"Expert" MD.ShadyDave (GM-SCP-UK) App (REDONE)

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 25, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name) : atomicenergy2020/nattay2018/Dr.ShadyDave

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP : Around 2 years now Half a Year Playthrough Lvl130 Overhall

Age : 30

In what country are you located? : uk

Time zone : uk

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable ) : Dr.MD.ShadyDave

Chao:s name (include your rank) : n/a

Civilian name : Currently Mysterio

Steam ID : 76561198035138857

Do you have a mic? : Yes always active, always working

What server are you applying for? : SCP-RP UK GameMaster Application

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications :
-No this will be my Fourth application now, looking to stick with you guys for sometime now, very known in the community, and on the forums alone, expert status, lets think about this, A im constantly asking around to help with trusted already personal, im loved by all and wanting to do more as a person, always welcomed back, being allowed this attempt would be incredible.

-From looking at my previous apps, ive made sure all my ideas where fresh and from the best of places, where i think personally, me already having GM knowledge & Experience as staff, i would love to join the amazing group again, and am high for Great content.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- yes i ban a long time ago and i never had a warning or anything since i fully enjoyed this server and what it has to offer.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- Yes Actually i was a GM before for around 6 months, And i Made Many Fun and Unique Events With my GM Personal, engaging well with everyone i talk with, also From my ADHD its hard to process information however im great at adapting to situations given to me, not only this but very recently learning new things about interesting developments into the future of CN as a whole, be very interesting to help spice up the CN community

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- of course lots of other servers for years now xD, i really enjoy Gmod its a fun game to let your hair down, all being in high ranking roles and all being super imaginative and super into doing everything. your imagination is only limited to what you can think.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- too many again im on around 6-8 hours some days could be absent because my RL life, children and stuff. Nothing changed because this is who I am.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- why not ive got an amazing imagination i love learning and creating new and interesting things, giving me this with the roles i currently had like as Dpt.Director/Execuitive/Security Guards will allow me to make and create new SCP's and fun short and long event all based heavy around SCP lore and LORE in general, i want to learn to help staff when i can and also happy to create amazing, fun and balanced events, this can get me to help with my ability s to learn more in any situation.

-My balanced nature and willingness to change is what gives me more passion to make this my given role, constantly thinking of people and making them "test" for what there learning IE a researcher just learnt chemistry, great lets test that by making an elemental monster based around that research..., im thinking outside the box and making sure other people are enjoying my content and excitement just as much as i am

-My interactions as SCPs more is giving people a ligit RP chance at decent testing stuff, and learning which people like specific things, ive be talking a lot now to a lot of people you guy come up with some crazy ideas, im here to help and assist where ever needed even cause some chaos when needed

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
my imagination and on the spot thinking allows me to get much deeper and wider views on SCP's often asking and designing SCP, im extremely upto date with all things SCP and know how to semi intimate voices for stuff, i did acting in my early years and enjoyed doing that on my later years. the reason really i loved Gmod so much, and again i was a Head of Research Department, im still hyper commited to the research department and playing SCPs as a whole i love keeping everyone upto date with fun SCP's.

my focus and drive to everyone in this community as a whole, i like everyone flows and ways, clearly there a lot of combat based RP here, however i feel my splash of Real RP, might bring some inspiration into other people aswell, making for a more Friendly based around specific roles in the foundation and much more, i likke bringing character and new narrative into the server overtime i play with you guys, constantly changing and refining myself as a person, i have only you guys to thank for some of that amazing RP that has developed me as a person

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
"The Other Side" based on the hit TV show “The Lost Room”, a small group of adventures are looking to reclaim old or lost objects from a seemingly out of Time room that can travel to any location, using memory alone, Haunted by his memory’s from his daughter being lost to the room, Avoiding being caught by the “the collective” always hunting his location, wanting these objects for his own intentions (GM influenced Type Event, based around Passive RP, Main charterer & The collective, Like a dog & cat chase type deal, collective after getting the room, main character running away from them.) being

