Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name) : atomicenergy2020/nattay2018/ShadyDave
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP : Around 5-6 Months Lvl74 Overhall
Age : 29
In what country are you located? : uk
Time zone : uk
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable ) : Dr.ShadyDave
Chao:s name (include your rank) : n/a
Civilian name : ShadyDave
Steam ID : 76561198035138857
Do you have a mic? : Yes always active, always working
What server are you applying for? : SCP-RP GameMaster Application
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications :
- yes, Hope to make an impression
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- yes i ban a long time ago and i never had a warning or anything since i fully enjoyed this server and what it has to offer.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- No however im fast learner on how to use stuff and very eager to learn more about how to set things up, From my ADHD its hard to process information however im great at adapting to situations given to me.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- of course lots of other servers for years now xD, i really enjoy Gmod its a fun game to let your hair down, all being in high ranking roles and all being super imaginative and super into doing everything.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- too many again im on around 10- 12 hours some days could be absent because my RL life, children and stuff.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- why not ive got an amazing imagination i love learning and creating new and interesting things, giving me this with the roles i currently have as Dpt.Director will allow me to make and create new SCP's and fun short and long event all based heavy around SCP lore and LORE in general, i want to learn to help staff when i can and also happy to create amazing, fun and balanced events.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
my imagination and on the spot thinking allows me to get much deeper and wider views on SCP's often asking and designing SCP, im extremely upto date with all things SCP and know how to semi intimate voices for stuff, i did acting in my early years and enjoyed doing that on my later years. the reason really i loved Gmod so much, and again im Head of Research Department i love keeping everyone upto date with fun SCP's.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
"The Patchwork Teddy killer" - Using the Patchwork Teddy Bear Making him a Serial Killer his been possessed by SCP-035 influencing him to kill as many people as possible before hes figured out - Bear Turns Serial Killer.... A dark force has took over are beloved Patch Work Bear and he must Eliminate a head of command and kill them 1 by 1, who can figure out the murders and Someone Must Solve this Mystery!! - using staff admins and game masters keeping control of both SCP's and guiding them if needed to, using some to be a detective solving the crimes and finding out the killer.
"VOIDAGENTS" - Using agent models all tech ed up and looking futuristic they been tasked with killing The overseer in charge if the mission fails this will lead to Another event where everyone suddenly dies in other event, they must complete this mission and return back to the future - Time Travelling Agents from the future sent back in time to stop a Mystery Bio Virus Outbreak, the year 2235 humans are long been on the decline the foundation though of T-Virus humans have designed a temporal-displacement unit (time-machine) and are sent back to a day before a huge virus is created this is the time to strike the leading creator and put a stop to this before we end it all O.O - using to Game Masters fully armored up and ID cards to match, see if they can figure out hats happening before the overseer is assassinated.
"Party in a box" - Using civilian models and party models to be able to spawn and despawn everything in the room after 10 mins, full scale party in a box raves and everything beers pool the lot!!! - SCP-465 hahaha need i say anymore, so much fun in a box xD BUT BEWARE ONCE YOU START THERES NO STOPPING !!!
- using many Admins and Game Masters as beginning party goers, then adding more and more people each time they add more and more d-class.
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
"the House out of time" - Using not a map change but a model which on the outside looks average but inside in non-Euclid nature, having lots of rooms and unusual fetchers inside is a black voided Monster which kills and absorbs all he touches, using MTF and IA Inline with Research Personal investigate the house before it dispersal full from reality - The Cloud Thunders and Lighting Blots, Sending locals into a frenzy, CGITV are quick to notice showing and broadcasting everything live, after sometime wondering on what this could be - BOOOM A HUGE WHITE TEAR APPEARS..... a House appears out of noware and the storm quickly dissipates leaving the house from the void - MTF EMERGENCY BROADCAST ( LOCATION SURFACE UNDERATTCK - UNKNOWN - SEND HELP) after some time a Mystery House Randomly Appears in the Winter Outbacks and the rift collapses, outside it gives of an wary Black Hume almost hes sent to enter, Inside time and space break apart as your thrown into the void once passing the front door becomes your death trap only seeing endless rooms and unreal possibility, will your mind crumble inside the house from the void only time will tell before the rift appears and consumes the house once more!!! - Using GameMaster's keeping a close eyes on the house and map location often attacking and scaring personal, if MTF Members art found house will DeMaterialized and all personal inside will die.
List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: SCP-079 becomes finally fed up with his containment and starts a full scale SCP breach in order to all him to be free, its down to ethics and 0-1 to calm SCP-079 before he causes an XK-Class End of world situation.
A-1: Site Command Find some Rather interesting looking Material while examining it with fellow researchers it suddenly radiates a bright light and then nothing..... or so they think without there knowledge the unfortunate members experience a curse placed on them by ancient technology, it down to them to try to remove it before they all parish...
Nu-7: something is stalking them from the shadows, talking & taking control taking over like a worm in the brain beware if your not to careful you might Let slip the thing we fear most, the thing we dont need, its the THING!!!
E-11: Item #: SCP-498 comes to site, Member off E-11 must Press button Every 11 minutes or Xk-class end of the world might happen, fair explanation
CI: Aliens Come to earth for the first time and crash CI, exhausted and out of options they start to track the whole area, detaining humans as he goes, always looking for metal and fuel, at some point CI will either Attempt to detain or acquire Advanced Weapons in help in Getting the Alien Home and free.
