Dominic H's Chief of Security Application

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Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2021
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Total in game is 1 week and 2 days | Total overall is 5 weeks


In what country are you located?:
United Kingdom

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Dominic "Mercutio" H. | CI: Dominic "Midas" H.

Civilian name:
Dominico Ho.

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF O-1 PVT | E-11 CSG | A-1 SGT | CI-D | Security Captain

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- I have unfortunately to my memory, received one warning For raiding without permission as well as 2 Bans for LTARP, These are all from my junior days on the server and as a staff member I have changed.

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?
- I am applying for Chief of Security as I believe I can actually make a difference, I hear many complaints about the security department and feel that with a little guidance these issues can be resolved. I'm extremely active as captain and host lectures and guidance trainings regularly but want to be able to improve the department a little more.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:
- During my time on the server I have picked up many new attributes and qualities that would help me improve my peers. Being an E-11 CSG for a while taught me that people need to understand their jobs to do their jobs well, to help this I will try to host informative lectures, create + spread documents, be open to questions and much more. Being a CI Delta has taught me that teamwork is critical in overall victory, meaning I will be conducting regular Rollcalls to help put an end to lack of security in the right areas, Making sure Riot control are in their required Teamspeak channel, assigning radio frequencies to the whole of GENSEC, etc... Being an A-1 SGT especially taught me the importance of Hierarchy, a team cannot work properly without a leader and so on. GENSEC would be taught to start respecting MTF rather than hating them, Respecting Internal Affairs and their jobs, Keeping themselves out the way as much as possible. I would be a Chief who would well educate and discipline this department, eventually leading to them being as efficient as an MTF regiment. (I also have many new ideas I'd like to introduce to improve efficiency).

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:
- The chief of Security should aim to lead general security with an iron fist, making sure the chain of command is reinforced with Sergeants and Captains leading with example, security patrolling the facillity ensuring intruders and breaches are dealt with swiftly. Making new documents and presentations to educate/help members of security do their job to the best of their ability. on top of this, the Chief should also deal with internal problems about security like Misbehaving Security, not following the ethics code, etc...
Being the Chief of Security would also mean keeping a stable relationship with all the other departments. Most importantly keeping D block organised and running like a machine. Being the Chief of Security would be a time consuming role I would love to fill.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Dominic Heimer was raised in a working-class district near the Berlin Wall. His father worked in the police force and strongly encouraged him to join. While working with Bundespolizei (BPOL) Heimer's father tragically died to an unknown armed milita (C.I). Heimer was left with no family and at the age of 18 joined the police force to seek vengeance yet was only led to the EGB special forces. While on a training mission Heimer was separated from his squad and stumbled upon Site -DE9 where he was taken in for interrogation and given a choice. To either be given Rohypnol and carry on living a lie or to join the foundation and help secure protect and contain anomalies. Of course, Heimer having nothing else Joined the foundation and was re-located to site - 65 where he thrived. Although Dominic was happy, he was not satisfied. He knew there was more to the foundation than he was being shown. Secrets buried in secrets, maybe he’ll find out one day.​
Jan 18, 2022


+ Good RP
+ Active in TS and GM
+ Knows the boundary between serious rp and funny rp
+ Very Friendly/ Easygoing
+ Natural leadership skills
+ Well thought out app
+ High amount of effort put into server
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Reactions: Valkyrie


Civil Gamers Expert
May 31, 2021
skype headquarters

Application Approved

Congratulations @MasterDarker - your application has been approved.

Your senior position in the GENSEC department has been approved.
Please speak to any of the following:
For a meeting and briefing. Congratulations once more, and thank you for your time writing this application.​
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