"Blackhole?.....in pinewood?" – a Strange disturbance has started in pinewood this afternoon, live reporting today, a rare blackhole has opened up and is not destroying the world, scientist around the world are baffled at this occurrences, maybe unlocking humanity’s next step is through this miracle in pinewood(Static SCP type event mainly surface, a large blackhole appears, after sometime an Entity appears from the hole, and manages to escape into this world, this continues till blackhole evaporates,

"Whats the Secret Sauce " - Using reference from https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2484 im doing my own takes on this lovely number, i say number no (SCP-2484-3), a New Pizza and sandwich shop will open in pinewood, and lets say its Secret Sause .... is killer ALL unbeknown to the shop owners horror, This is a fun GM influenced short horror, obviously watching infecting people with some chemical that kills them slowly overtime, all the while parawatch reporting all strange reported cases of people dying from worms!!,

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
"The Dollhouse" - This map will utilize the idea form SCP-184 Also Known as the Architect, With my own spin on a case File listed on the website of the SCP Wiki,
(When inside an enclosed structure, SCP-184 expands the structure's inner dimensions without altering its outer dimensions. SCP-184 will increase the inner dimensions of any enclosed structure by several hundred meters each day, beginning one hour after entry into the structure. Initially, SCP-184 only extends the walls out, causing rooms to become much larger without adjusting the height of the room. This expansion continues until the original dimensions of the room have been tripled.

At this point, SCP-184 starts creating wholly new rooms. SCP-184 is apparently able to copy items from inside the structure, creating furnished rooms consistent with the rest of the structure. After a period of time, however, the expansion process appears to break down. For example, items will be made from inappropriate materials (glass books, a wooden microwave), rooms will be oddly-shaped, doors will open into blank walls, and hallways will be tiny or twist back around in long mazes. The new inside structures continue to be more and more odd, while the outside remains unchanged.

This behavior is most dramatically illustrated in homes; however, it has been observed in other instances, including a cardboard box. The changes do not go away with the removal of SCP-184, but no additional structures are created).

Mission Objective Is as follows for Civilians, MTF, Research & Agents, to retrieve SCP-184 from what is to be presumed An Ordinary Residential Neighborhood that has been twisted in a way that retrieval is of the upmost concern, Civilians will be living inside this never ending space Stopping all MTF or Foundation Operatives From Gaining SCP-184, Agents will do there best to assist in Mapping and Detaining all Civilian Personal, While Research Personal will document and record all happening inside and outside the Containment Area, GMS & other staff will help in keeping RP flowing and moving Between all RP Situations to make the event fun and Lasting as long as needed before completion of stated mission

List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: SCP-538, While doing Routine Checks into CS, 1 Member of 0-1 Stumbled Across an instance of SCP-538, its there job to Detain or exterminate these sources of issues Before they Spread Accross all of CS.

(these are known as quite passive SCPS, can be used can be used by staff or crew, mainly 3 in a group, cause a bit of chaos and either allow capture/testing allowed onto them)

Step 1 : 538 react well in shadows or no light areas, so naturally they will gather in groups of 3 or more and move around keeping to them selfs
step 2 : some will start to create traps out of webs and using areas to lure people into biting areas, People infected get Flu like symptom's but no death
Step 3 : its down to 0-1 to either kill/Contain all instances, if kill then story ends right here, and finish after all instances are destroyed
Step 4 : or contain them and use them for study purposes then afterwards terminate them all

A-1: Site-Command found something concerning on Regular notepad, a strange memetic agent that transports you into a Random SCP CC, its festinating yet Deadly, you must unravel the mystery's behind the the mysterious note!!!

(GM 2 based event, start of from a strange handmade crafted paper, saying "Abracadabra" all of a sudden “you feel space bend around you............then have a GM Teleport you to a Random SCP CC chamber, favoring Alive SCPs, after a short 2>3 minute exposure TP the person back)

Step 1 : Place Note somewhere in bunks off A-1, wait for the first person to notice and speak the phrase.
Step 2 : depending on activity ,always warp to an active SCP closest, this way its more easy, dont abuse this, always make it fun
Step 3 : just depending on other steps contain or destroy the paper, Can be damaged, understand it was a trick sent by CI.
Step 4 : again as above understand how to contain or destroy

Nu-7: Look out , SCP-913 - Mr. Hungry, broke out of his transport truck , on his way to site-65 Nu-7 must respond before a rouge GOI picks him up !!!.

