Partially Accepted Electrical Failure: Keycard Scanners -- changes

Content that has been partially accepted
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:


solutions (may decide):

[1 - full removal] remove the 'electrical failure: keycard scanners' feature out-right (sadly unlikely)
[2 - duration] keycard scanners come back on after a set duration if not fixed in a very prolonged amount of time
[3 - restriction] restrict the event to site-wide breaches only
(3 SCPs)
[4 - more electrical boxes] reducing scp camping & easier accessibility
[5 - technical jobs can temporary fix scanners] - allow technical jobs to temporarily fix specific keycard scanners that are high-use
[6 - ERT electrical boxes] whitelist ERT's permission to repair electrical boxes
(currently, they can't repair boxes)
[6.5 - ERT EOC doors]
whitelist ERT's permission to open EOC's bio-keycards (currently, they can't open EOC)

[reduce swiping] reduce swipe attempts to 3 instead of infinite - this has sadly been denied in the thread linked below
[puzzle / minigame] increased player interaction instead of spamming swipe - also denied

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

- the last suggestion i believe has been 'partially accepted' and the content team have been doing 'monitoring':
it has been a month for monitoring and still the actual gameplay loop and enjoyableness has still been slightly lackluster
(despite making the electrical boxes access slightly 'easier to access' - {although moved closer, it is locked behind a CL4 blastdoor})

- i've also suggested a few more unique & different options stated above that differs from the thread linked that could serve as different alternatives

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ make the site bearable to play (during this specific event)
+ makes the site more fun
+ less infuriating feature
+ less roleplay delays
+ less AFKs

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
i'm genuinely not sure

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

- serves little purpose besides annoying everyone & delaying roleplay
- people simply go afk or leave the server
- this feature is generally very unfun
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+Support on the overall idea of changing how it works
-Support on half the specific ideas

The idea of access control failing is a decent one, but as it is currently implemented, it is extremely tedious and not very interesting. There's a lot of ways that it can be reworked, with some vague ideas being:
  • Allow some way of temporarily fixing/bypassing an individual keypad, e.g. with technician tool or something else of the like
  • Rework the effects of keycard scanners going down - e.g. change it to "Access Control" instead of "Keycard Scanners" and there's a lot of interesting effects you could do there
    • E.g.
      • Opening/closing doors at random
      • Permanently opening/closing certain doors until fixed
      • Allowing people to open doors that they shouldn't normally be able to open
      • Visual/audio effects on keycard scanners
      • Triggering/not triggering turrets (identification via Access Control - it goes wrong, it thinks you're an SCP and shoots you)
    • There's plenty of interesting ideas of how it could work, and you could even combine them - maybe effects are randomised each time it happens.
  • Put a limit on the number of times a keycard scanner can fail in a row
  • Some kind of skill-based bypass, rather than just spamming the keypad until it works
    • Similar to tool bypass by E&TS
    • E.g. small minigame of some kind to guarantee the check succeeds, or timing-based rather than random success
Feb 29, 2024
It's one thing for lights to be off because that can be countered , there is no easy way to get past keycards when they're broken besides spamming or hacking. It was a pointless fucking feature from the start, why it was added is beyond me anyway , and I like that they made keycards in such way that the broken keycards now faults EVERY OTHER GOI ON SURFACE for some fucking reason, why does it make sense that CI and GOC keycard scanners don't work when foundation fuck up.
Fucking stupid feature
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SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
+support for changing it up slightly so that you're not just wasting your life trying to get through 1 door.
countless times i have spent a solid 3+ minutes at the same keycard scanner and can also put a huge halt on certain roleplays.


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Group Moderator
Dec 20, 2023
Suggestion Partially Approved

Hi @appo ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons.

We have decided to partially implement some stuff. Level 0 keypads will no longer be affected and after 40 minutes broken keycards will autorepair. We decided on this as it was agreed upon by everyone as it uses up less dev time will still improving the system.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as partially accepted.​
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