Elijah's first captain application [UK]

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3523
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Deleted member 3523

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:225975605

Discord name: elijah_kamski

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have played on this server for about a year now, about 963 hours played.

Age: I am currently 16 years old.

In what country are you located?:
I am located in Czech Republic

Time zone: my timezone is GMT +1

Character name(s):
Foundation: Elijah Kamski, GOC: Edward Kamski, CI: Charlie Kamski.

Civilian name: Elliot Kamski

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
I am applying for UK

Do you have a mic?: yes I do have a microphone of solid quality.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

-E-11 SGT [Held]
-E-11 PVT 3x [Held]
-E-11 CPL [Held]
-E-11 LCPL [Held]

-NU-7 PVT [Held]
-NU-7 SPC [Holding]

-A-1 SPC [Held]
-CI-A [Held]
-GOC PVT [Held]
-GOC 1SGT [Holding]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, i have recieved some warnings in my time on the server, but all of my warnings are at least 1 year old at the time i am making this application, which leads me to believe that they have been already expired. To explain why, i was new to the server and i didn't knew how to roleplay basically.. keep in mind this was quite some time ago.

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
Gensec was my first department that i have played on CN and i feel like i have not given it the love it deserves. I want to improve the public perception of gensec and put my skills at the foundation into a good use in this department. Another reason why is that i enjoy playing gensec and I have been a officer of general security for a while now and i want to put my experience into a good use.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

-I have mentioned my leadership skills which can still be improved, but i feel like they are enough for the time being. I am able to coordinate my own sweeps, help. during tryouts and much more.

-I have joined and remained in HU, aka head hunters for 1-2 months now, this has improved my knowledge, combat and leadership skill.

-I have MTF, GOC experience. As i mentioned above i used to hold positions such as A-1 SPC and E-11 SGT, but at the same time i am holding a position of a GOC. 1SGT.

-My traits. My human traits are a key role in this position, i can quickly learn, adapt and take responsibility for my mistakes.

-Knowledge. They say that knowledge is power, i have a lot of general knowledge around the foundation as a whole which gives me a big advantage.

-I have an extreme dedication when it comes to learning when making mistakes.

-My confidence is not over the top, yet not too low, i am confident in what i do, but not overconfident.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

Discipline. Discipline and punish those who act incompetent and unprofessional for longer periods of time, or have they been warned by another captain or the Chief of Security himself.

-Improve. Improving as a captain is the most important part. Yes you will make mistakes, but what is important is you should always learn from the mistakes that you make.

-Be loyal. Captains are expected (as holders of CL4 position) to be loyal to the foundation and not another GOI!!!

-Host. Captains should take the time to host tryouts, trainings (if HU-O) and more.

-Roleplay. This is the most important part and that is to improve the roleplay to those around them, keep a level of professionalism, maturity and authority over block D.

-Be mature. I know i have mentioned this, but its extremely important to be mature, professional gensec captain as this will increase the public's perception of a average gensec captain.

-Improve the department. As a captain you are expected to just not improve the department as a whole, but like i mentioned. Improve the public's perception of this department.

-Take orders. There are some people that can and will order you. DO NOT REFUSE THEM! this point must be followed at all times and if not can lead to demotion or a strike.

-Performing sweeps. Captains should perform sweeps of block D if there is a lot of armed class Ds or a type blue inside the inner block D.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

(i apologise for any grammar mistakes that i have might made in my application, i am still learning.)

We die in the dark...
So you can live in the light.

Last edited by a moderator:
Oct 18, 2022
Hello Xenon,

Aslike the cpt that helped you the most in Head-Hunters and also told you that you were ready for this I will give you my review. One of the first thing to point out you have allot of detail when you were on GSD Officer you were doing a good job there are some things that you can use help with like with a faster sweep. But you can learn that on your way on becoming a good cpt you are active and I think personaly that you are ready for thing and ofc I wish you the best of luck.

This app will be getting a
8.79/10 +Support


Well-known Member
Jan 13, 2024
Nice App

Only Thing I Dislike Is The Blur But Otherwise Its Great!
from: Zack Baker (zack-baker@65.scp.fo)
to: Elijah Kamski (elijah-kamski@65.scp.fo)
Subject: Security Captain Role Assignment


The following message is a direct consensus from the General Security Leadership Office

Hello @Elijah "Xenon" Kamski

First and foremost, I would like to thank you in showing interest to apply for Security Captain, likewise, this shows that you had the courage, time and effort to write to us about your interest in expanding your duties within the General Security Department. After careful consideration, as well as a vote from other Security Captains and both Security Chiefs, we have come to a final verdict. This application is to be accepted and moved on to the next phase of the recruitment stage.

Please get in contact with one of the Security Chiefs, either @Zack Baker or @Skinner to schedule an interview. I wish you the best of luck, and if any questions arise from you, report to me first.
Zack Baker
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