Exec Researcher app

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:525691612

Discord name: skoinksskoobs

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 235 Hours

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: US

Time zone: CST / Central Standard Time

Character name(s): Tyrone Tiggle

Civilian name: Tyrone Tiggle

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF-E11 LCPL, SCP-096, CI-A

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have a MRDM ban

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- I am applying for executive researcher, as I understand the frustration of playing research when there is no Executive researchers, or department directors on, and with my strange sleep schedule I am able to be on when others can not and support the Research Department at night, when not many other Exec's can be on. I understand that it can be annoying having no one to grade your documents when you finish them, or approve cross testing or sampling. The main purpose of my application, and why I want to become an exec is so I can foster a new generation of researchers into success, with proper guiding and discipline.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- I believe that I am fit to become an executive researcher as I have spent most of my total gameplay on Research, between helping other researchers with their tests, waiting for breaches to end, and the casual conversations that I've had on research, I believe that I've come to understand what the Research team needs, and how I think I can apply the fixes that I currently believe will work. I would also like to mention my time in MTF - E11 and how it shows that I have an understanding of the SCP's and how researchers conduct themselves at checkpoint. As a member of MTF-E11 I believe I have spotted some issues, and these issues are leading to frustration within the research department. I would also like to mention that since I am in e11 and I have to deal with many trouble researchers daily, I believe that this shows my level of patience, and understanding to members of research, and further shows how I can assist both newer and more experienced researchers with their day to day taks.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- I currently have 5 excellent graded documents, and what makes a document excellent is using the proper formatting, with detailed information regarding the SCP, how the test went, and the Conclusion.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- The responsibilities of the Executive Researcher are very defined, as more being a role model for both new and experienced members of research, another important job is grading documents, and if a document doesn't meet the criteria for excellent then guide the researcher, and explain what makes a excellent graded document. More of the Executive researchers job include signing or rejecting cross testing documents, and sampling documents, for various reasons. Some of these tests may just be straight unsafe, unethical, or definitely leading to a breach, or it could be a more simple reason such as the researcher having bad intentions for the samples.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ExplQtfAsRJrJ1c2LMxWzkbv3msHkhnzapDVJjayZhE/edit
stop breaching 035!!!
job banned
I took the time for the mistake of breaching 035, at the time I couldn't have known in character that the D class was a type blue, and even with that mentioned, I have taken the job ban, done my time, and I haven't caused an incident in research since.

I have 2 job bans on research, one for drinking a chemical of which I can not remember, and one for accidentally breaching 035. I have done the time for both.

Further as a member of e11 I understand how frustrating it can be when people purposely false breach 035, and with that being said, if I understand how it annoying it can be why would I do it on purpose.

if you have anything else please let me know.
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Active member
Jun 15, 2023
Saw you putting in work into research before joining up into E-11
Gave me a format for sampling
I took the time for the mistake of breaching 035, at the time I couldn't have known in character that the D class was a type blue, and even with that mentioned, I have taken the job ban, done my time, and I haven't caused an incident in research since.

I have 2 job bans on research, one for drinking a chemical of which I can not remember, and one for accidentally breaching 035. I have done the time for both.

Further as a member of e11 I understand how frustrating it can be when people purposely false breach 035, and with that being said, if I understand how it annoying it can be why would I do it on purpose.

if you have anything else please let me know.

Let alone once, you and your tiggle-11 minge group whatever breached it twice with the same group, with one obviously you flipping the switch on a type blue dclass, and the other where you were the dclass. Its obvious you plan this when the dclass, researcher and officer all has "Tiggle" in their name. Especially with one framing me for breaking a server rule as supposedly "Talking through 035 blast door is failrp", and then he runs in and flips the switch, to which you as the dclass, have a cl4 keycard and a gun. The 3 Tiggles with an unweapon stripped dclass with a keycard.
Let alone once, you and your tiggle-11 minge group whatever breached it twice with the same group, with one obviously you flipping the switch on a type blue dclass, and the other where you were the dclass. Its obvious you plan this when the dclass, researcher and officer all has "Tiggle" in their name. Especially with one framing me for breaking a server rule as supposedly "Talking through 035 blast door is failrp", and then he runs in and flips the switch, to which you as the dclass, have a cl4 keycard and a gun. The 3 Tiggles with an unweapon stripped dclass with a keycard.
Thank you gure for your response that confirms my suspicions. I knew you would have a bias against me for the crimes of the tiggles. I have proven that I was not at fault for those crimes, hence why I am not currently banned from the server. I have done the time for the crime of accidentally breaching 035, and I wish to move forward. I would also like you to send a clip. As I already explained in character I wouldn't have known that the D class was a type blue, and I brought another D class so I could have said D class ask 035 the questions.

