Executive Researcher Application(UK)

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Active member
Jun 18, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:585858383
Discord name: Casseno1
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 341 hours
In what country are you located?:UK
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Cass “Casseno”
Civilian name: Cassenos
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?:
— Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I hold no current MTF or CI roles.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? And why?:
— I received 1 warning of fail RP on 21/6/24 and one warning of RDM on 27/6/24 and finally a ban on 21/6/24 for fail RP.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
— I'm applying for Executive Researcher because I've really enjoyed being Sr Researcher and would like to progress to a CL4, mainly so I can help new Researchers to the full extent. I have done so as a Sr, but was unable to authorise the test they wanted to do or grade documents. I am also finding it limiting with the amount of information that I can “use” because my main focus on my own tests are biological testing. There are 3 perfect SCPs for this type of testing, but they are unusable to the degree I would like them to be.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
— I believe I am suitable for Executive Researcher due to my enjoyment of teaching newer Researchers and watching them grow into amazing Sr Researchers, I also show a well understood knowledge of excellent grade documents, so I would believe I could grade them correctly. Finally, I really enjoy listening to lectures made by Executive Researchers and would enjoy hosting them myself to once more teach newer Researchers on a plethora of different types of tests.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
—I have 3 excellent grade documents which are as follows;
* SCP-409 x SCP-912 Cross test
* SCP-427-2 x SCP-409 Cross test
* SCP-049 x SCP-409 x SCP-914 Cross test
- An excellent grade document is a document with minimal spelling and grammar mistakes with a minimum of 10 pages, this also includes the use of an index, description, aims, method, safety, hypothesis, and conclusion.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
—The responsibilities of an Executive Researcher would be being able to accurately grade documents up to excellent grade, if it does meet this requirement you have to pay them 10K for an excellent graded document and 5K for a good grade document, they should be able to mentor Researchers on their duties and privileges while making it enjoyable for all involved. Once more, they should display a passion for helping others with documents or accompanying Researchers on their tests when needed or requested. Executives are also required to have engagements with projects sent by other departments or even making their own projects. A very good understanding of clearance level restrictions and authorisation restrictions. They should also perform lectures regularly to help newer Researchers with all sorts of tasks. Finally, they should also use the power of job banning if a researcher breaks the rules.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
—Executive Researcher Casseno is the newest transferee from Site *11* due to the accident from their cross test between SCP-610 and SCP-217, causing a code black, resulting in the destruction of the site. Since then, they have dedicated themselves to the safety of all personnel, including D-class. Casseno is extremely well versed in all inanimate SCPs, ranging from SCP-099 to SCP-008. They have a passion for the more simple tests, such as seeing is 912 can listen to extremely long and detailed orders to the dot.
Last edited:
Feb 22, 2024
oki so

Cons -
-the application seems way to short, in my opinion you can do better
-the lore is extremely short
-active warning

Naturals -/+
-might want to expand a bit on the duties part, make it a bit more in depth in my opinion
-didnt see you on researcher much, but when i did it was a really nice experience, knows his stuff

Pros +
-great guys, was really good on IA and really nice to work with
-really professional
-really helpful

overall ill give you a:
try and get some more time in RsD but overall i think you should get the position, good luck man, wish to see you back in IA sometime
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This is the same IA that followed me around for 20 minutes, claiming that i couldn't sample safe SCPs as C2 researcher, then got job banned the next day. From what I've seen he has been incredibly petty, and in my opinion does not deserve the rank of executive researcher. He may have changed, but i am not sure of that as i mainly play US
May 14, 2023
(Slight) +Support
- I've seen you a good bit on research
- I've only had good experiences with you
- Recent Ban
- Application could be better
Like Pirate McPirate mentioned, I think you could have written a better application, it feels a bit rushed.
In spite of this, I've given you a
+Support as my personal experiences with you lead me to believe you could succeed as an Executive Researcher.
I hope to see you get a chance to be one.
-/+ neutral leaning +support

- short application
- looks rushed
- you need a bit more information on the general duties of an executive researcher

- however, you are active
- and have a good reputation in the research department
- i have seen many excellent documents made by you
- you are professional, while conducting tests

I just wish you put a bit more effort in your application like i see in your documents.



