Executive Researcher Application [US] SCP-RP

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Active member
Jul 19, 2022
Steam ID: 76561198400173481
Discord name: jew hackman#6657
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5 days
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: mountain standard (arizona)
Character name(s): Biggz Bonez
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I enjoy doing the researcher role this server is all I have been thinking about since I started playing. For some reason I enjoy going through bureaucratic hurdles in order to conduct tests. I think the rules add a lot to the roleplay aspect of the game and I love it.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I follow ethics as well as server and RP rules and I'm also on everyone else's case constantly. Not overbearingly though. I do care about all aspects of this server that make research so fun and I thrive to enforce it wherever I can without taking away from the fun of the game. I am currently a biohazard Researcher and I am constantly trying to train Jr. researchers to do their job correctly and efficiently. I think in general I've helped out a lot in research the past few days. Many other researchers have already approached me seeking help with research papers or pitching ideas to ethics and many times I saved ethics their breath.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I take my time with Research studies that I document so that I don't rush anything. Quality is way better than quantity in my opinion and I do get burnt out wrangling D-class and cadets. Anyways I'm finishing up a research study as I type this out and wait for SCP's to stop killing everyone. So that will be in the system under 714 Cross-Analysis and it will also be on the board in research if you'd like to see my writing.
Grammar, Format, Presentation, and making an attempt at actual research are all very important . ensuring scientific method is applied is a given but has many pieces. Hypothesis, Aim, Method, Participants, SCP-Subjects, Findings, and Conclusion all need to be mentioned. I would probably give bonus points to people who add pictures, Index, and set a good seem/premise for roleplay.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
Executive Researchers must ensure safe research practices as well as ethics are upheld. They grade documents and host lectures as well as teach the lower researchers site 65 procedures. Executive Researchers must also accompany any tests that require level 4 access. Executive Researchers also run tests of their own when they find the time.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Biggz Bonez is a no nonsense young researcher from the south western region of the US. Biggz doesn't like to talk too often, but Biggz is young and ambitious. When his curiosity is peaked he cant sit still from excitement. Biggz has a history of letting his curiosity Get the better of him causing him to progressively grow more and more complacent towards the D-class. As more lives were lost to Biggz's tests he grew more and more numb towards Class-D personnel, eventually feeding them to his favorite pets, SPC-939 and SCP-939-02. He told everyone it was "important research" and they all believed or didn't care all the same.


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2022
+ massive support

I have been watching biggz for a while now and I’m thoroughly impressed with how he has picked up the knowledge and uses that to help others! I feel like every time I turn around he is helping another researcher with something or asking me more questions about how to really learn the more detailed stuff in research.

Biggz, your worth ethic is amazing and I love how you are willing to help and remind people of rules. I do think your lord could be a lot better but I understand you are still starting out. Overall I believe you would be a great addition to the team!

Edit: I have watched biggz do multiple lectures now and seen him interact more with researchers, he has my full support!
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Active member
Apr 15, 2022
+ Support
Biggz, You have gained attention from your peers as being a leader even though you are relatively new to the department. Experience only matters when you apply yourself and even with a lack of experience, you have been clearly applying yourself and have shown your dedication to Research. I hope to see you as an Executive at Site-56 Soon.


Well-known Member
May 22, 2022
+ Support
I did an interview with him, and he has gained my support. He was professional and kind during the interview. He knew his stuff very well and answered the situation questions correctly. He seems like an awesome addition to the Executive Team.

Signed, Exec. Kint "Fluffs" Higashikata


Active member
Jul 19, 2022
Thank you to everyone for the major support. I'm glad to know my peers are watching. I promise this decision was well made.
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