- Jan 3, 2023
- 179
- 31
- 111
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:159175728
Discord name: thog#3431
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4 months, 310h on record
Age: 14, almost 15. I do consider myself mature for my age
In what country are you located?: Finland
Time zone: UTC+2
Character name(s): "Draco"
Civilian name: Ale Peter
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Internal Affairs Ambassador (Holding)
-MTF O-1 CPL (Holding)
-SCP-096 (Holding)
-MTF Nu-7 CSG [LDR] (Held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 warning for breaking FearRP, was kidnapped by CI and broke out when told not to under gunpoint. And 1 warning for backspawning.
Discord name: thog#3431
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4 months, 310h on record
Age: 14, almost 15. I do consider myself mature for my age
In what country are you located?: Finland
Time zone: UTC+2
Character name(s): "Draco"
Civilian name: Ale Peter
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Internal Affairs Ambassador (Holding)
-MTF O-1 CPL (Holding)
-SCP-096 (Holding)
-MTF Nu-7 CSG [LDR] (Held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 warning for breaking FearRP, was kidnapped by CI and broke out when told not to under gunpoint. And 1 warning for backspawning.
Familiarity with the job
-I have spent alot of time interacting with other EC Assistants and have racked up the knowledge of the job alot. I am also in Omega-1 which means my familiarity with Ethics overall is also very strong. I am very familiar with the job and would be a quick learner. I also know the newly established Foundation Legal Codex like the back of my hand.
Previous Experience
-I am currently holding the position of IA Ambassador and have dedicated alot of time into it. I would think that the duties of ECA and IA Ambassador have alot of similiarities. Which means that due to my previous experience with the duties, i would be fit for the job. I also have experience with CL4 positions which means that i will be more familiar with the job to start with.
Overall skills
-My overall skills are very good due to me spending alot of time enforcing the old CoE,CoC and LC and the new FLC. My documentation skills are also very good due to me working in the RAISA-Sub office in Nu-7, and the documentation work i have done in Internal Affairs. During my time as an Agent and an Ambassador i have done many documents and investigations. My leadership skills are also good due to me being in the LDR path in Nu-7 and reached the highest rank in that path.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
-Responsibilities of an Ethics committee assistant is as follows:
-Enfore the FLC to all personnel.
-Following and carrying out orders from the Ethics committee.
-Guide and supervise Mobile task force Omega-1 when no one else is available.
-To do tasks for the Ethics Committee.
-Making sure all operations on-site are ethical and everyone is getting fair treatment.
-Collaborate with the site administration.
-Supervising departments when ordered to by the Committee.
-Answer questions from site-personnel.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
*Following text should only be read by CL4 personnel*
*Following text should only be read by CL4 personnel*
*Agent "Draco"*
Age: 32Country: UK
Clearance level: 3
<May 16, 2016>
Agent "Draco" first started in the foundation at May 16th, 2016. Before that he worked inside the FBI. He had also worked as a Detective in his local police department, but only for a couple years. "Draco" underwent military training when he was 17 and spent 2 years in the military and reached the rank of Lance Corporal in the military force.
<November 6th, 2018>
"Draco" joined the Internal Affairs at November 6th, 2018. Before that he was a Gensec officer. "Draco" had many trial assignments during his first weeks with the job of an Agent. He passed them flawlessly. He continued to work as an Agent and contributed massively to the department.Before he joined the Internal Affairs, he worked inside the general security department for a little over two years. "Draco" was a respected member of the department, mostly due to his great military training and great social skills.
<January 19th, 2020>
Agent "Draco" has just recently been reassigned to the rank of an Ambassador and has done excellent in the department of Internal Affairs, altough his work is excellent. "Draco" has started to feel as if something is missing from his life. Month later "Draco" resigned from the department and begun his journey in the Mobile task force Nu-7. In Nu-7 "Draco" took part in an incident that would change his life.
Audio log from -<May 13th, 2020> 2 Days after the incident
MTF Nu-7 SGT "Draco" partaked in a raid against the enemy of the foundation, the insurgents that call themselves "Chaos Insurgency". During this raid he was well prepared to die in battle as his friends would aswell. When they first breached the Field base of the Insurgency bullet hell rose. Explosions, bullets and death everywhere. "It was like a war" - Former Nu-7 CPL <REDACTED> described it. While his friends kept dying and dying he pushed forwards, until... ***INAUDIBLE**
Audio log from - <May 27th, 2020> 16 days after the incident
"How are you feeling Sergeant?" - "The committee"
"Where the fuck am i? Did i get kidnapped" - "Draco"
"No, no, most certainly not. I am here to congratulate you for recovering from your injuries." - The committee
"Well congratulations accepted, now care to tell me where i am?" - "Draco"
"Your current location doesn't matter, what matters is your future." - The committee
"What is this about?" - "Draco"
"We have noticed your great work and courage within Mobile task force Nu-7" - The committee
"We would like to give you an invitation to expand your duties in the foundation" - The committee
"What kind of invite? Invite to what?" - "Draco"
"Invitation to the Mobile Task Force Omega-1" - The committee
"You would act as the left hand to the committee and finally serve the foundation with your life. What do you say?" - The committee
"I will accept the invitation, gladly." - "Draco"
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