Does the support +/- on applications actually influence an applicants chances?


Well-known Member
Jul 15, 2024
I was just wondering if the support +/- that come from other players on applications influence staff's decisions on whether the application is accepted. I think its that cool that other players can help and support those applying for certain roles but I think that it can also lead to a lot of bias from people giving support to those they are friends with but also I see people give -support for small personal grievances and not taking into account the application as a whole.
Whenever I've done application responses/voting, anyone doing -/+ Support without a reason they are immediately disregarded, including those who put stupid shit after their support. If someone leaves good feedback and info as to their reason, that is taken into account 100%. A lot of people in this community leave supports thinking it will help but in fact do zero to help that applicant by not elaborating.
May 30, 2023
I'll speak on my experience as former Site Director. Not really. While I read peoples comments on their applications I never took their comments in consideration because everyone has their own opinions and impressions of people. There are some that I would consider such as a plethora of people commenting something negative because of XYZ or, the opposite where everyone will comment something positive about the applicant because of XYZ. While I can't say this may be the same for all of them this was my view on the topic and those who worked alongside me as I observed also did not heavily consider peoples comments. I believe it is best people make their own impression on the candidate rather than taking other peoples opinions and solely going off that. I will say there is bias within the community I don't know where you might encounter it but I believe it is present.
I've never been staff but I can imagine they follow a similar line of thinking in that they make their own evaluation before coming to a conclusion and I would hope they did.