What does this suggestion change/add/remove
Gives Foundation MTF Enforcement/Breacher/Autorifleman jobs a weapon checker, to which all their other jobs get but these ones don't, as well as compared to GOI equivalents (CI Delta Operative, UNGOC Strike Team) which get weapon checkers. Just stupid enough how they don't have these, and its a pain in the ass that you are on the job and realize you don't have a weapon checker.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?
Most likely, but not recently as the suggestions have been closed for a long time
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2)
Being able to weapon check on a job without worrying about not being on any other job possible
Better accessibility and ease of operations
Possible Negatives of the suggestion
Literally none, some may argue about the balance, to which weapon checkers don't change a thing about balance
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted
This should be accepted as it's simply just a QoL change, all other GOI job equivalents of Enforcement/Breacher/Autoriflemen get them, and its annoying to have to get someone to weapon check for you just because you're on a job that is excluded from weapon checkers compared to other jobs within the regiment except for operative.

Gives Foundation MTF Enforcement/Breacher/Autorifleman jobs a weapon checker, to which all their other jobs get but these ones don't, as well as compared to GOI equivalents (CI Delta Operative, UNGOC Strike Team) which get weapon checkers. Just stupid enough how they don't have these, and its a pain in the ass that you are on the job and realize you don't have a weapon checker.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?
Most likely, but not recently as the suggestions have been closed for a long time
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2)
Being able to weapon check on a job without worrying about not being on any other job possible
Better accessibility and ease of operations
Possible Negatives of the suggestion
Literally none, some may argue about the balance, to which weapon checkers don't change a thing about balance
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted
This should be accepted as it's simply just a QoL change, all other GOI job equivalents of Enforcement/Breacher/Autoriflemen get them, and its annoying to have to get someone to weapon check for you just because you're on a job that is excluded from weapon checkers compared to other jobs within the regiment except for operative.