Partially Accepted Expanded Reality-Bending

Content that has been partially accepted
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What this suggestion adds:
Adds the following SWEPs from
these references:
Reality-Bending: GRAY (Passive)
  1. Instantly revive one selected player from death (similar to a defibrillator), even from normally unrevivable injuries. Has a cooldown of 120 seconds.
  2. Feign death, causing the player to spontaneously "die" (ragdoll, similar to being hit by SCP-8854) upon activation and reanimate 10 seconds afterwards. Has a cooldown of 300 seconds.
Reality-Bending: RED (Passive)
  1. Instantly heal all broken limbs on one selected player, including themselves. Has a cooldown of 120 seconds.
  2. Regenerate health at a rate of 2 HP/s for 50 seconds on one selected player, including themselves. Has a cooldown of 300 seconds.
Reality-Bending: YELLOW (Passive)
  1. Take the form of any non-SCP playermodel or select whitelisted prop, office or nature-themed, with the disguise lasting 60 seconds. Has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
  2. Switches the forms of random players within a small radius. Has a cooldown of 300 seconds.
Reality-Bending: BLUE (Passive)
  • All TYPE-BLUE abilities.
To keep gameplay fair, reality-bending SWEPs may not be used against enemy combatants in raids, hostile D-Class, nor SCPs in breaches. SWEP holders may be placed under FearRP as a regular person would, as they would have fear to lose their lives more than a Class-D or Chaos Insurgency member would. SWEP holders would not be targetable by other reality benders.

SWEPs may solely be used combatively during controlled roleplay/events, where reality-bending may be required for an event character or cast member to drive the event in a desired direction.

Players entrusted with the SWEP are expected to understand their function as roleplay-enhancing tools, not as an inherent advantage over others.

Option 1:
Grants SWEPs on spawn to players:
  1. Currently holding a (non-combative?) CL4+ role
  2. With a submitted, approved, high-quality, and continuous character biography that fits for the SWEP they are applying for
  3. At the discretion of a majority Senior Server Leadership vote
  4. Who don't already have a SWEP on a character from the same faction
SWEPs may be revoked if the player:
  1. Loses access to the applied role
  2. Grossly misuses the SWEP outside of roleplay (i.e. actively pursing combat or helping allies in active combat)
  3. Engages in roleplay where their character would lose their powers, either at the discretion of SSL or the player voluntarily giving up their SWEP
EDIT 1: Option 2 (I accidentally deleted this before first posting it?):
GMs+/SL+ may grant these SWEPs temporarily for events and extended roleplay when and where appropriate.

There is a sizeable amount of concern regarding the potential for abuse, and in hindsight, I have to agree. Would likely have to further restrict the SWEPs to non-combative roles.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
There was a similar denied suggestion prior to give CL5 personnel reality bending SWEPs, but it lacked a proper approval process that necessitated legitimate uses for roleplay, as well as failing to present rules to maintain gameplay balance. It also didn't attempt to introduce any unique abilities, opting to save development time by giving the same powers to everybody.

Possible Positives of the suggestion:
  1. Relatively simple SWEPs, as all the "new" abilities would be taken from existing mechanics
  2. Enhances immersion by not having an invisible force play out every anomalous action
  3. Gives RP leaders more control, allowing them to contribute events autonomously and with their own values in mind
  4. Direction of roleplay is more spontaneous and unexpected, which can up the stakes and keep participants engaged
  5. Abilities can always be added or removed as deemed necessary without needing to consider combative/breach play
  6. Encourages RP CL4+ roleplay, enticing more players to make applications, fostering a more active leadership base
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  1. Development time
  2. Approval process will require SSL to regularly vote on and approve characters
  3. Potential for abuse at the hands of RP leaders
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted?:
With every positive and negative factor considered, this would add a touch of uniqueness among the most dedicated community members and RP leaders. The abilities would encourage RP leaders to build expansive lore, inciting those below them to follow suit in the hope of possibly inheriting some abilities of their own. Since the SWEPs are restricted behind a comprehensive set of rules and requirements, even requiring up to majority SSL approval, the types of players to be entrusted with the SWEPs are more likely to use them to extend roleplay and less likely to misuse them for menial personal advantages.
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Anyways +Support, I believe a Type Red was also suggested, don't have it though.
This suggestion cooked for half a second until I read that they would be given to players on a white-list basis
Not quite sure if you want it to be more restricted or less, but better to be safe than sorry. It would never be accepted on a lottery-type system as with O-, and giving it exclusively to CL5 or select CL4 would restrict unjustly restrict roleplayopportunities from people who can be trusted with them.
Not quite sure if you want it to be more restricted or less, but better to be safe than sorry. It would never be accepted on a lottery-type system as with O-, and giving it exclusively to CL5 or select CL4 would restrict unjustly restrict roleplayopportunities from people who can be trusted with them.
That's an even worse idea. Don't give it to players at all outside of designated classes.