Foundation Staff: A Sudden Virus Starts to spread in the Facility, it turns people Crazy, wanting to eat human Flesh, highly contagious, Medical Staff Must Find a Cure before everyone get took over by the "Crazy's"
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP : Around 5-6 Months Lvl74 Overhall
Age : 29
In what country are you located? : uk
Time zone : uk
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable ) : Dr.ShadyDave
Chao:s name (include your rank) : n/a
Civilian name : ShadyDave
Steam ID : 76561198035138857
Do you have a mic? : Yes always active, always working
What server are you applying for? : SCP-RP GameMaster Application
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications :
- yes, Hope to make an impression
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- yes i ban a long time ago and i never had a warning or anything since i fully enjoyed this server and what it has to offer.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- No however im fast learner on how to use stuff and very eager to learn more about how to set things up, From my ADHD its hard to process information however im great at adapting to situations given to me.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- of course lots of other servers for years now xD, i really enjoy Gmod its a fun game to let your hair down, all being in high ranking roles and all being super imaginative and super into doing everything.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- too many again im on around 10- 12 hours some days could be absent because my RL life, children and stuff.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- why not ive got an amazing imagination i love learning and creating new and interesting things, giving me this with the roles i currently have as Dpt.Director will allow me to make and create new SCP's and fun short and long event all based heavy around SCP lore and LORE in general, i want to learn to help staff when i can and also happy to create amazing, fun and balanced events.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
my imagination and on the spot thinking allows me to get much deeper and wider views on SCP's often asking and designing SCP, im extremely upto date with all things SCP and know how to semi intimate voices for stuff, i did acting in my early years and enjoyed doing that on my later years. the reason really i loved Gmod so much, and again im Head of Research Department i love keeping everyone upto date with fun SCP's.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
"The Patchwork Teddy killer" - Using the Patchwork Teddy Bear Making him a Serial Killer his been possessed by SCP-035 influencing him to kill as many people as possible before hes figured out - Bear Turns Serial Killer.... A dark force has took over are beloved Patch Work Bear and he must Eliminate a head of command and kill them 1 by 1, who can figure out the murders and Someone Must Solve this Mystery!! - using staff admins and game masters keeping control of both SCP's and guiding them if needed to, using some to be a detective solving the crimes and finding out the killer.
"VOIDAGENTS" - Using agent models all tech ed up and looking futuristic they been tasked with killing The overseer in charge if the mission fails this will lead to Another event where everyone suddenly dies in other event, they must complete this mission and return back to the future - Time Travelling Agents from the future sent back in time to stop a Mystery Bio Virus Outbreak, the year 2235 humans are long been on the decline the foundation though of T-Virus humans have designed a temporal-displacement unit (time-machine) and are sent back to a day before a huge virus is created this is the time to strike the leading creator and put a stop to this before we end it all O.O - using to Game Masters fully armored up and ID cards to match, see if they can figure out hats happening before the overseer is assassinated.
"Party in a box" - Using civilian models and party models to be able to spawn and despawn everything in the room after 10 mins, full scale party in a box raves and everything beers pool the lot!!! - SCP-465 hahaha need i say anymore, so much fun in a box xD BUT BEWARE ONCE YOU START THERES NO STOPPING !!!
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
"the House out of time" - Using not a map change but a model which on the outside looks average but inside in non-Euclid nature, having lots of rooms and unusual fetchers inside is a black voided Monster which kills and absorbs all he touches, using MTF and IA Inline with Research Personal investigate the house before it dispersal full from reality - The Cloud Thunders and Lighting Blots, Sending locals into a frenzy, CGITV are quick to notice showing and broadcasting everything live, after sometime wondering on what this could be - BOOOM A HUGE WHITE TEAR APPEARS..... a House appears out of noware and the storm quickly dissipates leaving the house from the void - MTF EMERGENCY BROADCAST ( LOCATION SURFACE UNDERATTCK - UNKNOWN - SEND HELP) after some time a Mystery House Randomly Appears in the Winter Outbacks and the rift collapses, outside it gives of an wary Black Hume almost hes sent to enter, Inside time and space break apart as your thrown into the void once passing the front door becomes your death trap only seeing endless rooms and unreal possibility, will your mind crumble inside the house from the void only time will tell before the rift appears and consumes the house once more!!! - Using GameMaster's keeping a close eyes on the house and map location often attacking and scaring personal, if MTF Members art found house will DeMaterialized and all personal inside will die.
List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: SCP-079 becomes finally fed up with his containment and starts a full scale SCP breach in order to all him to be free, its down to ethics and 0-1 to calm SCP-079 before he causes an XK-Class End of world situation.
A-1: Site Command Find some Rather interesting looking Material while examining it with fellow researchers it suddenly radiates a bright light and then nothing..... or so they think without there knowledge the unfortunate members experience a curse placed on them by ancient technology, it down to them to try to remove it before they all parish...
Nu-7: something is stalking them from the shadows, talking & taking control taking over like a worm in the brain beware if your not to careful you might Let slip the thing we fear most, the thing we dont need, its the THING!!!
E-11: Item #: SCP-498 comes to site, Member off E-11 must Press button Every 11 minutes or Xk-class end of the world might happen, fair explanation
CI: Aliens Come to earth for the first time and crash CI, exhausted and out of options they start to track the whole area, detaining humans as he goes, always looking for metal and fuel, at some point CI will either Attempt to detain or acquire Advanced Weapons in help in Getting the Alien Home and free.
Foundation Staff: A Sudden Virus Starts to spread in the Facility, it turns people Crazy, wanting to eat human Flesh, highly contagious, Medical Staff Must Find a Cure before everyone get took over by the "Crazy's"
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