Your Discord name & tag:
What server is this for, Network, CityRP, SCP or MRP?:
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help):
Date of ban (if known):
Reason for ban (if known):
Inappropriate Discussion in #Mess-Hall
Who banned you?:
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?:
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal):
I believe that I should be unbanned from the discord because as I just came back to the community I would like to follow more closely the info regarding the SCPRP server and get the chance to actually partecipate once again to the community activities as I am starting to enjoy playing on the server again. I do realize the mistake I have done and how inappropriate my discussion was, I'd like to get your trust and make you understand that I won't do the same mistake again, I am asking for a second chance. Especially now that I am focusing on DEA and actually working on documentation I have an hard time keeping up with the updates and meetings as I do not have any access on the discord, I am asking once again for another chance.
What server is this for, Network, CityRP, SCP or MRP?:
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help):
Date of ban (if known):
Reason for ban (if known):
Inappropriate Discussion in #Mess-Hall
Who banned you?:
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?:
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal):
I believe that I should be unbanned from the discord because as I just came back to the community I would like to follow more closely the info regarding the SCPRP server and get the chance to actually partecipate once again to the community activities as I am starting to enjoy playing on the server again. I do realize the mistake I have done and how inappropriate my discussion was, I'd like to get your trust and make you understand that I won't do the same mistake again, I am asking for a second chance. Especially now that I am focusing on DEA and actually working on documentation I have an hard time keeping up with the updates and meetings as I do not have any access on the discord, I am asking once again for another chance.
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