Engallagher Kazimieras Ludenberg's Director of Research Application [UK]

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3942
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Deleted member 3942

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:190763950
Discord name: engallagher
Playtime on CG SCP: 1080 Hours
Do you have a mic: Yes
Age: 16
In what country are you located: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT +0
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP UK
Character name: Engallagher K. Ludenberg (K - Kazimieras)
Civilian name: Lngallagher Eudenberg

Do you have any kicks / bans / warnings and why?:
2022 Oct 15 - Shino - Fearp
2022 Oct 15 - Lily - RDM
2022 Oct 16 - James Henderson -RDM
2022 Oct 27 - Basilisk - FearRP
2022 Oct 27 - Basilisk - FearRP
2022 Oct 28 - Undead - Toxicity

2022 Dec 4 - Yaren - LTAP

Currently all of my warns are expired, I am unsure as to how I got the ban on the 4th December 2022, as I usually log back into the server straight away if I crash in the middle of an RP situation.
All the warns I received was when I was new to the server and was still learning the rules while also not taking it awfully serious, this however has clearly changed now.

Director of Research (held)
Director of Research (held)
Executive Researcher (held)

Internal Affairs Agent
MTF Nu-7 SGT (held)
MTF Nu-7 PVT (held)

MTF E-11 CPL (held)
Overseer Assistant (held for short period)
Medical Licence
Heavy Weapons
Riot Control

Driving Licence
Heavy Vehicle Licence

Why are you applying for Director of Research?

I wish to improve research from its current state, that being of inactivity and a general lack of performance from all ends of the department. Upon my return to research I almost immediately began conversing with higher ups for research projects, something which the department unfortunately does not see enough of these days. I immediately also created the research project document, ensuring the intricacies are as correct as can be, while still keeping time into consideration. This is project is still currently unfinished due to how new the prospect is and how recent my return was.

I was heartbroken to see a department of which I and the directors I worked with be destroyed and brought to its knees. The research roster perfectly reflects these points, the disparity during my leadership is stark, disheartening, and simply unacceptable. For this point, my wish is to once more return research to its former glory if not take it even further than my previous leadership. I want to ensure lower clearance researchers have the ability to reach their full potential, and for this I wish to begin work on an ultimate research guide and later rework the entire onboarding system to absolutely make clear that research is so much more than what you see on the server. Another point in relation to this is to ensure the entire department is made very aware that they can utilise the SCP wiki to the absolute maximum as long as it continues to adhere to the research policy, specifically clearance rights. Again this increases roleplay as it would engage players further than what is available on the server, increases their creative strive, therefore their interest, which then increases the quality and frequency of documentation, projects and overall roleplay capabilities.

Secondly I want to finish the specialist system, after a very long thinking session, I believe it would bring the research department to be a lot more lore accurate within the SCP wiki. Where each researcher is assigned under a department to work on specialist tasks using their specialist knowledge, given by each of the departments material. Of course to begin with players will have the freedom to choose whether or not they wish to participate as I do not want to force it upon those who are not interested. However those who are interested will have amazing opportunities presented to them with this system, that will again further increase interest in the department, again increasing the work ethic, again increasing the frequency and quality of documents and roleplay. This system will also be a very good way to understand the individual capabilities of the lower clearance researchers, which will allow directors to better understand who may fit higher clearance roles within the department.

I also wish to apply my knowledge of the SCP wiki into the department more thoroughly, ensuring there is a constant flow of research projects for all clearances, ensuring roleplay is incentivised through good merit of participation and reward from higher ups. This will also engage the entire department, ensuring every clearance level is more active within their roles, which would be a net positive as more research command active ensures that lower clearances needs are tended to whatever that might be. More active research command also means research department conduct is more closely looked after also, resulting in less ethical violations and better overall conduct within the department.

Lastly I am applying for the same reason that I have been director twice before, I adore research and wish to truly bring it back to its full capabilities, again I want to re-iterate how vital the research department is for roleplay, as it is one of the major non-combative departments, its existence alone should create roleplay, which at this stage it unfortunately does not do efficiently. On a more personal note, I miss the department severely and wish to once more lead it with an iron first, and ensure research is the absolute best it can be, no matter what it takes.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research?

To begin with, I absolutely adore the research department due to its amazing roleplay capabilities that enable people to really use their creativity to not only find solutions but also to allow them to create the best research projects possible. I have very good knowledge on the SCP wiki, that even goes down in pataphysics, that has notoriously difficult articles, concepts and general ideas to understand. I have a greed for knowledge and if their is a topic that I am unsure on, I will then insure that I learn it to an adequate degree to ensure I can answer questions on the topics when asked. I am also very passionate about the SCP wiki and truly wish to maximise my capabilities on a personal basis.

I have an extremely high creative drive, this leads me to making (by my consideration) high quality research projects within a suitable amount of time while also allowing me to engage in roleplay, likewise to a high degree. As a director, I would ensure that I use this drive to push forward and complete very useful and necessary projects not only for research but also for the department. As mentioned above, ideas like the specialist system have been curated from a simply thought process. However this also makes me prone to burnouts, so to make sure this time that I do not ditch the departments, I will manage myself properly, giving myself more lenient time scales all the while still delivering to the maximum when it is required of me.

As mentioned in my previous applications for this role, I have always been an articulate writer when given enough time, I am able to portray ideas and thoughts if given enough space which allows me to drive forward projects while maintaining great communication. During my directorship, I showed this excellently as projects were discussed to no end to ensure they were the best quality they could be while still allowing leeway for constructive criticism which lead to improvement without any emotional toll. Effective changes were also brought about as I always took feedback for every change I made whether that be in policy or a suggested amendment to the foundation legislation.