Let me ask you a question. How would I get the other D class into the CC after 035 took the first one, if I didn't open the door for him?

Final question, if you have any other claims to make against me please provide a clip, as it seems you have a bias against the last name Tiggle.
Thank you gure for your response that confirms my suspicions. I knew you would have a bias against me for the crimes of the tiggles. I have proven that I was not at fault for those crimes, hence why I am not currently banned from the server. I have done the time for the crime of accidentally breaching 035, and I wish to move forward. I would also like you to send a clip. As I already explained in character I wouldn't have known that the D class was a type blue, and I brought another D class so I could have said D class ask 035 the questions.

Let me ask you a question. How would I get the other D class into the CC after 035 took the first one, if I didn't open the door for him?

Final question, if you have any other claims to make against me please provide a clip, as it seems you have a bias against the last name Tiggle.

this is the clip that you obviously know about, I am currently searching and cannot find the other one, but you cant act all innocent as both false breaches were done by the same 3 people, same gensec, same dclass, same researcher, just with different jobs, with the one I cannot find with you being the d class. You had a CL4, and a pistol/ar <-- currently unsure what gun you had as off me being unable to find the clip. Once I have found it, I will gladly send it as a reply. As an edit, conveniently the GENSEC with the name "Tiggle" conveniently didn't weapon strip you, letting you have the weapon.

this is the clip that you obviously know about, I am currently searching and cannot find the other one, but you cant act all innocent as both false breaches were done by the same 3 people, same gensec, same dclass, same researcher, just with different jobs, with the one I cannot find with you being the d class. You had a CL4, and a pistol/ar <-- currently unsure what gun you had as off me being unable to find the clip. Once I have found it, I will gladly send it as a reply. As an edit, conveniently the GENSEC with the name "Tiggle" conveniently didn't weapon strip you, letting you have the weapon.
First of all I would like to note that this member of E11, John Abdi is currently Blacklisted from E11.

Further I would like to mention that there was no CL4+ keycard shown inside the clip.

I would also like to mention that the clip only says one name which is my name as the researcher, and therefore you don't have anything saying it was "the Tiggles" as there was more then just 3 Tiggles on the server during that time period.

Again how are you going to get mad at a D class for not getting weapon stripped? As I stated in my last response it seems you have a bias against anyone with the last name of Tiggle, and wish the worst for them.

I would also like to mention from your post before when you talked about the Tiggle 11 group, and I would like to bring up how you got job ban for minging, it was either GSD cadet, or Tech. It is always weird to find a minge that tries to get other people in trouble for "minging"

Even McRib has backed off, as you only have a clip of one incident involving me. As I stated before I did my time for the crime, learned my lesson, but you still refuse to move on.
First of all I would like to note that this member of E11, John Abdi is currently Blacklisted from E11.

Further I would like to mention that there was no CL4+ keycard shown inside the clip.

I would also like to mention that the clip only says one name which is my name as the researcher, and therefore you don't have anything saying it was "the Tiggles" as there was more then just 3 Tiggles on the server during that time period.

Again how are you going to get mad at a D class for not getting weapon stripped? As I stated in my last response it seems you have a bias against anyone with the last name of Tiggle, and wish the worst for them.

I would also like to mention from your post before when you talked about the Tiggle 11 group, and I would like to bring up how you got job ban for minging, it was either GSD cadet, or Tech. It is always weird to find a minge that tries to get other people in trouble for "minging"

Even McRib has backed off, as you only have a clip of one incident involving me. As I stated before I did my time for the crime, learned my lesson, but you still refuse to move on.

You're acting like i'm doing a hate crime against you, i'm just stating this, and you're trying to drag it over and over. All im saying is its convenient that the same 3 people false breached 035 twice and you were involved. That all I am putting, and I will no logner post another reply to this thread, thank you.
You're acting like i'm doing a hate crime against you, i'm just stating this, and you're trying to drag it over and over. All im saying is its convenient that the same 3 people false breached 035 twice and you were involved. That all I am putting, and I will no longer post another reply to this thread, thank you.
Thank you for your response, and I'm still saying I was only involved in one, and even then it was an accident.

Good Day.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jun 20, 2023
The only personal experience I've had with you has been possessing you as 035, you DCing only to come back minutes later. Not a good roleplayer which is necessary for an executive researcher.
Apr 20, 2023
From: cdarby@scpf.int
To: ttiggle@scpf.int
Subject: Application Status


| Application Denied |

Greetings Tyrone,

This is a message composed by the Research Directorate to inform you that your application for the position of Executive Researcher has not been chosen to continue at this time. We thank you for taking the time to apply for this position and encourage you to re-apply following a two-week span.

You may contact either myself (thegypysbard) or Dpt. Director Kylie Ringer (dontforgethawaii) if you have further questions.​
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