Active member
Jun 18, 2024
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:585858383
Discord name:Casseno1
For how long have you played on CG SCP:341 hours
In what country are you located?:UK
Time zone:BST
Character name(s):Cass “Casseno”
Civilian name:Cassenos
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):UK
Do you have a mic?:
— Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I hold no current MTF or CI roles.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? And why?:
— I received 1 warning of fail RP on 21/6/24 and one warning of RDM on 27/6/24 and finally a ban on 21/6/24 for fail RP.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
— I'm applying for Executive Researcher because I've really enjoyed being Sr Researcher and would like to progress to a CL4, mainly so I can help new Researchers to the full extent. I have done so as a Sr, but was unable to authorise the test they wanted to do or grade documents. I am also finding it limiting with the amount of information that I can “use” because my main focus on my own tests are biological testing. There are 3 perfect SCPs for this type of testing, but they are unusable to the degree I would like them to be.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
— I believe I am suitable for Executive Researcher due to my enjoyment of teaching newer Researchers and watching them grow into amazing Sr Researchers, I also show a well understood knowledge of excellent grade documents, so I would believe I could grade them correctly. Finally, I really enjoy listening to lectures made by Executive Researchers and would enjoy hosting them myself to once more teach newer Researchers on a plethora of different types of tests.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
—I have 3 excellent grade documents which are as follows;
* SCP-409 x SCP-912 Cross test
* SCP-427-2 x SCP-409 Cross test
* SCP-049 x SCP-409 x SCP-914 Cross test
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
—The responsibilities of an Executive Researcher would be being able to accurately grade documents up to excellent grade, if it does meet this requirement you have to pay them 10K for an excellent graded document and 5K for a good grade document, they should be able to mentor Researchers on their duties and privileges while making it enjoyable for all involved. Once more, they should display a passion for helping others with documents or accompanying Researchers on their tests when needed or requested. Executives are also required to have engagements with projects sent by other departments or even making their own projects. A very good understanding of clearance level restrictions and authorisation restrictions. They should also perform lectures regularly to help newer Researchers with all sorts of tasks. Finally, they should also use the power of job banning if a researcher breaks the rules.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
—Executive Researcher Casseno is the newest transferee from Site *11* due to the accident from their cross test between SCP-610 and SCP-217, causing a code black, resulting in the destruction of the site. Since then, they have dedicated themselves to the safety of all personnel, including D-class. Casseno is extremely well versed in all inanimate SCPs, ranging from SCP-099 to SCP-008. They have a passion for the more simple tests, such as seeing is 912 can listen to extremely long and detailed orders to the dot.
EDIT:I've expanded a small amount on the duties of the Executive Researcher due to missing some key points.
Jun 10, 2024
+ Support
+ He trained me upon creating my first Excellent document
+ Good RP and Great Crosstest ideas
+ Trustworthy.
Last edited:
Jun 10, 2024
-/+ Neutral Leaning -Supp
+ Active on Researcher
+ Knows how to perform tests efficiently
+ Have seen him create some good documents

- Recent Punishments
- Application could be improved
- Saw you arrested as Sr Researcher yesterday for trying to test on a Civilian (Whether that was overturned I dont believe it was)

Ill be real, that arrest is the prime thing preventing me from doing a +Supp it was literally yesterday
Nov 7, 2022

This is the same IA that followed me around for 20 minutes, claiming that i couldn't sample safe SCPs as C2 researcher, then got job banned the next day. From what I've seen he has been incredibly petty, and in my opinion does not deserve the rank of executive researcher. He may have changed, but i am not sure of that as i mainly play US
Bro he is applying for exec not IA.
Jul 22, 2023
Casseno, this applications very rushed, it seems to lack much formatting,
I'm sure you can do better, other than that tho, you are great at writing docs,
very active and are genuinely nice.
I wish you the best of luck.


Active member
Jun 18, 2024
So? its still minging on other jobs, and major unproffesionalism
Hey so I told you about the sampling policy you need to write a doc to sample every SCP with safe-Euclid needing Sr approval and keter needing Executive, you were a regular researcher at the time and repeatedly ignored my warnings, I was trying to make sure you didn't get arrested.


Active member
Jun 18, 2024
-/+ Neutral Leaning -Supp
+ Active on Researcher
+ Knows how to perform tests efficiently
+ Have seen him create some good documents

- Recent Punishments
- Application could be improved
- Saw you arrested as Sr Researcher yesterday for trying to test on a Civilian (Whether that was overturned I dont believe it was)

Ill be real, that arrest is the prime thing preventing me from doing a +Supp it was literally yesterday
Hey, I didn't end up getting arrested for that due to lack of proof (it was a fun interrogation though).
Hey so I told you about the sampling policy you need to write a doc to sample every SCP with safe-Euclid needing Sr approval and keter needing Executive, you were a regular researcher at the time and repeatedly ignored my warnings, I was trying to make sure you didn't get arrested.
That's just a lie. You don't need approval for safe SCPs a normal researcher. I have been told this by executives before, and i don't know where you found this information.
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