This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add an ERT loadout for when scps reach surface.

Here are some ideas the ert can have in this loadout.
-barret 50.
-freedom sr/sactum
-breach charges
-360 turret(like normal turret but can go 360)
-matador(for hostile lavs and btr)
-auger minigun
-ETD hacking tool(for when you need to hack into ci to rc the scp)
-orbital strike???
note: because we dont want more ert we can have the same number people but with 4 loadout in all teams

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

not of that i know of

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-easier rc on surface
-fast and more recovery to normal rp on surface

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-harder for ci & mcd to get their hands on scps
-maybe less rp matrieal for parawatch

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
because ert is only suited for in site rcing and not outside rc so it is a bit of an bomb
Feb 22, 2023
Here are some ideas the ert can have in this loadout.
-barret 50.
sounds silly

Here are some ideas the ert can have in this loadout.
-freedom sr/sactum
please dont give them energy weapons on spawn i beg

Here are some ideas the ert can have in this loadout.
-breach charges
idc sure

Here are some ideas the ert can have in this loadout.
-360 turret(like normal turret but can go 360)
sounds busted

Here are some ideas the ert can have in this loadout.
-matador(for hostile lavs and btr)
or you can just get one from AA, or cooperate with other DPT's
If ERT spawned with a matador, there will be at least 1 person who will use it on a SCP.

Here are some ideas the ert can have in this loadout.

Here are some ideas the ert can have in this loadout.
-ETD hacking tool(for when you need to hack into ci to rc the scp)
use dispensers

Here are some ideas the ert can have in this loadout.
-orbital strike???
this is the funniest shit ive seen all day
sounds busted
maybe but we can as well add an range to it as well if it is too good
use dispensers
the idea is that ert can just go directly to rc the scps
or you can just get one from AA, or cooperate with other DPT's
If ERT spawned with a matador, there will be at least 1 person who will use it on a SCP
same as above plus if that was the case, why cant ert just spawn with no aa and then go to aa to get aa?
ert is as well mainly cl3 combative so them using it on scps is their fault for not knowing the rules
the idea is that ert can just go directly to rc the scps
are CI SCP's? Its a incredibly niche change.

same as above plus if that was the case, why cant ert just spawn with no aa and then go to aa to get aa?
Because their job is to kill SCP's, not to kill CI for a very niche situation where there are A) SCP's on surface, B) CI on surface with C) A vehicle out.

ert is as well mainly cl3 combative so them using it on scps is their fault for not knowing the rules
are CI SCP's? Its a incredibly niche change.
no but ert will not stop if ci has them
Because their job is to kill SCP's, not to kill CI for a very niche situation where there are A) SCP's on surface, B) CI on surface with C) A vehicle out.
A is common if ert is called B is always common and 100% if scps are on surface C Which is alot if there are scps on surface
Suggestion Denied

Hi John Ion Wells,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Your suggestion has been denied because ERT is perfectly fine with the loadouts that it has currently and we believe that it is amply equipped to deal with SCPs who have breached on to surface.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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