Executive Protection Unit (Security Job)

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This proposal aims to introduce a new job within the Security Department, called the Executive Protection Unit (E.P.U). The role can either be whitelisted or require an Executive Protection License (A license made for this team, may be used for other stuff in the future). The E.P.U would not be a new regiment, but rather an additional specialized job within the Security Department. It would have four available slots and have Level-3 Security Clearance.

Purpose of the Executive Protection Unit:​

The primary role of the Executive Protection Unit is to protect Site Administration and their assets. In essence, the E.P.U would function similarly to A-1/O-1, but with a specific focus on Site Administration, without inheriting their same level of authority. Their responsibilities would include stuff such as:

  • Enforcing Site Administration’s directives
  • Providing personal protection
  • Conducting internal riot control (particularly with site staff)
  • Handling anti-unionization efforts
  • Executing orders from Site Administration, even in their absence [Like A-1/O-1 do]
The E.P.U can also have a secondary role when no Site Administration personnel are online: protecting other high-ranking individuals, such as department directors. In these cases, they would follow the directors' orders, provided they don't conflict with Site Administration’s directives, acting as their protective and combative unit when needed.

Equipment and Tools:​

I can create a custom model for this job. Their gear could include:
  • Assault rifles
  • Elastic restraints
  • Tranquilizer guns
  • Riot shields
However, they will not have access to tools used by A-1/O-1, such as spy cards, LMGs, or deployable shields, and they won’t have special arrest authority.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
No. This is a unique proposal.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Enhanced Roleplay Opportunities
    The E.P.U. would offer more immersive roleplay experiences, particularly for non-combative leadership roles. Currently, Site Administration and directors have to rely on other departments (which have many responsibilities) to handle situations that require security intervention. This unit would allow for more independent, directed responses in roleplay scenarios without adding unnecessary combat elements to the game.
  • Security Department Expansion
    This proposal would further expand the Security Department, aligning with the community’s long-term goals. The E.P.U. would add an important gameplay loop without detracting from other departments. In fact, it could support departments like Internal Affairs, which may be understaffed, or assist MTF units when they are occupied with other tasks.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1. Potential Underuse
There is a risk that the unit may be misused or not utilized effectively by the player base, leading to it being seen as redundant.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Since the early days of the server, there has been ongoing interest in creating sub-divisions focused on protection roles for MTFs, Combat Medics, and Security personnel. However, these initiatives have often failed due to mismanagement and lack of player interest, largely because the roles lacked distinctiveness.

The Executive Protection Unit would offer a unique, dedicated role for protecting high-value personnel and managing internal security issues, tasks often overlooked by other units due to their extensive responsibilities. By focusing on one specific job with limited slots, the E.P.U. minimizes server bloat and avoids redundancy, providing a fresh and necessary role in the server’s roleplay ecosystem.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1. Potential Underuse
There is a risk that the unit may be misused or not utilized effectively by the player base, leading to it being seen as redundant.
as niox said, this has potential to detract RP from other departments - however; SCU didn't really detract from E-11, it kinda works with them? and i think having something like that but purely for VIP protection might be something that could mesh well with the way CL4 positions work (i.e. SA & dpt. directors can't really do a lot without anyone willing to escort them (this applies to site command too, but - i mean, i guess something could be worked out between gensec and ISD? it'd create RP for all involved at the very least))

not sure how i feel about 4 slots, an actual implementation would probably end up with 2 - but i think having this be an option in gensec like, imagine you're someone new at the lower rungs of getting into the server and learning how it works, there's not really any good way to convey the experience VIP escort duty RP loop to someone learning the ropes? i think it could be beneficial, but it would have to be very carefully thought out - this could be a good way to learn OOC what it is A-1 and O-1 do (fun fact, i still have zero clue of the actual specific ins and outs of this, despite having been an E-11 CPT and an OSA, both of which positions knew these things IC... enough?) and generate interest into working towards those regiments, while also making this available to roles that kinda need these things to function at times when there aren't enough of those specific people available for when they're needed.
+Tentative Support
and of course, it needs an rpg7 in its loadout
Last edited:
Jun 24, 2022

Equipment and Tools:​

I can create a custom model for this job. Their gear could include:
  • Assault rifles
  • Elastic restraints
  • Tranquilizer guns
  • Riot shields
  • However, they will not have access to tools used by A-1/O-1, such as spy cards, LMGs, or deployable shields, and they won’t have special arrest authority.
im fine with the load except the tranq i see no reason for a class to have a tranq gun if the tranq gun is used to detain people and suppress riots thats the one of the reason why response units have it.
+support just no tranq gun.
Jun 8, 2022
+support, tentatively.