I have learnt to also disconnect feeling from fact, this is absolutely vital for a senior position as you will need to listen to superiors no matter what they say. Any complaints should be formed and brought to the appropriate people using a logical side. This disconnect keeps the department together and enables leadership to keep control even if the times are turbulent.

I am active player on the server and will be able to provide assistance when needed online as I will be there most evenings. I wished to set an example of how activity should be, ensuring research command followed and with my past directorship this in fact occurred. This presence on the site also allows me to keep good talking relations and roleplay relations with other departments, ensuring that conduct remains adequate in the research department and also ensuring that the research departments image remains as glorious as it should be.

Lastly, I am an extremely logical person, as previously mentioned an emotional disconnect allows my mind to prosper when making decisions as all the decisions I take create better results, and if they don't they are amended with a different perspective and potential feedback. This has been very clear, as when my conduct was at fault, was every time I allowed emotion to seep into the decision making process.

What are the responsibilities of a Director of Research in RP?

Firstly, a Director of Research has to manage the department as a whole. This is done through multiple ways:
- Handling the executives currently in place and dealing with their actions, suggestions and ideas respectively.
- Handling executive applications based of your own opinion and the opinion of other members of research command. Also handling interviews for the role.
- Setting out jobs or tasks that need completing for the executives of the department, as well as assigning projects.
- Updating policy depending on the changing situation within the site or by fixing previous oversights. Also discussing policy change with the Directors of Research on both the UK and US site, to enable a further perspective change.
- Carrying out executive orders from site command. Similarly, discussing potential ideas and changes with both site command and site administration.
- Handling the department documentation and updating them as necessary. Creating new documents if they would be seen as useful or required as such.
-Making absolute sure that the entire department is acting in line, and if not action should be taken very harshly and swiftly.

Secondly, a Director of Research has to keep relatively good inter-departmental relationships:
This is important as many departments work with the research department. Whether that be epsilon-11 for simple escorts during a research study or internal affairs investigating a member of the research department, it is paramount that the Directors of Research hold good relations with all departments as they all tie in to make a functioning site. It is similarly vital to hold good relations as situations that can arise may require departments to work together, so good relations will result in effective communication and the situation being resolved faster and more efficiently. Lastly, certain policy changes may ,again, require departments to work together to bring about this change.

This can be done by simply reminding the general research department that it is vital to hold respect and an understanding of other departments. Another method to hold good relations is through good communication between the departments so there is minimal misunderstanding while also setting up good examples for future communications for all levels of the research department.

Lastly, holding good relations in general with the leads or commanders of departments and mobile task forces alike is vital also, when it comes down to inter-departmental relations, as the higher ups opinions perpetuate throughout the department due to them being seen as senior.

Last, but not least, a Director of Research must activate as many opportunities for roleplay as possible for as many people as possible:
It is vital for someone with a senior role, especially that of the research department, to enable people to engage with good roleplay and lots of it. This can be done through previously mentioned methods such as simply taking the time to explain lore ideas to researchers which could then inspire them to do a great research study or perhaps creating situations which requires creative thinking, something which cannot be solved by simple game mechanics (of course this can be aided by game masters). During this period of directorship I also wish to start a lot more projects that previously, this is to enable maximum roleplay for all players while occupying them.

Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
This is a continuation of lore from multiple sources

A distant murmur of sirens ring out in the distance. I simply and calmly ask my second: "check the tape", my second checks the bio-tape around my gloves, ensuring not even an open line in the tape exists. He responds "clear", I command "start the shower", he complies, pressing a button firmly. Chemicals flow softly from the sprinkler above and before long the doors magnetic lock releases allowing us in. I carefully enter the room ensuring not to come into contact with anything but the floor. The feeling of seeing that machine in front of me provided me with a chilling sense of enouement. Despite all I was, I felt as if it was wrong to be here, and to be allowed here more importantly. My second seemed to read me interpreting my monachopsis correctly, "continue" he calls out. I glance at him before glancing at the IT expert at the computer, I raise my arm up, "standby" I say authoritatively. I look nervously ahead at the live body, the meter thick reinforced glass only acting as a disconnect of emotion rather than a safety for personnel. I quickly drop my hand and shout "Forth!", a silent click of a keyboard is all the noise that was needed to understand the hell that started to shake the entire site. Suddenly a sharp pain, my mind unable to understand if it was the hanker sore caused by the beauty of what was unfolding or whether it was the event itself, but nonetheless I dared to look on. The pain radiated, I let it, I let it consume me. My second seemed to collapse besides me, but this is not of a concerning matter; I continue to observe. Low and behold the pain reaches a constant, allowing me to once more hone in on my thoughts. A small grin appears on my face as the shaking normalises and the reading on the monitor above me produce a beautiful mathematical construct, I look at it in awe, in absolute wonder of the anomalous.

to be continued.
Sep 8, 2023
Alberta, Canada
- I think you'd make a really good director for not only your previous experience, but also the fact that you are active and mostly reputable in the hands of leadership skills and specifically research leading skills.

- James Overscott left me a nice sight of who you were and what values you had, so I purely enlist these words to let you know I am hoping to see you as DoR :)
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Apr 13, 2023


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65. Hello, @Engallagher Ludenberg Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.
You may re-apply in two weeks' time.
Secure. Contain. Protect.

CONFIDENTIALThis document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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