Your Discord name & tag: Elpatroon ♛#0751
What server is this for, DarkRP or MRP?: Main Server, SCP server
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 444795679986941973
Date of ban (if known): no idea it was couple of months ago
Reason for ban (if known): scamming link (i think so because i got hacked)
Who banned you?: the bot
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: in that time no
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal): so in that time i was a stupid guy who decided to press on a scam link and from over there i got hacked and the hacker decided to send the scam link to everyone and every server and since then i’ve been banned from Civil Gamers and some other servers because i didint do my appeal until now, But now i got my account and i’ve changed my password and put my phone number and activated Two-Factor-Authentication. So my account is now very safe.
What server is this for, DarkRP or MRP?: Main Server, SCP server
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 444795679986941973
Date of ban (if known): no idea it was couple of months ago
Reason for ban (if known): scamming link (i think so because i got hacked)
Who banned you?: the bot
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: in that time no
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal): so in that time i was a stupid guy who decided to press on a scam link and from over there i got hacked and the hacker decided to send the scam link to everyone and every server and since then i’ve been banned from Civil Gamers and some other servers because i didint do my appeal until now, But now i got my account and i’ve changed my password and put my phone number and activated Two-Factor-Authentication. So my account is now very safe.