Ethan Mendaz's O5-4 "The Insighted" Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:438993581
Discord name: TheLavaKnight#8653
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 4 months and a half
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s):
Foundation: Ethan 'Juliet' Mendaz
CI: Ethan 'Sage' Bunda
Civilian name: Ethan Woods
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF E-11 SGT, MTF A-1 MAJ, Overseer Assistant, SCP-096, CI-G
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have received two warnings. My first warning was an NRP warning, I was a researcher and I killed a D-Class with a gun. I was fairly new to the server at the time and I now revised the rules so I can assure you that I understand the rules well. My second warning was a FearRP warning because I ran out of the airlock when I thought no security personnel were there and ran past a guy with a gun. He was difficult to see as he was behind a corner with a gun pointed at me.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
- I am applying for the position of O5-4 partly because I have an interest in Site Administration due to my experience as an Overseer Assistant and situations as an A-1. I would like to have a position in running the foundation because it allows me to improve the way that personnel interact with each other and deal with complications, making roleplaying as foundation personnel more enjoyable.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
- At the time of making this application, I am currently an MTF A-1 MAJ and whitelisted for Overseer Assistant. I love having these positions because they have catalysed improvement of my ability to roleplay, the gain of additional experience in different areas with both roles and meeting of new people, who I have shared experiences with that I can use to learn from my mistakes and be the better me. Both roles work closely with the O5 Council, however my whitelist of an Overseer Assistant has given me access to meet department directors, Ethics Committee members and other senior positions in the foundation to discuss situations that may need either need to be resolved or cultivated on. These interactions have been a learning curve for me as I improved on my communications skills as well as negotiation skills and independence to an extent, which I believe are great skills for an O5 Council member to possess.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
- The O5 Council have a great amount of tasks to do in the foundation, they supervise the site as a whole to ensure the foundation is running at its most efficient and effective way without many to no faults. This is accomplished with multiple tasks such as meeting with Site Administration, e.g. Site Advisors and Site Directors, to hear their opinions on the way the site is running and to make sure Site Administration are not straying away from their duties. The O5 Council also meets with other Clearance Level 4 Personnel e.g. Department Directors to ensure the departments are running correctly without any issues and suggest methods to improve the condition of the department / any issues that may occur. Furthermore on a more general basis, the O5 Council make foundation aware of the duties and requirements personnel need to achieve as well as the protocols personnel need to abide by e.g. the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Out of roleplay the O5 Council handle numerous applications in order to have the best candidates possible. This consists of the quality of roleplay, the suffice activity and if the candidates meets the minimum requirements. The applications range from: Department Directors (e.g. Director of Research), Site Administration (Site Advisors / Directors), Overseer Assistants and other senior and non-senior positions (e.g. Chief of Security).

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Ethan Mendaz was originally deployed at Site-██ beginning his career as a researcher. He specialised in the memetics and infohazards field, which was of great interest to him because he knew that this specific field would unfold the deepest mysteries of creation. Ethan was frequently watched by the Director of Research Dr.████████ , who was a favourable and well-informed gentleman, because he found Ethan's work intriguing. The Director of Research contacted the board of the Memetics and Infohazards Division in order to suggest Ethan as a possible candidate for the division, as he saw Ethan's potential. After numerous meetings with the leader of the Memetics and Infohazards Division, he was enlisted into the division.

After Ethan's admission, he was introduced to the current members of the division who courteously greeted him and showed him the 'basics' however, his knowledge was far past that point. He was then informed of the current affairs of the division and potential objects/hazards of interest, which peaked interest . His interest was mainly in the "Noosphere", what theoretically is the sum total of every thought a human brain could have. Everything any human could conceive of, or has/will ever conceive of. There testing was primarily inconclusive as the sphere was unresponsive and complex. They continued experimenting on the "Noosphere" and from this, were able to create a device that mimicked "SCP-3662", which allowed them to further dive into the "Noosphere". The results were promising, but the division's board was getting impatient.

The division was forced to find results, so experiments shaped up to be more aggressive in order to get somewhat of a response or connection into this theoretical sphere. They gathered a large amount of D-Class Personnel and began several unorthodox experiments involving several memetic and infohazardous materials. The divisions desperations resulted in devastating consequences. An entity emerged from within the "Noosphere" and began shifting through human bodies, which was previously considered a success within the divisions board members, but then turned out to be alarming. Ethan believed that the entity was a compilation of all the perished D-Class personnel, and to no surprise, the entity seemed to ignore personnel that were unarmed and targeted the armed personnel such as, Mobile Task Force units and Security. The entity 'possessed' the MTF units and Security, making them fire upon the researchers. In the spur of the moment, Ethan began to utilise the prototype imitating "SCP-3662". In an encounter with the entities manifestation, Ethan was able to gain deep insight into the "Noosphere". He managed to tweak and modify the device before the entity could direct fire towards him, which made it possible for Ethan to fuse with the device in turn making part of his consciousness intertwined with the "Noosphere". Through this, Ethan was able to combat the entity and repress it from 'possessing' any more foundation personnel, essentially halting an unstoppable entity from taking over the foundation and potentially the world.

After this, the foundation command investigated Ethan's research - and after revealing everything regarding his new circumstances, the Council came to the conclusion that Ethan shall be positioned as site administration so he can oversee all foundation sites with research divisions involved in research regarding the "Noosphere" activity.

Ever since the incident occurred, Ethan has been working as an overseer in the █████ to ensure the safety from noospherical threats.
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Reactions: Alex Kress

Deleted member 1285

+ Support

+ Active in game.
+ Good roles fit for O5.
+ Had great interactions with.
+ Good luck man!
Feb 15, 2022
Ethan Mendez is an active member of A-1, as well as an Overseer Assistant.
All my interactions with Ethan have been fun and interesting; providing me with a neat experience.
Together with this Ethan has helped me in order to ensure that conflicts between A1/O1 are kept to a minimum and that punishment is swift to anyone who disobeys. Due to these reasons, I believe that Ethan Mendez is a perfect fit for the Overseer Council. Best of luck!


Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2021
+ Support
+ Active in game.
+ Good roles fit for O5.
+ Great rp interactions
+ Valued member of A-1
+ Deserves the role as well

Tom Higgs

Active member
Feb 28, 2022

-Good roleplay interactions
-Perfectly suitable for position
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