Executive Researcher application

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Alex "Monke" Smith

Game Master
Game Master
Aug 29, 2022

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:442142081

Discord name:AlxeIsOg#6358

For how long have you played on CG SCP
:5D 3H 15M


In what country are you located?: Iraq

In which time zone are you:GMT+3

Character name(s): Alex "Monke" Smith

Civilian name:
Alex Smith "Monke"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: No white-listed roles
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Toxicity (I don't remember when I got this warn) And ERP (I said am the penis inspector ? was trying to make someone laugh)

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I have been an SR for quite a while and tested all scps for CL3 and below I tried to do Cross tests they were approved by Sa but there was never a good amount of E-11 for me to do it so I would like to be an executive so I can help sr jr and normal researchers in there Docs and tests I also like the idea of being able to read peoples cross tests and see if it's deemed safe or not I also think I would be a good Executive do to me following the CoC quite a lot and I try to force other researchers to follow it as well.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I think I am suitable to be an Executive due to the fact I am on for 4-6 hours a day and follow the CoC quite well i do admit i like making fun of 073 as I know a lot about his Lore all my Docs are Excellent except one each was only a good because of some spelling errors When i test i always take the right precautions and make the Doc of method and aim beforehand.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have 4 excellent-graded documents, To me, an Excellent document needs to have a min of 7 pages an index a method, and aim for an SCP photo to be there and the test and conclusion have to be separate and both to be good and allowed the researcher to have learned something about the SCP he is testing, This can vary if let's say its only 6 pages But the test and conclusion are really good then it's still an excellent and a document with a bad aim and method but its 10 pages long will still get a good grade and not Excellent because I rather quality over quantity

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
To make sure all Sr researchers and below are doing their jobs well and following the CoC and CoE and be there when they are in danger also to test those SCPs which are CL4+ and approve Documents and review them And make sure that the Research department is functioning as well as possible.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in : Alex "Monke" Smith was a normal 15-year-old living in Iraq who was accpeted in the UNI of baghdad best school in Iraq only the best of the best and decided to learn engineering and chemistry in the UNI of Baghdad being the youngest student there made him stand out more he felt weird reading about all the SCFI stuff knowing himself it isn't real but it all changed when he found a strange thing known as 3341 an Arabic SCP found at Eastern Province Settlement Zone he was there when site 368 was containing the first one Alex was interested in this hiding every time they contained a 3341 instance learning more and more about it, Till one day he wanted to contain one as well after making a makeshift Containment beam using the knowlage he knew from UNI about engierring and looking at the SCP containment personel and cuffs made out of [Redeacted] metal he approached 3341 nervous but not afraid, Once 3341 saw Alex it became hostile and tried to attack Alex, That's when Alex beamed 3341 till it was unable to move and was able to handcuff it that's when site 65 arrived and saw young Alex sooo they kidnapped him and brainwashed him till he was loyal to the site. (this backstory sounds mad cringe lmao)
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Thomas Stone

Well-known Member
Aug 10, 2022
+Support leaning to neutral
- Have had some good interactions with this user.
- Lore need more effort. Like showing and explaining HOW TF A 15 YEAR OLD MADE A MAKE-SHIFT BEAM AND CUFFS. But overall its good.
- Maybe add some colours to your application denoting which is the questing/answer and maybe make some bold or italics.

Alex "Monke" Smith

Game Master
Game Master
Aug 29, 2022
+Support leaning to neutral

- Lore need more effort. Like showing and explaining HOW TF A 15 YEAR OLD MADE A MAKE-SHIFT BEAM AND CUFFS. But overall its good.

- Maybe add some colours to your application denoting which is the questing/answer and maybe make some bold or italics.
Thank you for telling me better ways to make my forum and i have done that
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Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2022
+/- Neutral
| Amazing Documents |

| Professional |

| Good Interactions |

| Reliable |
| Application Lacks Detail |

| Not a Great Understanding of the Executive Role |
Mr. Smith has always proved to be both professional and a pleasure to be around. He is always well up-kept and always respects personnel.

His documents are also amazing. Every time I see a document from him I am always surprised to how much effort he put in.

However, your Application doesn't include that same effort. Your paragraphs are a ted messy and unorganised. When - In 2 weeks - you get another chance to write one I strongly advise putting more effort in.

Also you seem to have a lack of understanding of the Executive role. That is of course an issue. But, all issues can be solved. I can give you a better understanding of our roles by teaching you the ways.

Your attitude towards others is amazing and you have good conduct. I hope to see you come back in 2 weeks with an improved Application and a better understanding of the role. You have lots of potential my friend.
| Dr. Alec Bennett | [GOG-3 Lead] | Nu-7 LCPL |
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Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
+/- Neutral leaning to support
I don't usually give my opinion on exec apps since I am not involved with the research department but I have seen you a couple of times as E-11 and you were quite professional. But your application lacks punctuation which makes me doubt your docs BUT I am going to take Alec's word and assume your documents are better. Tbh your application could look better and more detailed but other than that I think you have a great shot for exec. Wish you luck o7
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Reactions: Alex "Monke" Smith
Hello Mr Smith, I do not currently believe you have a sufficient understanding of the executive's role within the department. Additionally, compared to other applications yours is under-detailed in most sections. I believe you need to develop a more sufficient understanding of the executive's duties before you reapply.
You may reapply in a weeks time (09/09/2022)
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