(GM will play 913, basically on route to experiment on at site-65 however during transport he has a frenzy attack, breaks out)

Step 1 : set up area with destroyed vehicle, wounded soilders, Nu-7, eventually die, eaten by Mr.Hungry
Step 2 : figure out where Mr Hungry is before he wonders to somewhere he shouldn’t be, Nu-7 & DEA advised to investigate
Step 3 : capture Mr Hungry fast, if captured, take him inside and allow him food ,if not caught must capture before research can presume,
Step 4 : be pending on outcomes above, outline Mr Hungrys Human like nature, experiment can last about an hour or 2, before moving him onto another site locally

E-11: SCP-507 Has Come to Site XX For a couple of day While His current CC is under going Refurbishments, E-11 are to Keep and eye on and escort SCP-507 to wherevers and whatever he needs.

(using GMS available, or just 1 admin or mod, Change name into SCP-507, then allow his to walk freely with MTF escort, avoiding not to touch him,)

Step 1 : Do an introduction with E-11 / Research Sector, that 507 will be temperate placed here again because of other site renovations
Step 2 : Allow 507 to do his first jump, at random, for a random amount of time, then allow for RP interactions
step 3 : after a couple of good interactions with research and personal, we do a longer Jump, RP the response then Place inside a Temp CC, so restricting movement during a breach
step 4 : after some time allow safe passage out of the facility and onwards back to his originals site and CC

CI Deal with the Devil: SCP-738, momently appears inside CI, located in a random room, he has a plan with the CI, one that could finally have the whole world……..

(GM Combative focused, around allowing CI the oppuntiunity to see what they do with power, Short period allowed around 1hr ish, followed by influence period focused around CI attacking Foundation)

Step 1 randomly pick a room build a black void looking area, in the centre place seat, one nice long table, and a chair with fireplace and all deco, pick GM playing 738 itself.
Step 2 : allow trades to be made, go for anything within RP and reason only, IE 1 crazy lazer weapon for my soul, give them the gun then instantly kill them because there soul is there life, theres always a twist to the deal
Step 3 : allow sometime to Pass gifting and allowing RP to build, then all of a sudden vanish, and remain in vanish mode, now slowly influencing people like whispers in there ear, /Me IE
Step 4 after this period you slowly faid out and allow for free time to pass before alarms for other sites somewhere in the world announce capture again

Foundation Staff: A Sudden Mold Starts to spread in the Facility, Unknown Reading picked up in HCZ, Researchers respond, High leaves of toxins in the air, ALART, *
you heard it on your walkie only less than an hour ago, now let me tell you the story of the "angry mold"

(Many GMs would be great for this one, First GM is a researcher looking into a cure for this spread of mold, the 2 other GMS will be invisible, spreading the mold around, other will be the infector causally freezing someone and infecting them with 008, but they cant move there stuck, this starts of small infestation of a black mold, this begins spreading fast around HCZ,

Step 1 : Somewhere deep in HCZ maybe around central corridors area, place Black mold starting to spread slowly, looking for people to infect
Step 2 : Depending on if anyone is trying to contain this, start going crazy with the spread of mold, this time a researcher will begin to alert everyone of the sudden mold
step 3 : if containment or failures to contain this hasten worked, then settle around's HCZ , causally killing people who are exposed for to long around the mold without proper Haz/PPA
Step 4 : if everything fails and cant contain it any longer, code black and kill everything, its the only way, this will destroy the mold in its whole,
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Lord Mirai (未来)

Junior Developer
Junior Developer
Programming Team
Game Master
Jan 5, 2021

Today, I'll be going with a +Support for your GM application.

