Executive Application, Jesse Phil Fring [UK]

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Sep 13, 2022
Jesse Phil Fring Executive Researcher Application

Information listed in the spoilers below.

OOC Infromation

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:221594734

Discord name: wayk31

For how long have you played on CG SCP: September 2022 - Now (August 2023)

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: Sweden

Time zone: GMT+2

Semi-IC Information

Character name(s): Jesse Phil Fring

Civilian name: Jesse Gill Fring

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes (to make it easier for other people i usually explain stuff in text so thatv if there's any lag people can still understand)

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Main ones I am holding: E-11 CPL, CI-A, IA/DEA. License req ones I am holding, RRT SGT and Medical

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have never recieved any warnings or anything of the sort.

General Information

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?:

Since joined the Research Department at the start of my run in this server, I have enjoyed and still am enjoying playing as a researcher. The SCP lore and the
dedicated people that uphold it have always amazed me and this makes me strive to be a better researcher. As think of my journey from when I first started on the
server to where I am now, I can confidently say that my enjoyment to be a researcher remains. One of the main reason I aspire to become an Executive Researcher is my genuine interest in the SCP lore. Lastly I believe that going from a Senior Researcher to an Executive holds a great significance if you think in terms of respect and recognition associated with the role. By taking on these responsibilites of an Executive Researcher, I hope to bridge the gap and ear the respect that comes with this position.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

I'll make a good Executive Researcher because I like to help in guiding new researchers in the Research Department in a way that helps them to fulfil their roles, whether they are Junior or Senior researchers. Assisting them in navigating ethical concerns and addressing any questions whether it be about a simple test or what an SCP does. This Is a responsibility I genuinely enjoy. More than that, I have knowledge on the SCP Wiki, including familiarity with the SCPs in our facility and the more popular SCPs. I also am well fit for the role of Executive Researcher due to my experience and expertise as a Sr. Researcher I have done many tests that bring valuable insight and discoveries. I am ready to hold the responsibilities and contribute to the Research Department's ongoing success as an Executive.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

As of making this application I have made Three excellent graded documents all of which being Cross-Test documents but I do intend to make more and not just
Cross-Testing. These being, SCP-500 x SCP-1025 Cross-Test, SCP-714 x SCP-914 Cross-Test and SCP-500 x SCP-099 Cross-Test.

There are a list of reasons a document can be considered excellent but most of them if not all of them need to have:

An aim. An aim of why the test is being conducted. Is it for testing the limitations of an SCP? Is it for testing the hostility or the reverse? Etc.
Method. For a document to be understandable on how you got to a conclusion and result you need to explain the methods being used in the test.
Good Grammar. To be able to understand the document and it being excellent t has to have not only understandable but good grammar.
Format and Readability. It needs to be formatted in a way where its readable and follows a path where it doesnt interrupt itself.
Uses. What can we use this information that you are getting from the test for? Can we use it to make an SCP non hostile, contain it etc.
Detail. The documents need to have in depth detail not only on how it is played out but also of how the SCP works and many more reasons for detail.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

The role and responsibilities of an Executive Researcher in RP is providing support to fellow researchers & the Department, overseeing testing procedures, evaluating documents, taking care of collaboration with site personnel and actively engaging in research activites. The responsibilities of an Executive are also to perform crucial tasks to help the Research Department. Here is some of the tasks that an Executive with responsibilities should do.

- Assisting researchers at various levels, addressing their concerns and questions.
- Overseeing and conducting CL4 tests, ensuring their safe execution for lower clearance.
- Evaluating and grading documents submitted by other researchers.
- Overseeing that the Research Department doesn't go off track.
- Collaborating with Site Administation and Site Command to ensure effective coordination.
- Conduction research and contributing to the advancement of knowledge within the Foundation.

(first time making this type of lore so please excuse my poor story skills)
- From: SCP Foundation Archives
- To: SCP Foundation Department of Research
- Sent: [REDACTED]
- Subject: (CLASSIFIED for CL3) Personnel Report - Jesse Phil Fring

Subject: Personnel Profile Report - Jesse Phil Fring

Document ID: [REDACTED]


This report provides detailed information regarding the background, achievements, and professional journey of Jesse Phil Fring, a Senior Researcher at Site 65, with aspirations to become an Executive Researcher.

Jesse Phil Fring, also known by his real name Jesse Gill Fring, emerged as a driven and dedicated researcher from early on. His affinity for uncovering the unknown led him to the SCP Foundation, where he swiftly rose through the ranks. Notably, his persistent pursuit of knowledge and exceptional problem-solving skills marked him as a standout candidate for higher positions within the research department.

Early Career:
Jesse began his journey as a Junior Researcher, displaying an insatiable curiosity and an analytical mind. He quickly showed himself by contributing significantly to the understanding of several SCPs, including but not limited to: SCP-500, SCP-914 and SCP-714. His consistent dedication and passion for researching the mysteries of the anomalous caught the attention of his superiors.

Elevation to Senior Researcher:
Due to his exemplary performance and valuable contributions, Jesse was promoted to the position of Senior Researcher. His involvement in the research and information of highly dangerous SCPs such as the ones in the site today, he also demonstrated his ability to handle complex and hazardous anomalies. Jesse's dual identity, as Jesse Phil Fring and Jesse Gill Fring, highlights his deep-rooted connection to his purpose and the Foundation's mission.

Contributions to Site 65:
Jesse's most significant contributions have been witnessed at Site 65, where he delved into the complexities of the SCPs on site. His role as a key figure in revealing these intricacies of the anomalies showcased his versatility and dedication. This dedication has made him a respected member of the Site 65 research community.

Jesse Phil Fring's journey from a Junior Researcher to a Senior Researcher at Site 65 is a testament to his relentless pursuit of knowledge and his unwavering dedication to the Foundation's mission. With his eyes set on becoming an Executive Researcher, Jesse's continued growth and contributions promise to shape the future of SCP research at Site 65.

- [Signature]
SCP Foundation Archives



The following message is composed via consensus of Research Leadership.

Hello, @wayk31

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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