Accepted Engineering and Technical Suggestions

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
1 - Helmet light for Engineers (Could work similar to how SCPS have them)
2 - Box map with lights on them that will light up Red/Green for "Box Status" in Tech spawn
3 - Add a table with something in relation to #2, maybe has a map of the facility with the box locations/status
4 - add a cl3 (and CL4) ranks highlighted in the roster (Willing to have it different than what it is now), a possible cl3 rank could have a quiz added to it as well! (Note the handbook is on the links tab in the roster to show how dedicated to RP and the department people are)
5 - Expansion or moval of office to a different location, possibly entrance zone, but the area where it currently is could get an extension maybe for a tech office for a possible new addition of a cl3 or 4 of the department or room for other ideas that could relate to technicians.
6 - In the event there are suggestions accepted for this department, a section in the discord for E&T leadership/conversation for Engineer mains can chat and discuss things like other departments do would be also helpful for RP
7 - Add sectors of lights that can go dim or black (In terms of size, like a hallway or short area that requires more RP for the department)
8 - Add a way for D-Class/GOIS to damage the boxed without the usage of chemicals (Not foundation to prevent failRP)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
There have been some suggestions in the past that relate to some of the points above, but my suggestion is different because all together it's aimed at promoting RP within the department, right now the department lacks too much use, people mess around on the job, and in RP there is an actual E&T department that has more responsibilities and such.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Better quality RP, and accountability for the department with the addition of a cl3/c4 role, faster repair times with a map with box locations, adds more usage for the department.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
If the spawn is moved to EZ, there are CL1 jobs within the department while the area is behind a cl2 area, mapping updates would be a lot for the mapping team when there are complaints of space on the map that is currently in use, coding and making of the box map and the tablet might be hard for the team to make, lighting suggestion might not be possible or would require some a lot of work.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think this would bring a lot of new cool RP for the server and would help solve the troll issue on tech jobs, more jobs to do while on the position would end bordem from techs.
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