+ App is well made
+ I haven't seen issues from you anymore
+ Good RP, I see you in a lot of my events and you contribute nicely
+ Often seen helping other researchers

I really like seeing you improve with time. Good luck


Game Master
Game Master
Mar 20, 2022
Hi @ShadyDave

Your application has vastly improved and your continuous efforts in wanting to become a Game Master again has not gone unnoticed. The application is strong, goes into sufficient detail and reflects well upon you.

The map change event could do with a little more detail, what map would you use?

Overall, I'll be leaving you with a +Support

Best of luck!


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 25, 2021
Hi @ShadyDave

Your application has vastly improved and your continuous efforts in wanting to become a Game Master again has not gone unnoticed. The application is strong, goes into sufficient detail and reflects well upon you.

The map change event could do with a little more detail, what map would you use?

Overall, I'll be leaving you with a +Support

Best of luck!
its a great question that one, is actually making me look at a lot of avaiable options that could pertentually use, i believe therw a could of ways we could pull this off woth any regular map or simple maps, change then use GM abilitys to make the map seem endless or even like a timeloop that goes on and on,

A : heavyly congenested Building maps, with tons of exploreable buildings and interiors, making use of TP abilitys on objects or even doors, to seem like people exposed to this are generally losing there minds

B : Something that already uses real world points of intrest IE, kaloon walled city ??, some old russian abandoned areas, this could be a great starting point to really make a pointful event,

Remember it dont matter how the event is made or what story it contains, it how the mission STARTS then ultimately its how it FINISHES aswell that brings in people and attaches themselves to the story, MORE THOUGHTS are gonna have placed on this map change, ill have to write something upfor you broda, something singualar that one person could understand.

Sean Hanson

SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Oct 15, 2022

Honestly from what i have seen from you ingame. i do Believe you are a great Fit for such a spot. and your ideas for events are very Creative and Thought out.

Goodluck with it :)


Well-known Member
Feb 10, 2022
Let my man ShadyDave cook again
Way better than Glupes
Need i say less


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022

Hello Shady,
This application is a notable improvement over the previous one and I am very happy to see that.
However, there are still concerns I have with your application that I would like to see addressed or fixed before I feel confident in supporting you joining the GM team.
"The Other Side" based on the hit TV show “The Lost Room”, a small group of adventures are looking to reclaim old or lost objects from a seemingly out of Time room that can travel to any location, using memory alone, Haunted by his memory’s from his daughter being lost to the room, Avoiding being caught by the “the collective” always hunting his location, wanting these objects for his own intentions (GM influenced Type Event, based around Passive RP, Main charterer & The collective, Like a dog & cat chase type deal, collective after getting the room, main character running away from them.) being
This description like many others in this application makes the premise exceptionally clear, but what is glossed over is the actual execution.
In this it is unclear who participates and where this would be happening. I can assume the "lost room" would manifest somewhere in the Foundation, and some of the "chase" would happen either there or in dupes on the GM plane, especially the "Time Travel".
While its mostly comprehensible in this example, this is something a lot of your events do not do a good job at clarifying to us, especially when i am uncertain how one example of them could be run at all, which I will get to at a later point.

Something I would want to see acknowledged in applications is the practical side of HOW the event would be run, as this is the crux that makes or breaks a good idea, due to the limits we operate in on a Gmod Server, which GMs need to be keenly aware of.

While certain later events do attempt to explain things further, often they do not clarify the parts they need to, or do not do so in enough detail to make it clear to us what exactly you intend to do.

"Whats the Secret Sauce " - Using reference from https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2484 im doing my own takes on this lovely number, i say number no (SCP-2484-3), a New Pizza and sandwich shop will open in pinewood, and lets say its Secret Sause .... is killer ALL unbeknown to the shop owners horror, This is a fun GM influenced short horror, obviously watching infecting people with some chemical that kills them slowly overtime, with only stopping it by reclaiming the Item interests.
This is a good example, saying that people who eat the sandwiches would likely be poisoned by a GM, the only issue i see could be that this would get increasingly difficult to role play out as the number of participating players increases.

However, I am entirely puzzled by what you mean with "[...] kills them slowly overtime, with only stopping it by reclaiming the Item interests."
Could you perhaps explain what this sentence means?

