Executive Researcher

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Active member
Feb 26, 2023
Steam ID:76561198999117620
Discord name: I don't have it i can get it if i need
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 10 day on uk and us
Age 15
In what country are you located uk
Time zone: GBR
Character name "Bobby" i thing
Civilian name: bobbbby i thing
What server are you applying for SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic 50/50 it can die some time its ok but it is a shit mic
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held medic licence
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? ok some of my warnings were me trying to understand how the server work and some were just some one geting mad and reporting it and some i can admit it was on me but i haveing being ban for a long time as well.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher: you see the game it's good not its not bad and the staff moderation team can do they job and ye they some bad one but its mostly good and for rp reason i would like Executive Researcher i like to do Researcher and rp and as a Executive Researcher i will do the following deny or accept documents take my job seriously and deal with unfit researcher accordingly
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher i take rp seriously and like i said as a Executive Researcher i will do the following deny or accept documents take my job seriously and deal with unfit researcher accordingly and make a safe environment for evey one who would like to do research in general and give out fair punashmins for Researcher who purposely to get they escort kill from a scp

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? I cant written doc most of the time because most times it becomes a thing thing i cant put it in words but i can say what makes a doc excellent useing your own words not just copy and past and if you do so you would need to put were got it from and have full sentences of what the scp it and would you would like to do with it
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: i thing i said this but i thing its as a Executive Researcher i will do the following deny or accept documents take my job seriously and deal with unfit researcher accordingly and make a safe environment for evey one who would like to do research in general and give out fair punashmins dont go in to reckless danger because i have a lv4 and it could get lost what may end in disaster if in the wong hands so i will need to be more cautious so it will not get lost
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in Mr bob hes a funey man to say the lest and can be unhinged from what hes see over the years of working for foundation Researcher team seeing what breeches one of they cells not knowing wen it be him geting his neck snap or being takein to 106 or being killd by 682 or ci geting him or goc he on Edge

[ye this may not be the best you seen but its what i like and what i would do for this job and try and do more rp and i hope for the onewho is reading this knows they going to be some typos for this and have a good day mod or admin or senior leadership or for eney one who reading this i had so much fun makeing this doc it may not have bullet point it may not be set out well but i like it it was fun doing it
1 more thing i cant take a pic of my lv but it is combat 21 dclas 26 Researcher 27 scp 19 support 26 if i could i would show a pic but i cant i will not let me
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Thank you for applying for the position of Executive Researcher, however, we feel you do not fit the standards of an executive researcher. This reason may be elaborated on should you choose to come into further contact with Myself (Pup#0115) or Lunaro (Bees#4431).

You may reapply in 2 weeks.
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