Exit’s Moderator Application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 10, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): vacacomcornos2

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 50 hours

Age: 15

In what country are you located?: Portugal

Time zone: GMT

In-game name: Exit

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:530226951

Discord ID: exit8111

Do you have a mic?: Yes.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Yes
Have you received any

kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes, a FearRP warning

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
- No.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:

- Yes.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- Around 5-10 hours a day.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
- It feels like the server has an empty hole of staff, taking too long to respond to sits and helping the community, there is indeed many staffs on the server, around 10 at peak, but it feels like they are not doing mostly their job.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I really like the part of helping people, most of the time when I’m not roleplaying I’m sitting around in my base trying to figure something to do, that would get much value of my time in the server and it be good for the server members as well.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 10, 2021
Just to add up, I’m only starting to use TeamSpeak for the past days so it’s normal if no one has seen me there.
Neutral leaning to -support.

On the whole not had many interactions with you, but there was an incident earlier today where you were being openly toxic in /ooc after a gang war. Yes, Vanguard were also being toxic back, but if your ambitions are to become staff you need to learn to manage it better and to just accept it and move on.

It's for that reason I can't support your application, the staff team doesn't need people who are openly toxic in that way.

By all means please try and show it was a one off and that you are actually better than that, I'd be happy to then change my verdict.


Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 10, 2021
Neutral leaning to -support.

On the whole not had many interactions with you, but there was an incident earlier today where you were being openly toxic in /ooc after a gang war. Yes, Vanguard were also being toxic back, but if your ambitions are to become staff you need to learn to manage it better and to just accept it and move on.

It's for that reason I can't support your application, the staff team doesn't need people who are openly toxic in that way.

By all means please try and show it was a one off and that you are actually better than that, I'd be happy to then change my verdict.
Yes that’s true, I was frustrated about the war stuff going on, sometimes I can be an asshole because I have nothing to lose, it’s always different when you have roles you have to stick to.
Recognize the fault, that’s on me, thank you anyways.
Neutral / - support

  • Your application is fair, but would benefit from more detail.
  • I haven't seen you in-game much, but from what I remember you seemed friendly enough and RPed well
The incident mentioned above, and your response, is slightly concerning though.
never a good reason to be toxic in OOC - not only does it give a bad impression of you, but also of the servers. New players don't want to see that in chat when they join.
You said you have "nothing to lose"? You can always be kicked, or banned for toxic behaviour - is this not enough of a deterrent?
If people are being toxic in chat, ignore them and let staff deal with it - don't get involved.
Based on this, I would not say you are a good fit for staff at the moment.

Yeah, I do know all the rules, I just play for the fun of it, I could probably play “better”, I like to rp with people around, I know what I get warned for (always fear rp), but that’s the way I like playing, I really like either roleplaying with random people or pvp, i do think I got maturity to be a staff, but I don’t think I am in that position, overall I just prefer being goofy instead of fully focused on the staff part. If i could do both, think I could, but there’s something better then just being serious all the time and taking everything to the heart.
Be safe yall.

If you are getting warned for FearRP "always" then I can't believe that you truly do know the rules. Dismissing basic, standard rules for DarkRP because "that's the way I like playing" indicates that you have no regard for the rules. You can't expect players to follow the rules set for everyone if they see staff members breaking them on a whim.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 10, 2021
Yeah, I do know all the rules, I just play for the fun of it, I could probably play “better”, I like to rp with people around, I know what I get warned for (always fear rp), but that’s the way I like playing, I really like either roleplaying with random people or pvp, i do think I got maturity to be a staff, but I don’t think I am in that position, overall I just prefer being goofy instead of fully focused on the staff part. If i could do both, think I could, but there’s something better then just being serious all the time and taking everything to the heart.
Be safe yall.


top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane
Application Denied

Hi @Exit ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

To be a staff member you need to enforce the rules, and we cannot expect someone who cannot follow rules themselves to do that. I understand you play and have fun, but you must do that within server rules, especially if you wish to become staff.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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