"The Dollhouse" - This map will utilize the idea form SCP-184 Also Known as the Architect, With my own spin on a case File listed on the website of the SCP Wiki, [...]
This is a common mistake people make, but your "Map Change" event fails to mention which map, as in "gm_construct" the server would swap over.

This is a frequent misunderstanding, but a map change event is not an event where a change is made TO the map, as in, putting down a dupe or editing a small area.

Instead, during a Map change, the entire Server changes the map it is running on, away from Site65 onto another map, usually found on the workshop, and the entire gameplay of the server is instead replaced with something the GM team has created over several months.

Due to the Incredible workload of such an event, both on the GM team and the logistical work for the Network administration, one has not been hosted in quite a while so not being aware of what exactly "Map Change" means is perfectly understandable, and I mainly wished to clarify the misunderstanding and do not count this strongly against your application.

The Core idea you have presented would be very suitable for a large-ish event on the Server, but would not be viable for the Entire server's population of around 128 players.

O-1: SCP-507 Has Come to Site XX For a couple of day While His current CC is under going Refurbishments, 0-1 are to Keep and eye on and escort SCP-507 to wherevers and whatever he needs.
This is a very viable and doable SCP event, however this section of the application is intended to be about special, "Faction" based missions.
Please elaborate why exactly Omega-1 would be tasked with guarding an SCP, when this is not usually in their area of expertise.

Alternatively, perhaps replace this idea with one that is more typical and in line with Omega-1, their Employers, and their usual duties on Site-65.

A-1: [...] (GM based event, start of from a strange handmade crafted paper, saying “you feel infected with something…., then have a GM follow anyone first to next killing the previous person behind them, by Check rolls, easy to stop by isolating the location of infected persons)
This is another issue of legibility, could you perhaps explain more explicitly how you intend to carry out this event, and additionally explain what you could do in order to prevent it spiralling out of control into a case of excessive killing?

Foundation Staff: A Sudden Virus Starts to spread in the Facility, it turns people Crazy, Unbeknownst to All a rare instance of SCP-610 is starting to spread, it will take the whole of the foundation and staff to stop this spread and exterminate all sources of this Rouge SCP-610,

(this starts of with a patient zero, use GMS or staff for that, and its a genetic version of 008 but with no mobility and 100%agression & no real way to cure it, either contain or destroyed samples or people infected with SCP-610) [...]
This is one of my main concerns in this application. Aside from the sheer disruptive potential of this, due to it likely quickly spiralling into MRDM, There is also the practical issues in executing this event.

How I interpret your description of the Event, a GM character would start somewhere in HCZ, and cause a player they meet to become "Infected".
Now comes the first question: How do you communicate this to the player?
You do not have the advantage of 008 in this case, where the mechanics do it FOR you. An Idea would be an invisible GM doing /me or /its , but this would become a MASSIVE logistical issue when the "infected" increase.

Second question: how do you communicate their infected status to other players?
Again, game mechanics are not implemented for your event, meaning virus scanners would not show anything, and you are likely relying on the player roleplaying out the "Virus" driving them mad and giving clear signs, which I don't imagine would be consistently done, making containment and roleplay in general VERY difficult if not impossible.

Third question: how does staff distinguish from an infected player "going mad" and RDM, furthermore, how will you stop getting "infected" from being an "MRDM license" for the infected players? I can imagine when players realize what is happening, many of them would get deliberately infected, and instantly go on a killing spree because "the virus told me to".

I think this event is a massive issue, and requires either significantly more thought put into the execution and restriction of this, or should not be run at all.

To move on from issues relating directly to events, your application has a significant problem in regards to coherence and legibility, with many sentences being very unclear and/or difficult to interpret.

Lastly, something I personally look for in applicants is for them to demonstrate their familiarity with the SCP Setting outside of the content prominently featured on the server, and while you have mentioned a variety of the SCPs from the wiki, the anomalies are not the only thing it is about.

I would personally like to see something involving something slightly more uncommon in an application, this could be anything from a Foundation Department you find particularly interesting and unique, a Group of Interest you find novel, or some Location or other aspect of this narrative setting.

