Drew "Lucky" 2nd OSA Application [UK]

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Oct 31, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:569993781
Discord name: drewtheone
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have Played For A Bit Over Two Years Now
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Algeria
Time zone: (UTC+1)
Character name(s): Drew "Lucky" Alexanderson
Civilian name: Billy Kane
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes I do Have a mic even tho i rarely use it
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Three Times Part Of MTF A-1 All Enlisted
- Once MTF O-1 Left on PVT to focus on GSD CPT
- Twice MTF Nu-7 Both times got to NCO
- Once MTF E11 Left at SPC due to IRL issues
- Once MTF B-1 SGT left to rejoin A-1
- I am Currently a GSD CPT
- Sr. Agent in DEA
- Agent in ISD
- Nothing CI/ GOC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
All are expired old and all of them were by accident no exeptions
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

- To Start I am Extremely Active even when on ROA, Also I am Experienced with all Sorts of RP, Situations and F3, I can create and know how to RP Correctly and have been always trying to improve on that department no matter where i stand, i am Serious when needed and Know how to keep everything in check and in order, I am A nice and Friendly person and have experience both being and dealing with CL4+ members of foundation, and lastly I am a Very Responsable person and Take Orders and Requests very seriously and to heart and doing my best to finish them as quickly AND neatly as possible.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
-An Overseer Assistant is basically The Fine Line Between The Lower Ranked Foundation Personnel and The Council, They do whatever is tasked from them by the Council From being messengers For Them To Conducting and Leading Operations Trusted into them all The While Keeping a Close Eye on Most Departments and Reporting everything back to the council, Also they act as people who can report back problems to the Council From Lower Clearance Level Staff bringing us back to the The Line Between Council and Staff, Also They Go around the Site inspectingEverything and making sure noting goes under the nose of the Council and making sure there are no info leaks and suspicious activity's Around site, Also with that they have the basic duty's of a Jr CL4 member if nothing needs to be done and there are no direct orders ( kinda rare to happen)
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"Please... Don't Make This Anymore Harder Than It's Already Is"

- Drew, Drew Is A Man Of That Believes in Two Things Above All Else And Uses Both His Beliefs On A Day To Day Basis, Now You Might Ask" But What Are The Two Things He Believes In?". And The Answer Is A Bit Complicated But In Short, He Believes in Hard Work, And His Luck.Now For The Explanation Of Both His Beliefs And a Bit Of His Back Story That Has Been Uncovered Via Some Files Found After A Months Of Digging.

- First Things First, Hard Work, Drew Believes That Nothing Comes Without Hard Work For Him Everything Must Be Earned Through Blood Sweat And Tears, He Has Great Deal Of Determinations And Focus And He Never Gives Up Even When The Situation Is Impossible, A Man That Goes All The Way Through With Whatever He Was Ordered No Matter What It Cost's That Is The First Thing Drew Believe's in.

-Then, There Is His Luck, There is A Reason Drew is Nick Named "Lucky",Many Times He Has Found Himself In Near Impossible Situations And Many Times He Got Away Either Scot Free Or With His Life And Depending On The Situations Both Facts Are In A Way Very Impressive For Example, Once During A C5 during his Duty's He Managed To Enter And Escape SCP 106's Dimension a Grand Total Of 6 Times Back To Back,Also Once During a C1 Multiple Members Of GOI Chaos Insurgency Raided The Foundation And Made Their Way To Dblock For A Stand, The Catch ? First of All Their Numbers Were Dwindling Due To Them Being Fought Off by MTF Operatives and DEA Agents To The Way There, That Didn't mean They Weren't Dangerous Tho, Reports Show It Was a Juggernaut, A Gamma, An Alpha, And A C-COM With A Kbar-32 Probably Picked Up From Surface, Drew Was In The Dblock Back Room Handling another Problem When this Attack Happened And So When The Intruders Got To The Top Floor He Went Out of the Back Room Downed The Juggernaut Then the Gama , He Then Managed To Avoid Most Shots Fired At Him While He Was Reloading Only To Then Kill Both The C-COM and The Remaining Beta Clearing out Dblock And The C1. IT goes Without Saying That This Is Both A Display Of Not Only Combative Skills But Also His Luck, These Two Examples Amongst Many Other Situations Like These Led To His Given Nick Name.

-And Finally For His Back Story, Now again All These Info's Were Digged Out Due To Months Of Searching And They Might Not Be Accurate.
Drew's First Identity Was :
- Last Name: Shida
- First Name: Dean
His Country Of Origin is ████.
Now For Some Odd Reason The Entire Family's Original Documents Were Either Lost Or Purposefully Removed From their States Records However It Does Show That He Had a Sibling, A Male, Nothing Else Could Be Distinguished Or Found From This Identity However We Do Know When He Moved To Switzerland For As He Said When He Got Into The Country " A Chance At a Better Life" That is When Drew Alexanderson Was "Born", He Had a Major in Financing And Worked As an Indipendente accountant, Only To Leave The Country 4 Years Later For Reasons Only He knows. But This Is How He Landed Himself In Canada And Also Enlisted
Military And It's Also From There That We Got Him To Join The Foundation, Now Side Little Fact We Got After Going Through Some Of The Military Document He Himself Confirmed That He Did Have A Brother That Left For The Military When He was 8 And Recalled The Last Words His Brother Said "Please... Don't Make This Anymore Harder Than It's Already Is. That's What He Said To Me It Was Also The Last Time i Heard Of Him... He Was 18 " Nothing Else About His Family Was Records other than The Grave of His Father In ████████ , Mexico, The Grave Had The Last Name But Records of the persons life in mexico Showed they were born in there and not a trace of being married let alone not having visited their original country at all, perhaps just someone who shared the name.

One More Thing Notable About "Lucky" is How he does his duty's, He seems to be good at both the Writing And The Action bits that His Current Position in The Foundation Requires him to do, Basically there have been many operations that went Great while he was in "charge" of them for example:
Site Advisor ████ ███████ Went into Dblock Requesting that GSD protect a Tech expert while he was rewiring the lines Of The Dblock Phone Booths From Ethics offices to ISD offices, Doing as he was told he gathered a group of GSD Officers, guards and cadets and entered Dblock with the tech expert, At First there were some difficulties Due To The Class D's Somehow having a storage of Grenades, tho surprisingly none of them hit the tech expert tho a cadet was lost after sacrificing himself by picking up and throwing the grenade away, He sent an officer and a Guard to Keep the class D's from entering Showers and had everyone else with him in the formation keep a close eye on the class D's and forming a human shield around the tech expert for him to finish safely, after 30 minutes everything was done and good and an exfil order was given by him for everyone to go back into inner dblock bringing the total number of foundation casualties To 1 and 5 on the class D side all under the eyes of the Site advisor who commended the Captain and his GSD on their work.
This was One Side of their duties while on the other side, He Did multiple written interviews With many members of Dblock staff class D included and did some investigation work on the case of The D-7694 that involved a lot of malpractice from GSD members < REFER TO GSD OPERATIONS AND REPORTS LOG FOR FURTHER INFORMATIONS>

For Now This Was What We Gathered From His Past and His Current Role in the foundation, Investigations Will Continue, Any Further Informations Will be Directly Reported Back To You.

Jul 30, 2023

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello @Drew,

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.
  • Love
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