Doobie's Intelligence Ambassador Application. (USA)

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Active member
Aug 3, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:456458055
Discord name: flipper68#1381
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 10.1 Days.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Richard "Doobie" Hammond,
Civilian name: Richy '2' Hammond
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Ex MTF Nu-7 CSG, Ex O-1 CPL, CI-A, Current Nu-7 LCPL

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Micspam ~ Testing new soundboard and got carried away with it.

Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?
- Recently, I have been playing a lot more Intelligence Agent and have been enjoying it very much. I have also been told by Ambassador "RedPanda" that I would make a good fit on the Intelligence Ambassador Team thus making me want to apply more for the Role. I truly enjoy playing Intelligence as it is a fun, respectful and interesting role to play. The RP that can be made from playing Intel is insane, from CI Deep Cover Raids, Interrogations to Surface Operations.

What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?:
- Like Mentioned, I have been recommended to apply by Ambassador "RedPanda" as I have shown my Skills and effectiveness whilst playing the Job, even Helping out with the New Tests and essentially becoming an Ambassador during the Tests. With my CL4 Experience of being an O-1 CPL, I know the rules and restrictions of having CL4 and how to use it properly. Also achieving a High Rank in Nu-7 shows my dedication to play and how I am professional whilst on the Job. I also believe myself to be decently known by some in the Community, having interactions with most Players on the server, some high ranking and some not. I am a very out-going and confident person too, with no struggle to communicate about issues, new ideas or views on subjects at hand.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- I have written 3-5 Documents on CI Raids, Incident Reports and Interrogations. I still have yet to Write a document upon a Surface Operation and that is all. I believe what makes a Document is by using Templates given to you by your Higher Ups. Use the Templates and fill out the form to your best ability, with going into massive detail upon the situation and explaining every little thing that may have happened, Behavioural Aspects, Features etc. Putting tons of effort into Documents is also mandatory. Writing no-effort Documents wont look good for yourself or the Branch you are in.
I do plan on strengthening my Documentation Methods & Complete more Documents to be Approved.

What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?:
-The Ambassadors Responsibilities are on the Handbook which shows us that the Ambassador must Manage the Department efficiently and with everyone's mutual agreement (Teamwork Baby!), Being a Role-Model to Agents/Operatives by Showing Professional Behaviour as well as Showing them right and wrong, be their Teacher at some points. An ambassador must have good leadership Qualities, showing confidence and being quick on their feet in situations others may not be able to handle. Also Ambassadors must maintain Relations with other Departments and MTF Squadrons, being friendly and understanding when it comes to issues that may pop up. Ambassadors must be Active on duty, showing Agents/Operatives that they have Ambassadors they can trust.
Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what story-lines they would be involved in:
Child-Hood/Early Adulthood
- Born and Raised in The State of Mississippi USA with 4 Brothers and 2 Sisters, A rowdy yet lovely and Heart-Warming Family. Educated top of His Classes, Richard Hammond appeared to be some a Gifted Child, blessed with his Attitude and Intelligence. He Gained an Interest is Ancient/Foreign Languages, Studying them at University Level obtaining a Masters in the Study of Ancient Languages. With this, He strived deeper into Ancient Relics needed to be De-coded for "Personal Usage". Richard eventually grew his name outwards, always occupied with tasks of De-Coding ancient Languages.

Recruitment Into The Foundation
- During an Expedition through the Jungles of the Malaysian Continent, Richard Hammond and his Group discovered upon a Military Expedition and decided to Investigate. Richard and his group was found by Foundation Personnel and were Interrogated for their Trespass on Foundation Grounds. During the Interrogation, Foundation Personnel seemed very interested in Richards Skill-set, finding intrigue in his Language Education and How he may be useful on said Expeditions. Richards Whole Group was amnestied of his existence and Richard was now in the Foundations Hands. Richard was enrolled into training and was placed in his respective GENSEC Role, Earning the respect of his Colleagues with his Smartness and Humorous personality.

Enrolment Into Intelligence
- With Richard being knowledgeable in Ancient Tongue, His skill-set was detected by Intelligence Ambassadors and Richard was sent on a Mission to receive and De-Code an Ancient Relic later to be used to discover SCP-####. Quickly, Richard gained his Ambassadors and Colleagues respect with him being the only Agent to be able to Determine what the Relics say. Richard grew fond of his Job and Colleagues, wanting to improve on himself and improve his attitude, Documentation and his overall ability in the Intelligence Department. With the interest of Intelligence Ambassador on his Mind, Richard has no other choice but to apply for the Job...

Yours Sincerely,
Richard "Doobie" Hammond

Morning Man

Active member
Jul 6, 2022
+ Support
+ Active
+ Does what he needs to do
+ Also follows In game rules
+ Very respectful

+ Mature for 16

- Has An Awful Trim
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Well-known Member
Jun 14, 2022

Doobie is a very fair and perfect person for the role of Intel Ambassador
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