Dukeston_J's Moderator Application.

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Well-known Member
Mar 12, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Supercoolmagic
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 20 1/2 Hours
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT / BST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Research Deparment Duke
Chaos name (include your rank): Not Applicable
Civilian name: Not Applicable
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:117793813
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
First Application Made
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have not
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
Yes, I have a fair few experiences, I have been playing gmod for many years now, and have around 2100 hours on gmod, while this is rookie numbers for some, it demonstrates that I have experience in the general functionalities of Gmod. I was affiliated with an old community back in 2017 to 2018, this community was CityRp, it was Dark RP based and I was the head administrator, this community had concuring players of around 32, and I was incharge of the general management of all the staff members affiliated to CityRp, the documentation and human resources side and the general staffing in game. Secondly, I have spent a large amount of time within the SWRP communities, where I have been a staff member on dozens of servers, this holding the responsibilities of ensuring that individuals are maintaining obeyance to the server rules, which also corresponds to DarkRp, generally the same rules are followed over with the same meanings to them and how it can negatively impact individuals gameplay if it isn't effectively controlled and resolved.

Out of Gmod itself, I was in a FiveM community which was known as PCRP, this community was Lambda menu based and as its parameters allowed client side scripts, we had a fair few individuals which used to abuse this fact and use mod menu's to disrupt people's game play and attempt to crash the server. From this community, which went on for years and years until server based menu's died, put myself in the position to be able to stay vigilant and proactive throughout my time while on duty as a staff member, being able to accurately and efficiently pinpoint individuals which are suspicous or are proactively attempting to break the rules and infringe on others gamplay on the server. This puts myself in a good position which could potientially benefit Civil Gamers SCP-RP as I am able to stay proactive and observant throughout my duties while being affiliated to the staff member position.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
I have alot of experience within serious roleplay servers, these being on Gmod, FiveM and RedM, in which I have a collective of around 3600 hours on. This puts myself in the position to understand the type of genre and standard which is affiliated to the serious Roleplay tag, and I am able to have a good understanding of the standard which must be upheld to ensure that the general immersion of an individual is kept to a high standard and I have the ability to adapt and respond to situations fast and effectively depending on the route which the roleplay situation is heading.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
1 - 3 +

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
I personally would like to become a moderator for Civil Gamers British based SCP server because I believe that I am in the position to benefit the staff team, and the server as a whole. This is because I can utilise my thousands of hours dedicated to RP servers to use, whether this is sharing knowledge and experience to other staff members so they can enhance how they might approach an admin situation differently, or whether this is myself learning something new. I would like to become a moderator for this server as I would want to ensure that this server has an extra hand to the staffing side, with myself being a viable asset to the staff team through the experiences and knowledge which I can bring to the staff team, and for what the staff team can bring to myself in vice versa, this being with different experiences and knowledge.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I personally don't believe that its about being special over other applicants, its just that I have been put in the position to gain new skills and knowledge, which I have held on to for years, compared to another applicantee who might be new to roleplaying and general communities, I am in the position to effectively respond diligently and with precision throughout the whole admin situation. With myself as a staff member on the server, I am able to use skills which I have learnt in person, whether this is from the position I am currently in career wise, or what I have learnt throughout the years in a human resources perspective, I am able to ensure and demonstrate that the staffing team are to a standard which is expected by other players, and that there isn't a set of bias, which I have seen in other servers. My face is fairly new within the community, I know individuals from this community from others which I have been in, however generally I am able to uphold a non bias approach as I have still got hundreds of people to meet. This non bias approach will be able to help the server out, as it will demonstrate to others that this whole communitity isn't a favouritism aspect, which I have seen from other communities and overall it ends up killing the community because the friends of staff members were able to minge and break the rules freely while others were getting punished for the smallest of mistakes.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022



  • Great application, tons of depth.
  • Active IG.


  • Unsure on TS activity.
  • Unsure on rule knowledge.


  • Playtime.
Good Luck.

[ G O L D I E ]

Active member
Feb 9, 2022
Hi Dukeston, I'm giving you a Neutral. Here's my reasoning behind it:

+ - No warns or bans to your name.

+ - Very detailed application, could benefit from being formatted a little better.

+ - Lots of staffing experience.

+ / - - Very new to the server.

+ / - - No notable RP/community experience.

- - Has only just hit reqs to apply.

- - Less than a day of playtime.

- - Sceptical of rule knowledge considering has never played civilian or CI.

I think you'd be a great fit for staff, however, I genuinely believe that this should be further down the line when you have been on the server for a little longer and have community experience firsthand.

Good luck!


Donn Wilson

Feb 13, 2022
Only hit requirements for staff
Unsure on rp standard
Unsure of activity
Haven’t seen in game or ts
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