Game Master
Game Master
May 13, 2024
  1. Take the form of any prop or player via selection menu, with the disguise lasting 60 seconds. Has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
me when the type yellow disguises himself as a prop from the military rp server and fucks up the whole game (last time we spawned a military rp asset d class started spawning on the gm plane)
That's an even worse idea. Don't give it to players at all outside of designated classes.
So either you'll have role bloat, even more abilities being used combatively (against the entire point of this suggestion), or a minge class that rarely initiates actual roleplay (Foundation Thaumatologist). Sounds good!

me when the type yellow disguises himself as a prop from the military rp server and fucks up the whole game (last time we spawned a military rp asset d class started spawning on the gm plane)
To be clear, the selection menu would only contain SCP server models; non-SCP playermodels and a small amount of sensibly-sized whitelisted props, probably office or nature-themed.

Me when suddenly evey CL4 holder suddenly becomes anomalous
I think it's clear that there will be stringent requirements so that this situation doesn't happen. The limited amount of powers would all have major events and server lore tied into them, not just a one-off "I visited the Wanderer's Library, now I know how to cast spells!"
not everyone needs to be a reality bender
Foundation have something called "Class-E" personnel. You know. Mfs apart of the foundation who have been effected by an anomaly or have some form of anomalous abilities but arent designated as SCPs.
People forgor that magic and anomalous shit is CONTAINED 9/10 by the foundation. It's quite fucking rare for someone to have access to that shit normally unless theyre really useful(Ie: Clef or Shaw)


Well-known Member
Jul 11, 2024
- Neutral
I like the idea of other types of reality benders and even my character in lore is a type red but man it would really just make confusing and easily abused in my opinion, although depending on how its implemented could possibly be a good idea?
I agree with this.
Reality-Bending: GRAY (Passive)
  1. Instantly revive one selected player from death (similar to a defibrillator), even from normally unrevivable injuries. Has a cooldown of 120 seconds.
  2. Feign death, causing the player to spontaneously "die" (ragdoll, similar to being hit by SCP-8854) upon activation and reanimate 10 seconds afterwards. Has a cooldown of 300 seconds.
Reality-Bending: YELLOW (Passive)
  1. Take the form of any non-SCP playermodel or select whitelisted prop, office or nature-themed, with the disguise lasting 60 seconds. Has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
  2. Switches the forms of random players within a small radius. Has a cooldown of 300 seconds.
Interesting. I like it. Both of these would be excellent catalysts in an event story. Or even just really good RP storylines.
Reality-Bending: RED (Passive)
  1. Instantly heal all broken limbs on one selected player, including themselves. Has a cooldown of 120 seconds.
  2. Regenerate health at a rate of 2 HP/s for 50 seconds on one selected player, including themselves. Has a cooldown of 300 seconds.
I believe a Type Red was also suggested, don't have it though.
Correct. I also can't find it, but my recollection is that Type Red reality bending has been rejected in the past as both overpowered and unnecessary (The latter in relation to medical roles).
To keep gameplay fair, reality-bending SWEPs may not be used against enemy combatants in raids, hostile D-Class, nor SCPs in breaches. SWEP holders may be placed under FearRP as a regular person would, as they would have fear to lose their lives more than a Class-D or Chaos Insurgency member would. SWEP holders would not be targetable by other reality benders.

