Dr valenheims Executive Researcher application

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Well-known Member
Feb 26, 2022
Steam ID ; 76561198342514715

Discord name ; Skem#0358

Play time ; a couple months

age ; 13.45

country ; UK

Time zone ; GMT

Civilian name ; Esther

Server ; SCP - UK

mic ; Yes

Other Roles ; none

Warns/Bans ; 1 ban, unknown as i received it while not online, several warnings for things, these are for surfaces zone trespassing as i was unaware of the rules at the time and rdms that tends to be accidental

Why are you applying? ; i am applying for executive researcher as i tend to be on at odd times and during these times if i were an exec i could assist with more research and grade papers [which would allow me to improve my own papers via studying others] along with activating teslas when no other lvl 4s are onsite.

what makes you suitable? ; i like to assist with research and im very friendly [most of the time], and i am aware of almost all the rules of research.

how many excellent documents? ; so far, i have had none, i hope to change this as with the resources of lvl 4 i could make much more interesting experiments

Responsibilities ; the responsibilities of execs are to help lower lvl researches and make sure the research division is as great as it can be

Lore? ; born in 1873, Dr Valarian Valenheim was an average man of science, in 1901 he received a immortality pill, one potential story line would be the identity of who made the pill, a man by the name of professor WT. another potential story line would be Dr Valenheims attempts at creating copies of his immortality to give to others.
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I haven't not interacted with you at all so therefore it would be unfair for me to -support you.

Having said that, an executive researcher has to grade documents, set a high standard and be an example- therefore having a number of Excellent Documents on your file is vital, if you cannot meet that standard yourself, is it appropriate that you be in a position to hold others to that standard? I'm not so sure.

Furthermore, your application, specifically the lore section is very brief and I would expect it to be much more indepth for the position that you're in.

Deleted member 1285

+ Support
+ You are a good guy valenheim, you are enthusiastic about being a researcher and can easily adapt to situations.
+ It's great to see you applying for exec researcher as you have spent a long time in the Sr. Researcher role
- Warnings and a ban, but I understand that mistakes can happen.
= Maybe a little more detail on the application?

+ Good luck!


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022

- Support

- Trolls and disrupts lectures
- Have had to deal with him multiple times as IA and security captain
- Lacking application
- Does not take his roles seriously
Application Denied

Hi Valenheim,

Thanks for taking the time to make an executive researcher application.

We have decided to deny your application as the effort put into your application is sub-par. Even after editing your post, the application is still lacking the detail and enthusiasm we would expect from someone applying for the role. This is not reflective of the level of enthusiasm you have shown on-site.

I will add that if you are "on at odd times" I would recommend that you jump over to the US Server to offer your experience as a researcher. They would benefit from it far more heavily than the UK Server would from having an Executive Researcher on at the quiet hours. It may also help you get support for a future application if you choose to reapply.

You may re-apply in 1 week.​
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