Drew "Lucky" GSD Captain Application [UK]

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Oct 31, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:569993781
Discord name: drewtheone
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 Years now and for this run ive been playing every day for around two months
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Algeria
Time zone: (UTC+1)
Character name(s): Drew "Lucky" Alexanderson
Civilian name: Billy Kane
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Twice MTF Nu7 once SGT [LDR] and i was at CPL.

I Am as of now an O-1 PVT

Once MTF E-11 got to SPC but had to resign

Once MTF B-1 Got to SGT but resigned to join another MTF

Three Times MTF A-1 first time i got LCPL but i resigned to focus on Staff, Second Time i got to SPC but resigned due to time and last time i resigned as PVT because we got robbed and lost most of my set up.

I am also a GSD SGT and have been for the better part of two weeks now.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I am Applying for Captain because i wish to advance in my Foundation career first of all and second because i feel that i could really Help the GSD department Grow and Get even more respect than it already has and hopefully will ease the tensions in site by insuring that every GSD member is doing their job and that Class D's don't start escaping and wandering around by always making sure there is someone in Dblock to keep it safe.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- Well first off is my experience i have been in many MTF's and have played a Lot of Gensec in general too and i feel that i am suitable to be a CPT especially since i am currently a SGT too and am Doing my best in that position too to insure that everything runs as smoothly as possible while i am on the job and i have good relations within The Foundation too.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- A Security Captain is the one responsible of the day to day running of Dblock they are the ones That handle riots and make sure that every GSD member present on site is doing their job such as handling of C2's via sweeping, Escorting researchers for tests sure there are no intruders and no harm in Dblock and also mentoring the members of the Department if they need help or are lost, Also Security Captains are the one that handle the tryouts for licenses such as Heavy Weapons and RRT and are also the ones that take care of doing GSD SGT tryouts to ease off the duty of the chief of security on another note they are mainly the ones that give work permits to Class D's who are Low risk of escaping and ensure that they are escorted and watched at all times Also it goes without saying they write reports about any C2's and What happened in Dblock that needs to be reported.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- The Day Was 8/11/████ , Everything is going smoothly on site, Little MTF presence but that is understandable there hasn't been any problems for a few hours at this point most of them probably got sent to another place perhaps an SCP was detected on the surface of Pinewood yes probably.
- At that time there were very little people in Dblock almost No Researchers and only a SGT and a Guard. The SGT was Drew Alexanderson nick named "Lucky" since it had been observed that he was indeed extremely lucky in many situations he had been and also because he brings luck to any person that interacts with him for some time, "Lucky" is 34,was born somewhere in europe, speaks many languages, is Positive and always likes to encourage people... he has a shiny personality.
- On That Day,at that hour a known GOI enemy to the foundation decided to sacrifice one of it's members in order to breach a Highly secretive and Dangerous SCP that spreads like wild fire it was SCP #████ To give a basic summary of what it does it creates zombies, those zombies will then go and infect other people creating zombies too, Other than that there was an instance of 939 that was breached by the same GOI but by another operative they too met his end at the hands of What they had Set Free.
- The SCP's reached the LCZ without much problem and started wrecking the whole site the little MTF forces on site tried to help but they were too many, A code Black was initiated, Drew Knew that he could not leave Dblock it's his place his house however if he wanted to do anything to help with the situation of the site he knew he'd have to reach Security Sector for better weaponry while waiting for ERT and the other MTF units to deal with the problem, So after Locking down class D cells and shower he started to run towards the Security sector, Knowing that the blast doors to the PW access from MTF loop side would be closed by one of the few CL4 member in there he started making his way to the main exit eliminating two instances of SCP ███-2 first one who was barely responding and the second one was actively trying to infect him, he managed to reach the second blast doors that only opened from the inside thankfully at that same moment an ISD agent who was standing by let him into the PW he then made his way to the Security Sector where he grabbed some grenades and Heavy weaponry there he met GSD CPT budy who at that exact moment was leaving CPT offices after a quick chat they started making their way back into Dblock when it was noted that 008 had actually entered PW so with a little help from MTF [Deleted By Order From The Ethics Committee] they started clearing PW and after a few minutes ERT arrived and started cleaning up house in no more than an hour everything was clear and cleaned, SGT Drew was thanked by CPT budy for his good work and Was Tasked With assigning The remaining members of GSD that came back from their escorts or hiding their New Orders.
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- Great RP
- Professional
- Always working hard
- Friendly
- Great leadership
During my time in the server I have met Drew two years ago and I can say that Drew is the best guy when it comes to roleplay and when you need him he is always there for you, Drew I wish you the best of luck bro.

MTF Alpha-1 LTCOM Meliodas 'Wrath'
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