Drew "Lucky" 's Spec Agent App [UK]

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Oct 31, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:569993781
Discord name: drewtheone
For how long have you played on CG SCP: A bit over two years
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Alegeria
Time zone: (UTC+1)
Character name(s): Drew "Lucky" Alexanderson
Civilian name: Billy Kane
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes i have a microphone
What are your total levels?:
Total level is 166
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Three Times MTF A-1 All Enlisted (Held)
- One Time MTF O-1 PVT (held)
- Twice MTF Nu-7 both times NCO (Held)
- One TIme MTF E-11 SPC (Held)
- One Time MTF B-1 SGT (Held)
- OSA (Holding)
- DEA Senior Agent (Holding)
- ISD Agent (Holding)
- Both Whitelisted SCP's (
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- (Hasnt changed since last time)
How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
- Two Weeks
Why are you applying for Special Agent?
- I am Applying For Special Agent because i feel ready to move up in the DEA and expand my expertise both as a DEA Agent and a CL4 member, Also i hate Ci.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
- I believe that i am suitable For the role of Special Agent because of Many factors, Mainly Because i am extremely Active both in DEA and on the server in general, I have got experience in both Surface Combat and in Raid Clearing, i am Serious When it's needed and am friendly and nice, also i hate CI with a burning passion and that is not a joke i legit can't stand them, i am also very good at RP and know how to take orders and how to lead whenever the situations calls for it, all in all a rounded up Guy, oh also i know how to do infils and do spying duty's.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- For Dea none, for my other roles i have done a lot of documentation , and What makes a Document Good is i would say the way it was written, you know good orthographe a good way of writing by adding images when and where it's needed and making Sure there is enough space between lines so it can be read without much pain, overall a good Document is a document you enjoy reading.
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
- I say the duties of a Spec agent is the Lead of Surface operations for Dea and the one that will assume leaderhip of most short outer field operations, They also are the ones that will be mostly Doing Hostage negotiations and exchanges with other Goi's, they Log and write documents about anything special that happens during that day, they also help in planing raids and forwarding ideas to managers+, also they act as representatives For the department when a manager+ aren't on site, Also they deal with surface infobreach's.
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- * A door open, in the room Screens,Computers, printers and drawers on every Desk and wall, The Site 65 RAISA Offices, an ISS member walks up to Assistant Supervisory Officer of Informational Security, with a Document dropping it on the table, the ASO ask's:

- "What is this"

- " Well you know that guy we keep gathering info on and investigating his past, well we found some surface Operations documents where he was mentioned Sir." answered the investigator.
- " Well that's a good surprise, let's have a look"
As the Assistant Supervisory officer opens the file and starts reading:
The First paper details a raid that Nu-7 and Dea Launched on CI in the morning of 08/09/████ , The raid was to gather Key cards and to kidnap CI CO's, the way it went it DEA and Nu7 made their way to the entrance of CI's bunker, quickly Door Faulted the massive doors and got a stolen BTR from a failed CI raid into the entrance of the Bunker, after faulting the second door everyone started blasting from the BTR to the ground Units, Special Agent Vetkoek describes it as " If Hell was pouring on Those bastards" after a good minute of spraying, DEA and Nu7 Operatives started moving in, where they met resistance from a CI Juggernaut and a few Operatives that were inside one of the room, the battle led to death and injury on both sides, two grenade was thrown towards the general area of The Raiding Operatives one was picked up and thrown back at the senders by Senior Agent Drew while the other blew knocking out Senior Agent Harlow and Drew and Nu7 NCO while killing the third Senior Agent and two Nu7 Operatives, the People that were knocked down were quickly moved away by special agent Vetkoek as well as an Nu7 Medic, Drew Said afterwards " They Got fucking lucky i didn't Have time to throw the second one back at them, we could have done much more damage if we weren't met by a Jugg i swear" right after a Nu7 CO turned off the Bunkers lights which led to a massacre, The total is 8 deaths and 5 injured on Foundation side ( started with 15) and around 16 deaths and at least 5 injured on CI side.
-" hmm interesting Document but it doesn't really tell us much about his past"
- "Yes but it is an Operation he took part and it shows that he can handle himself like he lasted most of the raid and even did a good offense when he returned the grenade to sender"
- " Yeah, not that impressive to me."
- "Alright then read the second paper sir."
- Second paper Has a title: "Surface Operations Espionage"
- Reports From Operatives and Agents Saved us from a big Strike against us, We Special agent Harlow On Drone and Senior agent
"Lucky" On the field, desguised as an MC&D Went to Para hill Keeping an eye on the CI bases Entrance, after a few minutes a CI operative Left, after following him for a bit "Lucky" managed to grab him, bag him and take him back to surface interrogation room, After some time the CI- Gamma Spat out that they captured a Class D Type Blue that would be helping them Raid alongside all their Unit's which include their own Type blue as well as a juggernaut, all of strike team and around 10 operatives, simple to say if the Foundation didn't prepare for the attack that happened a few hours later we would have lost a huge part of our personnel and the CI would have probably completed their objective from the strike which was stealing the instances of 939 and as much 500 pills as they could.
" Now this is a bit more interesting, so he can in creep in bag and interrogate, good skills to have as a DEA and he Got lucky enough to bag someone who knew, well thank you for the findings officer we will make some copies and add them to the folder."



WELCOME : █████████


MESSAGE ORIGIN: DEArecruitment@██████.██

The following message has been composed via the consensus of DEA Leadership.​

Hello @Drew , Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good Luck,
Department Manager Marcus "Falcon" Schmidt

Secure. Contain. Protect

CONFIDENTIAL: This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

  • Cool
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