almost never happens.

Also with "making 008 mass breaches more difficult", CI had no problem doing it before without this method, they don't need this, all it does is make it easy.
-You should be countering the CI Raids on Foundation if it is really that easy to get 008 Syringes out (You're a E11 CSG)
-If CI have the Syringes organise a Raid on them, it could be a Huge front gate Raid or a DEA Infil

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe it should be accepted due to the fact that use the spore method basically guarantees a nuke because rarely will a raid on CI base be organized let alone even succeed due to their entire base basically being one big chokehold. For example last night CI had stolen 3 syringes and escaped the facility. Later at 2:15am (checked logs, page 22 lol). They used the spore method confirmed by DEA (and staff) and sent the first "wave" of infected being 3 civilians (one parawatch and two surface medics) into the vents but they spawned in storage and it was contained. Afterwards they sent more, and then more, and then more. So many were sent through the vents that spores were spawning in the walls of vents which we could not deal with, a spore also spawned/was put down in parawatch spawn which ended up with parawatch just purposefully getting themselves infected after spawning and then rushing to foundation or sitting on surface. (one camped CI base which they cried about lol) It kept going to 3:30am which is when I got off so I do not know if it was ever contained or ended in a nuke.
-This is just copium, not really any other way to put it

US CI wilding guh
I come back from the dead to post on this!

- Support

SCP-008 is a VERY difficult SCP to break out, not only does NHU and 106 delete the syringe, but the man power to even get into HCZ, break into 008, and get a syringe out is very Difficult.

When it boils down to it, CI should NOT be punished in how they conduct their justified reward because Foundation couldn't defend their Base.
I come back from the dead to post on this!

- Support

SCP-008 is a VERY difficult SCP to break out, not only does NHU and 106 delete the syringe, but the man power to even get into HCZ, break into 008, and get a syringe out is very Difficult.

When it boils down to it, CI should NOT be punished in how they conduct their justified reward because Foundation couldn't defend their Base.
come back fr
Aug 18, 2022
+/- Support

Don't think the issue is necessarily with the spores in CI base. If they manage to get a syringe that far, they earned it.

I think the actual issue is that CI base is horrible to raid. Anyone who has ever played a fps knows the absolute hell of chokepoints and you can't have more of a chokepoint than a long corridor with the ability to put shields, marksmen, and a jug at the end of it.

I think the actual fix should be to expand CI base and give them more stuff to play with and actually create an expansive base in addition to multiple ways for Foundation to counterraid and create an interesting battle sequence.
+/- Support

Don't think the issue is necessarily with the spores in CI base. If they manage to get a syringe that far, they earned it.

I think the actual issue is that CI base is horrible to raid. Anyone who has ever played a fps knows the absolute hell of chokepoints and you can't have more of a chokepoint than a long corridor with the ability to put shields, marksmen, and a jug at the end of it.

I think the actual fix should be to expand CI base and give them more stuff to play with and actually create an expansive base in addition to multiple ways for Foundation to counterraid and create an interesting battle sequence.
a ci base rework is well needed, the one hallway is tough to raid especially that we can have operatives spam fix the doors
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