Keeping these things in mind, I cannot as of current confidently support you joining the GM team, but am very open to seeing my concerns addressed either in revisions or a reply.


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022
Hello @ShadyDave

First and foremost, I'd like to say it's nice to see a much more detailed application with more effort put into it than your last one. Good to see you take previous feedback on board.
You still haven't actually provided a map that you which to use, just an idea for a map that you want to try find and missed out the part where it states "Both sides and the entire server"

I think each event you made goes into good detail, especially with how you'd want it to play out.

I'll be leaving a +Support this time around.
Good luck!


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 25, 2021
Hello @ShadyDave

First and foremost, I'd like to say it's nice to see a much more detailed application with more effort put into it than your last one. Good to see you take previous feedback on board.
You still haven't actually provided a map that you which to use, just an idea for a map that you want to try find and missed out the part where it states "Both sides and the entire server"

I think each event you made goes into good detail, especially with how you'd want it to play out.

I'll be leaving a +Support this time around.
Good luck!
this mao idea had me thinking more, im going to have to make a short inregards this map change in more detail, im still looking for maps to use and what could be acceptable as a map that can be used in practical means,

i find this hard because even look on previous applications not one person can give a map change event, this because its impractical to do this right now, i understand detail is everything BUT im a big believer on less is more in this instance, RP comes from the unscriped side not the guilded/Scripted

thank you for addressing this to me, im useing this time to refine my map change event, something that a single person could conduct or retract to anyone in or outside the GM construct


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 25, 2021

Hello Shady,
This application is a notable improvement over the previous one and I am very happy to see that.
However, there are still concerns I have with your application that I would like to see addressed or fixed before I feel confident in supporting you joining the GM team.
This description like many others in this application makes the premise exceptionally clear, but what is glossed over is the actual execution.
In this it is unclear who participates and where this would be happening. I can assume the "lost room" would manifest somewhere in the Foundation, and some of the "chase" would happen either there or in dupes on the GM plane, especially the "Time Travel".
While its mostly comprehensible in this example, this is something a lot of your events do not do a good job at clarifying to us, especially when i am uncertain how one example of them could be run at all, which I will get to at a later point.

Something I would want to see acknowledged in applications is the practical side of HOW the event would be run, as this is the crux that makes or breaks a good idea, due to the limits we operate in on a Gmod Server, which GMs need to be keenly aware of.

While certain later events do attempt to explain things further, often they do not clarify the parts they need to, or do not do so in enough detail to make it clear to us what exactly you intend to do.

This is a good example, saying that people who eat the sandwiches would likely be poisoned by a GM, the only issue i see could be that this would get increasingly difficult to role play out as the number of participating players increases.

However, I am entirely puzzled by what you mean with "[...] kills them slowly overtime, with only stopping it by reclaiming the Item interests."
Could you perhaps explain what this sentence means?

This is a common mistake people make, but your "Map Change" event fails to mention which map, as in "gm_construct" the server would swap over.

This is a frequent misunderstanding, but a map change event is not an event where a change is made TO the map, as in, putting down a dupe or editing a small area.

Instead, during a Map change, the entire Server changes the map it is running on, away from Site65 onto another map, usually found on the workshop, and the entire gameplay of the server is instead replaced with something the GM team has created over several months.

Due to the Incredible workload of such an event, both on the GM team and the logistical work for the Network administration, one has not been hosted in quite a while so not being aware of what exactly "Map Change" means is perfectly understandable, and I mainly wished to clarify the misunderstanding and do not count this strongly against your application.

The Core idea you have presented would be very suitable for a large-ish event on the Server, but would not be viable for the Entire server's population of around 128 players.

This is a very viable and doable SCP event, however this section of the application is intended to be about special, "Faction" based missions.
Please elaborate why exactly Omega-1 would be tasked with guarding an SCP, when this is not usually in their area of expertise.

Alternatively, perhaps replace this idea with one that is more typical and in line with Omega-1, their Employers, and their usual duties on Site-65.

