- Jun 20, 2022
- 527
- 138
- 91
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
solutions (may decide):
[1 - full removal] remove the 'electrical failure: keycard scanners' feature out-right (sadly unlikely)
[2 - duration] keycard scanners come back on after a set duration if not fixed in a very prolonged amount of time
[3 - restriction] restrict the event to site-wide breaches only (3 SCPs)
[4 - more electrical boxes] reducing scp camping & easier accessibility
[5 - technical jobs can temporary fix scanners] - allow technical jobs to temporarily fix specific keycard scanners that are high-use
[6 - ERT electrical boxes] whitelist ERT's permission to repair electrical boxes (currently, they can't repair boxes)
[6.5 - ERT EOC doors] whitelist ERT's permission to open EOC's bio-keycards (currently, they can't open EOC)
[reduce swiping] reduce swipe attempts to 3 instead of infinite - this has sadly been denied in the thread linked below
[puzzle / minigame] increased player interaction instead of spamming swipe - also denied
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
- the last suggestion i believe has been 'partially accepted' and the content team have been doing 'monitoring':
it has been a month for monitoring and still the actual gameplay loop and enjoyableness has still been slightly lackluster
(despite making the electrical boxes access slightly 'easier to access' - {although moved closer, it is locked behind a CL4 blastdoor})
- i've also suggested a few more unique & different options stated above that differs from the thread linked that could serve as different alternatives
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ make the site bearable to play (during this specific event)
+ makes the site more fun
+ less infuriating feature
+ less roleplay delays
+ less AFKs
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
i'm genuinely not sure
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
- serves little purpose besides annoying everyone & delaying roleplay
- people simply go afk or leave the server
- this feature is generally very unfun

one eternity later - Clipped with Medal.tv
37 Views. Watch one eternity later and millions of other Garry's Mod videos captured using Medal.

solutions (may decide):
[1 - full removal] remove the 'electrical failure: keycard scanners' feature out-right (sadly unlikely)
[2 - duration] keycard scanners come back on after a set duration if not fixed in a very prolonged amount of time
[3 - restriction] restrict the event to site-wide breaches only (3 SCPs)
[4 - more electrical boxes] reducing scp camping & easier accessibility
[5 - technical jobs can temporary fix scanners] - allow technical jobs to temporarily fix specific keycard scanners that are high-use
[6 - ERT electrical boxes] whitelist ERT's permission to repair electrical boxes (currently, they can't repair boxes)
[6.5 - ERT EOC doors] whitelist ERT's permission to open EOC's bio-keycards (currently, they can't open EOC)
[reduce swiping] reduce swipe attempts to 3 instead of infinite - this has sadly been denied in the thread linked below
[puzzle / minigame] increased player interaction instead of spamming swipe - also denied
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Partially Accepted - Change how Keycard scanners break to make it more interactive/less frustrating
What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Changes the way keypads work when broken to either cap the amount of times they can fail to open or change the system to make it more interactive. A way to do that would be to make it a puzzle like with broken electrical boxes or with hacking. Has...

- the last suggestion i believe has been 'partially accepted' and the content team have been doing 'monitoring':
it has been a month for monitoring and still the actual gameplay loop and enjoyableness has still been slightly lackluster
(despite making the electrical boxes access slightly 'easier to access' - {although moved closer, it is locked behind a CL4 blastdoor})
- i've also suggested a few more unique & different options stated above that differs from the thread linked that could serve as different alternatives
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ make the site bearable to play (during this specific event)
+ makes the site more fun
+ less infuriating feature
+ less roleplay delays
+ less AFKs
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
i'm genuinely not sure
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
- serves little purpose besides annoying everyone & delaying roleplay
- people simply go afk or leave the server
- this feature is generally very unfun
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