Dr. Caeden's Executive Researcher application (SCP-UK)

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Dec 21, 2021
Steam ID:
Discord name:
Caeden#0001 (Number may change after nitro expires but that wont be for a month)
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I first played on the server around December but took a few months break from the server, I came back mid way through last week.
In what country are you located?:
Wales (UK)
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Dr. Caeden / Caeden "SRR" Bowen (Foundation) // Rhion Pennant (CI)
Civilian name:
Jahames Jones
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
Yes I have a mic.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Before I took my break from the server I was the lowest CI rank (I cant quite remember which letter it was) and an O1 LCPL, I am currently an E-11 SPC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have 1 FailRP warning from last week when I came back from my break as I was getting used to the rules again and the server, I have since read through the rules of course though.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I am applying for Executive Researcher as I would like to help progress the research department to be one of the best departments and make sure that newer researchers know how to do their job properly in the Research Department. I would also like to be able to have more ability to test SCP's and forward our knowledge of them.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I believe that I am suitable for Executive Researcher as I am active in the research department, thoroughly enjoy doing work in research and would love to help other Researchers forward their knowledge on how to conduct research!
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have written 4 Excellent documents (That I know of) those documents are:
1) Can SCP-500 cure the effects of SCP- 330
2) Is SCP-457 willing to take bribes of food

3) How does SCP-035 interact with SCP-999
4) SCP-049-2 Medical Examination

An excellent graded document is decided by the quality of the research idea, the length of the document and the lack of grammatical or spelling errors in the document. Some other things that could help a document reach excellent are proof or RP and a well written aims, method and conclusion.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
The responsibilities of an Executive Researcher are to ensure that all documents uploaded are rated appropriately, to ensure that new and experienced members of the Research Department are correctly conducting parts of their job and handing out punishments such as research bans where necessary.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
My Executive Researcher primarily focuses its research on sentient SCPs, which is why he is in Dr. Nyx's Psychological Department inside of the Research Department [PSY-5] Dr. Caeden is experienced in all types of research but most of his better documents and research studies are on SCP's such as SCP-049 or 035, sentient SCPs.

In the months since December, before he was transferred back to Site-65 he was working in Site-19 where he was very well known for his excellent research on the sentient SCPs and was transferred to back to Site-65 from his several months long lapse in working there to spread the research methods that he had learnt while at Site-19 as the leaders of the Research Department over all sites decided that he could help the researchers in the Site-65 site a lot to improve their research on Sentient SCPs as that site is where most new researchers flood in.

Prior to being brought in to work at the foundation at 18 Dr. Caeden would've never thought that he would be working on mysterious creatures and helping forward the knowledge of their powers and abilities to the entirety of the SCP foundation.
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Dec 21, 2021
= Unsure

- Good Application
- Little to no warnings.

- I believe you should get more time to be better known in the research department, as you took a break most of the researcher’s do not know you.
I cant say I have ever met you and appreciate the response but I will just say that even if you have not seen me there are still a lot of people who have and respect the research I have done. Thank you for responding either way, if you believe I can improve in any way please drop me a message on my discord below.
Mar 31, 2022
I cant say I have ever met you and appreciate the response but I will just say that even if you have not seen me there are still a lot of people who have and respect the research I have done. Thank you for responding either way, if you believe I can improve in any way please drop me a message on my discord below.
I'm not saying you are not doing good in the research department, didn't even mention that. I just think you should become well more known and apply for executive researcher again in 2-3 weeks.
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Dec 21, 2021


I don't know you really and have never seen you in test, so i am unsure
i think tyou can play other roles as well to be better knowed
I can't say that you have been there to escort the majority of my tests and I do tend to prefer quality over quantity of my tests so instead of other researchers just doing constant tests of lower quality or more unoriginal ideas I like to take more time to ensure the documents are well written and have great idea's behind them. (Which is why there are less tests than some people)

I also do play other roles as well but I do tend to play more research.

Thank you for your reply to my application.
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Well-known Member
Jan 18, 2022
+Good RP interactions
+ Maturity
+Active in the Research Dpt.

-/+ Unsure on rule knowledge
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Reactions: Caeden
Dec 21, 2021
+Good RP interactions
-/+ Unsure on Maturity
-/+ Unsure on rule knowledge

-Not active in the Research Dpt. I only see play as MTF E-11
I can assure you that I am extremely mature in the times I need to be, of course I have a laugh about or a joke like everyone but on researcher is one of the times that I am mature.

I am extremely active in Research, I can't say I've ever even met you to be honest. I play E-11 but I play Research an equal amount if you ask most of the Exec's they will say they have seen me.

And I can assure you that I have read the rules very recently and have a good rule knowledge.
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Well-known Member
Feb 26, 2022

+You are a very good researcher
+You have had a few whitelisted positions showing you can be responsible
+you are very friendly

-You should spend a bit longer getting to know the other members of research division, a month makes a difference

Signed; Sr Researcher Dr Valenheim
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