Dr Valenheims GM application

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Well-known Member
Feb 26, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):SkemGaming
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Over half a year
Age: 14.5 [Quarantine messed up my perception of time]
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Dr V. valeheim
Chaos name (include your rank): None, None
Civilian name:Esther
Steam ID:
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-Rp UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
No, i have made one before, and in the interluding time i have done much research into what A-1 and o-1 do : Dr Valenheims Game Master Application | Civil Gamers Community
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
In the past I have received a few warns, all fair and I have learned from them and have not received a warn or even IC arrest in over a month
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
I do not have any experience as either staff or event team on CG, However, for a long time I've done Rp games with friends and am skilled at making RP situations for science papers and such
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Civil Gamers SCP server is the first serious Rp I've done and it has been great
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
At least a few every day, sometimes not on for a few days due to real life stuff but generally I'm pretty consistent otherwise
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
I have been a member of the CG community for a long time and wish to make the experience of playing on CG more entertaining and interesting for all parts of it
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1. A Ambassador from the brass embassy comes to site 65 and trades rare commodities, Items and other stuff in exchange for human souls, it doesn't matter whose they are… he’ll stay onsite for about half an hour before vanishing, taking all the souls he's owed with him
2. A Device is constructed in HCZ that allows users to alter their size, this machine has a limited lifespan due to using SCP 95-Fr to create it, so for about half an hour lvl 3+ site staff can change their size at the machine.
3. A murder has occurred! Executive Researcher Dr [REDACTED] has been stabbed in his office! IA and Intelligence must work together, interrogating suspects, investigating clues and finding evidence to try and figure out who killed Dr [REDACTED]
Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
SCP 610 outbreak : ‘A strange fleshy mass is growing in HCZ, any non-Biohazard staff that touch it get infected[turned into 049-2s] by it and spread it. E-11 and ScD have to work together to try and find a solution to this awful anomaly, all the while its spreading throughout HCZ…

List an example mission for each of the following:
The Ethics committee have called upon O-1 to deal with some unethical staff, then, while their gone CI arrive and hold the Ethics Committee hostage, so O-1 have to infiltrate their own base to save the Ethics Committee.
Its bring your kid to work day at the foundation! As part of a new recruitment drive staff are encouraged to bring their kids to the facility to learn and be inspired to join, 05-[REDACTED] ‘[REDACTED]’ decides to bring his kid to work as well, so A-1 have to follow around his energetic son and keep him out of danger, all while CI learn of this new POI.
A cult has sprung up in pinewood. On the surface they seem Christian, however, instead of Satan, they have the scarlet king, sacrificing and performing rituals to keep him at bay, The 05 council will have to decide what to do while Nu-7 protect the cult from intervening CI intent on taking anything this cult has for their own.
SCP 3199 instances have been spotted in the forest surrounding pinewood, E-11 and Nu-7 must first capture this instance, and then put it in HCZ non-Specialised. Following this researchers may test on it, but it will occasionally escape, causing major damage and casualties, so many MTF E-11 will be needed for containment.
‘Azar za so maki po suripla’ Someone leaked information to CI about a ritual they can perform to summon demons. CI can use this to summon demons that will obey their command, highly destructive and strong, CI need only fear the master from whom they steal the minions. Basically if they summon too many Demons the big boss will show up and attack CI for taking his minions.
Foundation Staff:
‘CELEBRATIONS!’ It's Christmas at site 65 and all the foundation staff are invited to join! But once they arrive at the party room they soon realise something's wrong… where's the directors? The directors of each division go missing during a Christmas party and each division has to solve a series of division specific questions and trials in order to get their director back, if you fail the trials 3 times… you'll never see your director again!


Civil Gamers Expert
May 25, 2021
-You've missed an entire question and your map change isn't even a map change event, undetailed app in certain parts

-Haven't had alot of good experiences with you in general

+Some of your event ideas sound interesting, and seems to have some scp knowledge

Sven Sky

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Feb 8, 2022
- You forgot to state your SteamID and you forgot an entire Question
- The Map change Event you wrote isn't really a Map Change event its really undetailed and doesnt really got a story. It doesnt change the Map since for that event the normal Site 65 can be used.
- The App itself overall is pretty undetailed at some points
+ You got some good small Events showing you know a bit of the SCP Lore


Active member
Mar 14, 2022
-Minor Support
-Forgot to Respond to a question
-No SteamID
-Application could use some more improvements

+Some Pretty good Ideas (I'm jealous)

I hope you learn a few new things in the Feedback
so you can be better in another application.

Good Luck!


Well-known Member
Feb 26, 2022
Thanks for all the feedback so far! even if this app doesnt get accepted this feedback will be really usefull for writing and editing my next one!


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 27, 2020
Application Denied

Hi @Skem ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a Game Master application.

I Have chosen to deny this application due to the fact that you have not met the age requirement to be a Game Master and have not spoken to any server leadership about this.

You may re-apply when you meet the age requirement OR you talk to Server Leadership after 2 weeks about applying.​
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