Dr. Phoenix Heanix (previously Dr. Wondertainment)'s Executive Researcher Application. (UK)

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Civil Gamers Expert
May 19, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord Name:
Phoenix Heanix

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Around the beginning of the year.

Age: 14
In what country are you located?


Charachters Names: Foundation: "Dr. Phoenix Heanix *Previously "Dr wondertainment) Chaos Insurgency: "Chris Blane"
Civilian name: Dale The Bale

What server are you applying for? :

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I do not hold any Whitelist roles as, research is practically the only thing i play.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have recieved one warning. cause i went into 106's chamber as a tech expert and broke my femur

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

Because i would like to go higher in the Research Department, and experience more role-play scenarios with a wider scale of SCP's and help other Researchers with their Documents and Tests.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

I personally believe I am fit for the role of Executive Researcher because I am extremely active within the department, i also think my tests will help the department grow its knowledge of SCPs; how to conduct tests on them, i have previous experience in a higher up role as a Commander as well as previous leadership experience.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
If I remember correctly I have written 1 Excellent graded document.

What makes a document excellent?

-An excellent document is one that does not contain major grammatical errors, is at least 4 pages long, has good rp, and contains some backstory to its aim that makes sense, and a method and an result

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

The responsibilities of an Executive researcher are to: Ensure research is being done properly, Help newer members of research with doing their tests/ writing document; And Rate documents submitted in the research department. as well as giving necessary punishments.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Dr. Phoenix was born on the outskirts of Turkey as a half Turkish half English male in 1998 at Turkey's most famous city: Istanbul, he has always been interested in cryptobiology, Phoenix couldn't study Cryptobiology in Turkey, therefore he moved to the United Kingdom, he studied Cryptobiology in an unofficial school, his teacher was named Valenheim, after 4 years of studying Cryptobiology, Valenheim quit his old job saying that he had a new one, Phoenix grew distressed over this as him and valenheim was his only friend, as everyone else thought he was crazy, but then something unexpected happened, news came to him that Valenheim died In "a workplace accident", Phoenix was devastated by this and Messaged Valenheim on his cell out of grief pretending that he was still alive when for a split-moment he noticed that triple dots appeared at the bottom indicating that valenheim was typing. Phoenix couldn't believe his eyes, he thought he lost his mind
But then typed in: "Valenheim, you know I saw that. come on buddy, the jig is up." Valenheim typed in "Well, guess you got me" " I'll be there in an hour." Phoenix after seeing these messages grew confused but happy, he curiously waited for an hour at his home, when he heard the door knock, "Phoenix it's me open the door." valenheim said. Phoenix quickly opened the door to see valenheim in a lob coat, "Valenheim i-i I'm so confused, what happened, we thought you died, we had a memorial and everything!" Phoenix said "Well, I'm sorry but i had no choice; My work made me do it." Valenheim said Phoenix grew concerned over this, "Work" what work requires you to be known DEAD! Then valenheim said "I work for an organization, a foundation so to say, its named the "SCP Foundation" these guys look at anomolaus shit, they hired me to be a scientist for them they call me a "researcher" though i like the name. I was only allowed to even send a text to you cause well, they are looking at hiring you too. I put in that you would probably be the best guy they could hire" "I cant stay for long but expect some people talking to you soon." And afterwards, he left leaving behind a confused Phoenix behind. 3 weeks after this incident Phoenix was at Tesco's to buy some potatoes and Soda, where 2 people cut him off from the drinks section and said "Follow us sir." Phoenix didnt resist and simply followed them to the stockings area, Where they explained to him the Foundation's goals aims etc. Then they said "If you join us, we have to stage a fake death for you, like how we did with Executive Researcher Dr. Valenheim. You will not see your family or friends again. If you reject this offer we will give you Amnestics, therefore wiping your memory of the last month and a half, you will not remember us, nor will you remember that Dr valenheim is dead." Phoenix thought of this for a moment. then he replied with "Well, i ain't getting a job anywhere else, so count me in."

Afterwards, Dr Phoenix joined the SCP Foundation, Phoenix loved his job at the foundation. The cutting-edge technology, People didnt think he was crazy anymore, But most of all, The SCP's these scp's blew his mind. While he was still given a very low access tier at the beginning
but that didn't matter to him, he was doing his work, day after day after day, restless nights after restless nights, Then he reached Level 3 Clearence, became a Senior researcher, Where he always saw no empathy for Class-D Personel because they were on Death Row anyway, and better to die while helping Science then to die on an electric chair. But he also didn't want to kill them for no reason either, because that would just be a waste of resources
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Cory J

Active member
May 1, 2022
+Good Experiments

=Just recently came back

Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022

- Very short answers
- 30% of your application is answering the actual questions, 70% is lore. This is not a joke.
- Doesn't know the responsibilities of an executive
- You have only written 1 excellent grade document

- Has been arrested for unethical testing and CoC/CoE violations a lot in the past

I would recommend putting your lore under a spoiler if you know how to do that, because right now you have 185 words for the actual important content/answers, and 650+ words of lore. This application is quite bad IMO.

I would also recommend going into more detail regarding your answers, as these seem very short and lackluster. Contact an executive if you are unsure of their responsibilities in RP.
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Civil Gamers Expert
May 19, 2022

- Very short answers
- 30% of your application is answering the actual questions, 70% is lore. This is not a joke.
- Doesn't know the responsibilities of an executive
- You have only written 1 excellent grade document
- Has been arrested for unethical testing and CoC/CoE violations a lot in the past

I would recommend putting your lore under a spoiler if you know how to do that, because right now you have 185 words for the actual important content/answers, and 650+ words of lore. This application is quite bad IMO.

I would also recommend going into more detail regarding your answers, as these seem very short and lackluster. Contact an executive if you are unsure of their responsibilities in RP.
Bush, i find most of the reasons here understandable, except for the last one, I have not been arrested a single time. whether it be on researcher or any other role. i am guessing you are mistaking me with someone else, and I never do unethical testing.
Another thing, I didn't want to add extra answers to the questions, cause then I babble on and on.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 21, 2021
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Mar 24, 2022
Application Denied

Hi Phoenix ,

Thanks for taking the time to make an executive researcher application.

Unfortunately, we are denying this application due to already having a large amount of executives and thus we are prioritising the most active applicants.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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