I think this could be good, however with as many guard-detail regiments as already exist, it seems like it would be adding a drop to a bucket that's already full. A-1 and O-1 already fulfill 'guard duties' and don't do anything to contribute to roleplay - just stroke each other's egos for being 'top-notch MTF' and guarding the top brass.
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I feel like this will infact result in more roleplay of poorer quality. Alpha-1 and Omega-1 are regiments that exist as you described for their respective 'sides'. These regiments are very RP-intensive comparative to other combative roles, and infact rely fully on RP now that I think of it. Giving GSD the equivalent of an A-1 job to escort SA, I feel, will result in some sort of bootleg A1/O1. A particular issue I can see occurring is intentionally attempting to seek 'wars' between A1/O1 and this so-called "EPU".

A1/O1 wars ("ISD Wars") occur under very strict and controlled RP environments, with top-level Site Command (whitelisted and hand-selected positions) needing to authorize them. They usually occur during hostile conflicts between the two, although a particular issue I can see is EPU trying to involve themselves unnecessarily. When they occur, departments often try to get in the way and involve themselves with the action, although I can 100% foresee this becoming an actuality if implemented.

You stated:

Since the early days of the server, there has been ongoing interest in creating sub-divisions focused on protection roles for MTFs, Combat Medics, and Security personnel. However, these initiatives have often failed due to mismanagement and lack of player interest, largely because the roles lacked distinctiveness.
I don't see how this suggestion will add any more 'distinctiveness' to this role. The common issue with these sub-divisions (which mind you, I hate these sub-divisions) is that they have an overlap in duties and generally not everybody in the facility needs a bodyguard.

Furthermore, I feel like a lot of the duties you listed will detract much value from other areas of RP in the server. To go into more detail:

Providing personal protection
This is the job of O-1 and A-1 respectively. Afaik A-1 provide protection to SA when necessary.
  • Conducting internal riot control (particularly with site staff)
  • Handling anti-unionization efforts
This seems like the role of O-1, A-1 and IA, no? These are three RP-heavy 'jobs' and adding more people into the mix I feel will detract value from the existing jobs, it creates unnecessary overlap of duties
Executing orders from Site Administration, even in their absence [Like A-1/O-1 do]
I don't see how this will work considering it isn't a regiment whose entire purpose is to serve this playergroup.

- Bootleg O-1/A-1
- Will unnecessarily try to seek conflict with O-1/A-1
- Lower entry requirements leading to poorer RP (whilst you did say it's similar to O-1/A-1 with less authority, my point still stands, I still foresee them gunning people down for having a weapon near a VIP)
- Massive overlap of duties from existing departments and regiments
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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Nov 26, 2022
- Support
I feel like this will infact result in more roleplay of poorer quality. Alpha-1 and Omega-1 are regiments that exist as you described for their respective 'sides'. These regiments are very RP-intensive comparative to other combative roles, and infact rely fully on RP now that I think of it. Giving GSD the equivalent of an A-1 job to escort SA, I feel, will result in some sort of bootleg A1/O1. A particular issue I can see occurring is intentionally attempting to seek 'wars' between A1/O1 and this so-called "EPU".

A1/O1 wars ("ISD Wars") occur under very strict and controlled RP environments, with top-level Site Command (whitelisted and hand-selected positions) needing to authorize them. They usually occur during hostile conflicts between the two, although a particular issue I can see is EPU trying to involve themselves unnecessarily. When they occur, departments often try to get in the way and involve themselves with the action, although I can 100% foresee this becoming an actuality if implemented.

You stated:

I don't see how this suggestion will add any more 'distinctiveness' to this role. The common issue with these sub-divisions (which mind you, I hate these sub-divisions) is that they have an overlap in duties and generally not everybody in the facility needs a bodyguard.

Furthermore, I feel like a lot of the duties you listed will detract much value from other areas of RP in the server. To go into more detail:

This is the job of O-1 and A-1 respectively. Afaik A-1 provide protection to SA when necessary.

This seems like the role of O-1, A-1 and IA, no? These are three RP-heavy 'jobs' and adding more people into the mix I feel will detract value from the existing jobs, it creates unnecessary overlap of duties

I don't see how this will work considering it isn't a regiment whose entire purpose is to serve this playergroup.

- Bootleg O-1/A-1
- Will unnecessarily try to seek conflict with O-1/A-1
- Lower entry requirements leading to poorer RP (whilst you did say it's similar to O-1/A-1 with less authority, my point still stands, I still foresee them gunning people down for having a weapon near a VIP)
- Massive overlap of duties from existing departments and regiments