Dr Valenheims Executive researcher application (2/new)

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Well-known Member
Feb 26, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:191124493
Discord name: Skem#0358
For how long have you played on CG SCP: several Months
Age: 13.5
In what country are you located?: Uk
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Dr Valenheim
Civilian name: Esther
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do have a mic
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I have held a MTF Nu-7 Role and I have held no other roles that are whitelisted
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received 2 bans and a few warnings. The first ban was for unlisted and unknown reasons, the second was for RDM, as warnings do not go away after time, the RDM warnings compiled over time into a ban. As for the warnings, I'm just bad at using weaponry and knowing when is the right time to shoot.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I am applying for executive researcher as I have held the position of Sr researcher for a very long time, and have done many tests, and I feel that with the greater amount of resources available to executive researchers I could only further improve my experiments, as well as being able to better know the foundation and help other members of research.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
What makes me suitable for the position of executive researcher is that I'm very friendly and almost never violate the rules, I am very good at doing well made Rps and frequently participate in events
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have written 2 excellent documents, but upon reviewing previous documents and the grading system* I have realised I have uploaded many documents that, if spell checked and written in greater detail, I could have gotten as excellent. For a document to be rated excellent it must be professional, well written, descriptive, minimum of 4 pages, provide a use for discovered information and have almost no spelling errors.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
In RP executive researchers are expected to be professional and help junior members of the research division learn how to write docs and do tests correctly, approve cross tests and high clearance testing, as well as grading documents and overall being a good role model for other members of the research division.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
I am very interested in biological and technologically intelligent SCPs, 1 potential story I could be involved in might be an interview with a robot from Anderson robotics. Another story might revolve around Dr Valenheims clones, as Dr Valenheim has a cloning facility, this story could be about training clones, a clone committed murder and people need to figure out which one. But overall I'm very creative and all the storylines I could be involved in would be longer than the bible if written up, as I come up with a new potential one daily.

Ryan Runner

Well-known Member
Dec 17, 2021
+/- Support. Leaning towards -support
You seem to have good RP from what I have seen and my interactions with you. Although, I have seen people call you a minge , I'm not sure on the accuracy of this claim but it has come from moderators and trusted members of the CG community and if these are true I don't think it is time for you to become an executive researcher yet.


Well-known Member
Feb 26, 2022
+/- Support. Leaning towards -support
You seem to have good RP from what I have seen and my interactions with you. Although, I have seen people call you a minge , I'm not sure on the accuracy of this claim but it has come from moderators and trusted members of the CG community and if these are true I don't think it is time for you to become an executive researcher yet.
I am going to say this now, I spend allot of my time on CG Rping, and I rarely if ever do things that would be considered 'Minge', which is why I'm always confused as to why people accuse me of minging


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
+a comptentent writer
+a delight in RP
+Very clearly well known in the dept.
+great activity, and has been for a long time

~Big, unconventional ideas, generally good but any that are extreme are never truly impactful or disruptive, so no harm there.
~a bit whimsical (contested between good and bad)
~cannot vouch for him on training the newer research staff

-Occasionally appears in questionable situations, but never severe.

Val, from all my interactions with him, which mostly just were chatting in the DoR office or infront of medbay, has given me the impression of a very creative and dedicated researcher, and i can personally back up his claim that many of his good documents would likely have been clearly excellent if he had only cleaned them up a bit more.

While many of Vals ideas are a bit extreme, i do not entirely think thats a bad thing, and would say that at worst, he is a bit whimsical, but we´ve had great whimsical Executives before.
Also i would never have guessed hes only 13, which is a good measure of maturity.
Valenheim gets a clear support from me
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