SWEPs may solely be used combatively during controlled roleplay/events, where reality-bending may be required for an event character or cast member to drive the event in a desired direction.

Players entrusted with the SWEP are expected to understand their function as roleplay-enhancing tools, not as an inherent advantage over others.

Option 1:
Grants SWEPs on spawn to players:
  1. Currently holding a (non-combative?) CL4+ role
  2. With a submitted, approved, high-quality, and continuous character biography that fits for the SWEP they are applying for
  3. At the discretion of a majority Senior Server Leadership vote
  4. Who don't already have a SWEP on a character from the same faction
SWEPs may be revoked if the player:
  1. Loses access to the applied role
  2. Grossly misuses the SWEP outside of roleplay (i.e. actively pursing combat or helping allies in active combat)
  3. Engages in roleplay where their character would lose their powers, either at the discretion of SSL or the player voluntarily giving up their SWEP
EDIT 1: Option 2 (I accidentally deleted this before first posting it?):
GMs+/SL+ may grant these SWEPs temporarily for events and extended roleplay when and where appropriate.

There is a sizeable amount of concern regarding the potential for abuse, and in hindsight, I have to agree. Would likely have to further restrict the SWEPs to non-combative roles.
And here's where the suggestion unfortunately falls off a cliff.

There's already too much concern about overpowered, overused and widespread reality bending stuff and existing balancing hoo-ha. Not to mention the fact that the majority existing reality bending roles are paywalled and thus providing an alternative option risks disrupting a not-insignificant(?) part of the server's financial model. On top of what has already been discussed about the drawbacks of this, this would not be accepted under any circumstances.

My suggestion here? Have D-Class TB rotate out. Sometimes instead of Type Blue, it's a Type Grey. Or a Type Red. Or a Type Yellow. That could be interesting, having the "random reality bender" that shows up in D-Class population... Actually be somewhat random. It would shake up the existing "Oh hey, another D-Class TB, hoo boy, riot time, this'll be fun." It could make riots more varied. It could make CI D-Block raids more varied. It could provide interesting RP. It could promote RP over combat. I think that would be the only circumstance under which anything like this would be accepted.

-Support for the idea as presented. +Support for the change I put forth.
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already too much concern about overpowered, overused and widespread reality bending stuff and existing balancing
Not that I've seen as of late. I've only seen particularly egregious situations where double or even triple reality bending SCPs are breached, but I don't hear many complaints about TYPE-BLUEs in particular. Put any 2+ moderately powerful SCPs together and you're going to hear frustration. Not so much with TYPE-BLUEs, and that can be attributed to the significant nerfs to reality benders across the board, which I agree with.

providing an alternative option risks disrupting a not-insignificant(?) part of the server's financial model
That would be the case, if these SWEPs attracted the same audience as those of the paid reality benders. Remember, these are passive use, whereas almost every VIP-locked reality bending role is combative (I suppose you could roleplay a passive TG/TB, but that's not something you will always have on your character). If you wanted to go on a killing spree with mind exploding powers, you wouldn't go building an entire storyline behind it; you'd pay for it, which gives you that instant gratification without discounting the effort required to unlock passive reality bending.

Have D-Class TB rotate out.
This makes sense, but again, we'd have to talk about balancing an entirely different set of abilities for combative situations which gets messy. Not to mention the inevitable subset of players who will feel cheated out of a reality bending slot when they roll TYPE-GRAY instead of TYPE-BLUE, like they always would right now.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024

Hi @grunger ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
We discussed this post at today's content meeting.

We are already looking into adding more reality bending abilities to enchance RP capabilities with them. We will take your points into account

This suggestion will be marked as neutral.

Thank you for Making a suggestion, this will now be marked as neutral>​
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