Executive Researcher Application

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Jan 30, 2022
Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Well over a month of playing, hours wise unknown but 50-90+ possibly

Age: 19

In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character name(s):

Sr Researcher Alfie Brown

Civilian name:

Danny Waters

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Nu-7 SPC Alfie Brown

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I am applying for Executive Researcher for a couple of reasons

first and foremost my motivation is to improve the quality of the current research and the standards of it, by teaching, and conducting research, and helping to conduct meaningful research in the future by different ideas using CL4 cards and more, with well-documented files that are aesthetically pleasing, formatted well, and informative. research that also adds a new layer to SCP RP which possibly didn't exist beforehand
involving real-life skills such as programming to research making it more detailed and professional which is the second reason I would like to apply to Executive Researcher, using the role to teach and help other researchers add to their research another layer of skills and more possibilities and ideas.

Furthermore to be online and support the servers if needed by filling the missing role.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
Creativity Dedication and Standards which an Executive Researcher needs, makes me a suitable application for such role, in addition, my experience as a senior researcher who has several excellent graded documents, and the passion and desire to help fellow researchers to conduct the best research they possibly can, my ability to RP in current situations and stay in character despite chaos and havoc.

and the amount of the hours I put in weekly in the server which could be 15+ hours

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I believe to have 2 excellent graded documents one waiting for approval (and is my finest work yet), and they are excellent for the following reasons.

*Well formatted, good-looking informative easy, and not boring to read.

*Documents that convey the message of the research or the occurrences that happened during the research that include detailed explanations

*Adding another layer to the advanced format such as notes for future research, safety precautions, and recommendations.

*Unique research that has never been conducted before on not so "unique" SCPs, having different outlooks and perspectives that haven't been discussed or researched before.

* Useful research, research that actually can be used to prevent or predict future occurrences with that SCP.

overall putting effort into the documents shows, with details and taking time to write the document and actually enjoying doing so

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

The responsibilities of the Executive Researcher varies from :

Conducting the best research in terms of standards and RP, making it the most interesting research and driving other researchers to do the same showing example in such research to others, to assuring the quality of other researches conducted, by teaching helping and observing, and possibly giving feedback on such research, and overall improving the generally the research department as a whole by all means available.
Ensuring Ethics of overall research, and promising fair treatment to Class D personnel.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Alfie brown started as a depressed tired uninspired researcher who hadn't conducted any "meaningful" research, for him this job was his second option just in case something goes wrong in life, and it did. unmotivated and usually angry he went on to do research until he meet a senior researcher that inspired him to be on the same standards as his, changing from being somewhat none caring or even rude to class D personnel to caring and friendly, from boring "useless" research to meaningful creative research, that involved heavily Class D personnel and their positive traits, combining his first ambition job to the current job proved him he could conduct very important and interesting research, now he tries climbing up the ladders, his research ideology is the somewhat strict no-nonsense attitude towards the same research he had done in the start of his career. number 1 chess player in the entire facility did make him feel cocky and somewhat smart over others. as he can be condescending towards security rather than class D . Alfie brown can be described as dogmatic yet patient respectful and devoted to research.


Oct 7, 2021
+Great RP
+Great Help in one of my experiments.

-/+ I wanna see how you will handle and host your research more often so I can even better judge you.

I would also like to see your addendum on the 008 research.

Good luck!


Well-known Member
Dec 23, 2021
+Creative and dedicated individual
+Only ever witnessed solid roleplay
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