Dor's Temporary Leave

Hello everyone.
Recently I have been struggling with SCP due to my timetable being its usual business and my actions when i can get on not being enough. I have enjoyed my time within this community and I don't want to leave fully. I will still be around now and then for MPK on MRP but I am leaving to play other stuff while awaiting SWRP's launch within this community and while I focus on my exams and that. I will also continue attempting to assist people where possible and working on my SCP guidebook.
Now a few mentions (This is going to be hard as there are so many of you that I have really positive relations with):
@Crossen™ (cant ping you) Best NHC ever and I miss the times when i served under you
@Falcon and @sahns you were two of the best reg command I couldve asked for when I joined this community over 2 years ago.
@Mr Wonderfool I thank you for bringing me into MP and starting my journey
@Dukem @Stani Gaming @Rice Cooker @Dr Drew You are just a fraction of those i spent my time within MP/RMP serving together with and you all are amazing
@Chad Power I thank you for being one of my mentees back when i was a Senior Mod on MRP and it makes me happy to know i trained someone who could get much higher than I ever could.
@Zel @Cal @Ethan Mendaz @Tommy Lee you are all amazing O5 members along with your other roles like staff and GM it was a plessure to serve under you lot
@Yeke along with the group above you also helped me alot and ran those game nights for me because I couldnt host them, thank you for letting me borrow your server
There are so many more i want to mention but I dont think I am allowed to ping more (unsure). But at the end of it yeah I will be leaving for a while, My 7 day notice is in and at the end of it I will have left SCP staff and therefore my last role on it and I will be gone. I will still be contactable through discord if anyone wants me to assist in a matter, have a chat, or invite me to a gamenight.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 13, 2022
Good to play with you on the server and a few gamenights, Have a good one!
All the best with your exams man