Executive (UK)

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Active member
Jul 10, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:164488785
Discord name: RedsnowWinter
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 144
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: Netherlands
Time zone: CET
Character name(s): Niko murk
Civilian name: Jerry fallfield
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Currently holding, CI PFC

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

I honestly believe that with my own knowledge and prior experience within the research division that I have the ability to support all members of the research division, ranging from the junior researchers all the way up to senior members of staff. I am able to provide a second set of eyes and also help ensure a thorough test is completed. Should it be a quick and easy sampling or more unusual crosstest I will be there to assist in any way that I can. I wish to support the Foundation by allowing for their work to be completed swiftly by helping to get documents signed, allowing those researchers to move forward and get their tests completed.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

Through my time in Site-65 I have been able to recognise that I have developed and strengthened my skills around communication, patience and coaching others. I am Dutch but speak fluent English, having the ability to converse with other vocally within the site allows me to ensure a great roleplay experience and allows me to convey the information required. Having patience has been paramount in my time, new members to the site can often be confused and will move at a slower pace to more tenured members and spending the time to mentor and support these will help develop great long-time members within the facility. I am always open to help teach anyone within the site, regardless of their own knowledge or ability. I am often active within the site during less popular hours, this means that work requiring an executive could be carried out later into the night, allowing for those on at that time to not miss out on an experience. I strive to be the best that I can, I am open and will prompt for honest feedback around various areas of my work. I put an importance on honesty so I am more than happy to provide a judgement free time for anyone to provide me with honest feedback to help ensure the positive areas I am able to succeed and the less desirable areas I can tackle and improve for the future.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

Currently I have produced 3 excellent-grade document. I believe that an excellent document must be informative so that those reading can gain a thorough understanding of the SCP and all possible outcomes from their test. It should always be accurate, ensuring that all is spelt correctly and following correct grammar and format. The content should be engaging, making sure readers are kept interested all throughout the read. Keeping documents to a high standard both allows the content of the document to be able to provide a great comprehension of the required information but also gives a view into the ability of the division as a whole. I take pride in the work I complete and make sure that it’s the best it can be.

I would make sure that I am available for staff often to help further their research. I will read over their documents, providing signatures where needed but also providing them next steps in order to receive the rest of their required signatures.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

I believe they put a great importance around the support of staff within the research department who require support. More often this is juniour staff members, having less time within the department they are less likely to have seen many aspects of the role and I strive to support them to further their research to become the best researchers that they can be. I often accompany these less expereinced members to their tests, being there to provide support should they need it at the time or provide constructive feedback around their test towards the end. Supporting in these tests will also benefit myself, it can open my eyes to different methods/routes that I may not have thought of myself. This is why I find it so important to promote a culture of support within the research department, even the most experience staff members can benefit from anyone else as they can simply think differently. Putting this into an executive researcher role, I would make sure that support is always available for those who need it. Even at the time if I am caught up with other tasks I will attempt to find fitting support in the form of another researcher. I will also take an interest in the methods of everyone, meaning that when a junior comes to me about an area I can connect them with a specialist in that method.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Niko Murk is a highly knowledgeable researcher, who harbours a severe disdain for the O5 Council. He is strongly against their methods and ideologies. He believes that the opinion around SCPs is incorrect, too much importance is placed on containment and testing rather than termination in order to protect those who are most at risk. While he wants to see more into the termination of dangerous SCPs he also understands the importance around furthering a collective understanding of SCPs, he wants it most to protect as many people as possible.
Regardless of his strong opinions he understands that presenting disobedience with likely be returned with swift judgement, likely resulting in an extended stay within D-Class. As a result Niko follows the word of O5 in the open, while secretly seeking methods to exterminate SCPs under the guise of “research”. Niko aims to become the leading Executive Researcher, specialising in chemical research. Within this role he hopes to discover methods to protect innocent lives, which he values above those within the D-Class personnel. Niko believes that D-Class are the lowest form of humanity and a burden to the Foundation, he is unhappy around their presence so in the event of D-Class loss of life within tests doesn’t affect his mental state; sometimes even improving his mood for the day. Niko ensures that all D-Class are made use of, ensuring the greatest value to the Foundation is provided during their stay. Niko is more than happy to use D-Class in anyway that can help his cause of protecting the innocents of the world.
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Reactions: Mario Italia


Active member
Jul 13, 2024

Well written application
Seen around the server alot
Been on tests with - always conduct well
Enjoyable person to RP with :)


Jul 12, 2024
+helped me with making my first ever docs
+very good/nice person
+great teacher
+cause why not
Sep 22, 2022
-Have only ever had good interactions with him
-Have heard and seen documents of his tests would love to come and watch some
-I believe would be a great exec.
Jun 10, 2024
I said it before, I will say it again
Major +Support

+ He has taught me and guided me on my way to Senior Researcher
+ He is a great guy and is very professional
+ And he is active. When not on LOA
+ Finally, I have seen him teach many juniors during his time as Senior
May 14, 2023

From: Director of Research Rito Munro Fraser
Recipient: Niko Murk


Thank you for taking the time to apply for a position as an Executive Researcher. After evaluating your application and discussing it with the Department of Research's Leadership team, we have decided to Elevate your application to the interview stage. Please reach out to myself to figure out a date and time for your interview.

Kind regards,
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