Executive Researcher Application 3rt try (UK)

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Nick Tyson

Active member
Dec 14, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:450858270
Discord name: Mrnoskill#6718
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 244h
In what country are you located?: Bulgaria
Time zone: 2h+Greenwich meridian
Character name(s): Nick Tyson
Civilian name: George
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Nu-7 I have 3 license-medical, heavy weapons and rrt

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
2 warnings: 1 for meta gaming and 1 for fail Rp

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I am applying because I want to help the Jr Researchers, Researchers and Sr researchers. I will play this role all of my time if I get the role. I want the researchers to succeed and one day to get to Executive Researchers and and maybe Directors of Research. I want to test too on SCPs, I see that some people like me and they come to ask me some times about how to do something and if I want to come whit them to see if they are doing it the right way. I will want to grade documents and tell them were their mistake is.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
This is my 3rt time sending a Executive Researcher application and from every application I fix my mistakes and understand were I am wrong. I understand that this role is to help people (mainly Jr Researchers, Researchers and Sr Researchers). I would like to teach them and help them and some times do a test on the SCPs. I know that for this role on first place is helping people(grading documents, hosting lectures and more), second is doing SCP test lev4 and lower lev.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have 3 Excellent-graded documents. What makes a document excellent I will tell the in steps:
1-The document need to have some pictures some information about the SCP index method and logs.
2-You need to check for the spelling mistakes and this is important because if there to many it will not be a excellent-graded document.
3-Test on something that no one have tested on and to make it the document unique when someone is reading it.
4-You need to make it reed like a story make it like it is a real and you are interested to know what happens next make it so that the reader remember the test like a bed time story.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
First one and the most important is helping Researchers in any way (tests, grading and just be like next to them if they need help)
Second is grading documents this is very important because you need to know what you are grading and need to be very careful because if you make a mistake the Researcher will do the same format but a other SCP that is why you need to remember what you grade.
Third one is doing lev 4 test. You need to very careful what you do there because if you make 1 mistake that will mean code 5 (SCP breach containment). There you need to be sure what you do this means to read all documents about the SCP and at the end to call E-11 if there is something wrong.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
My characters name is: Nick Tyson
Age: 53
Country that he is located: Bulgaria

Nick was born In a city called Burgas he was a orphan. Form there he got adopted, from there he was a very clever boy and he was very famous in his school. He was cleaver,beautiful and famous when he left school and got a job he was a researcher. He was the best researcher, he did so many cures and studies that caught the eye of the foundation. And they took him to work for them.

He was very famous there everybody loved him he was (Funny,cool and smart) He was a Jr for 6 months then he became researcher in about 1 year and from there it took him 3 years to become Sr researcher and from there he is doing his best to became a Exec researcher he work day and night to get that job he wanted it so bad. The Jr researchers came to him to ask him questions and overall get his help.

The experiment that boosted his career was whit SCP-049 from there he find out thing that the foundation didnt even know about then a Exec researcher told him to not give up on the job. From there he carried on.
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Yep you always give me -Support because you dont like me. I know
Not because i dont like you i like you my friend, And i beleve in you, Its just that you are not ready yet. Every executive app you made before is the same you have to step it up, and make your self more ruteble in the comunity as a resercher

Insurgent oreo

Active member
Sep 29, 2022
Hello Nick I will be leaving + SUPPORT
- Decent amount of documents

- Lore could be a bit more detailed but it is creative
- Decent answers

In my opinion, Nick would be a great executive since I see him on Bio 24/7
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Well-known Member
Jul 19, 2022

Hello Nick,

We appreciate the time you have taken to write an application,
however we do not currently feel confident enough to allow you to progress to the interview phase

Please take the time to become more involved with the department and to become a more reputable member of such before proposing another application

If you wish for any further elaboration on this denial please contact myself or my Co-Director Jeremy Siens.​

YOU MAY RE-APPLY IN 2 WEEKS (15/2/2023 Onwards)
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