This is another issue of legibility, could you perhaps explain more explicitly how you intend to carry out this event, and additionally explain what you could do in order to prevent it spiralling out of control into a case of excessive killing?

This is one of my main concerns in this application. Aside from the sheer disruptive potential of this, due to it likely quickly spiralling into MRDM, There is also the practical issues in executing this event.

How I interpret your description of the Event, a GM character would start somewhere in HCZ, and cause a player they meet to become "Infected".
Now comes the first question: How do you communicate this to the player?
You do not have the advantage of 008 in this case, where the mechanics do it FOR you. An Idea would be an invisible GM doing /me or /its , but this would become a MASSIVE logistical issue when the "infected" increase.

Second question: how do you communicate their infected status to other players?
Again, game mechanics are not implemented for your event, meaning virus scanners would not show anything, and you are likely relying on the player roleplaying out the "Virus" driving them mad and giving clear signs, which I don't imagine would be consistently done, making containment and roleplay in general VERY difficult if not impossible.

Third question: how does staff distinguish from an infected player "going mad" and RDM, furthermore, how will you stop getting "infected" from being an "MRDM license" for the infected players? I can imagine when players realize what is happening, many of them would get deliberately infected, and instantly go on a killing spree because "the virus told me to".

I think this event is a massive issue, and requires either significantly more thought put into the execution and restriction of this, or should not be run at all.

To move on from issues relating directly to events, your application has a significant problem in regards to coherence and legibility, with many sentences being very unclear and/or difficult to interpret.

Lastly, something I personally look for in applicants is for them to demonstrate their familiarity with the SCP Setting outside of the content prominently featured on the server, and while you have mentioned a variety of the SCPs from the wiki, the anomalies are not the only thing it is about.

I would personally like to see something involving something slightly more uncommon in an application, this could be anything from a Foundation Department you find particularly interesting and unique, a Group of Interest you find novel, or some Location or other aspect of this narrative setting.

Keeping these things in mind, I cannot as of current confidently support you joining the GM team, but am very open to seeing my concerns addressed either in revisions or a reply.
thank you for addressing evwrything needed on this application, since there a lot of information her im goong to reread everything placed here and change where is needed and address where is needed, i would love to talk to you more inregards to other ideas i have inmind, would that be fine with you?


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 25, 2021
thank you for addressing evwrything needed on this application, since there a lot of information her im goong to reread everything placed here and change where is needed and address where is needed, i would love to talk to you more inregards to other ideas i have inmind, would that be fine with you?


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 25, 2021

Hello Shady,
This application is a notable improvement over the previous one and I am very happy to see that.
However, there are still concerns I have with your application that I would like to see addressed or fixed before I feel confident in supporting you joining the GM team.
This description like many others in this application makes the premise exceptionally clear, but what is glossed over is the actual execution.
In this it is unclear who participates and where this would be happening. I can assume the "lost room" would manifest somewhere in the Foundation, and some of the "chase" would happen either there or in dupes on the GM plane, especially the "Time Travel".
While its mostly comprehensible in this example, this is something a lot of your events do not do a good job at clarifying to us, especially when i am uncertain how one example of them could be run at all, which I will get to at a later point.

Something I would want to see acknowledged in applications is the practical side of HOW the event would be run, as this is the crux that makes or breaks a good idea, due to the limits we operate in on a Gmod Server, which GMs need to be keenly aware of.

While certain later events do attempt to explain things further, often they do not clarify the parts they need to, or do not do so in enough detail to make it clear to us what exactly you intend to do.

This is a good example, saying that people who eat the sandwiches would likely be poisoned by a GM, the only issue i see could be that this would get increasingly difficult to role play out as the number of participating players increases.

However, I am entirely puzzled by what you mean with "[...] kills them slowly overtime, with only stopping it by reclaiming the Item interests."
Could you perhaps explain what this sentence means?

This is a common mistake people make, but your "Map Change" event fails to mention which map, as in "gm_construct" the server would swap over.

This is a frequent misunderstanding, but a map change event is not an event where a change is made TO the map, as in, putting down a dupe or editing a small area.

Instead, during a Map change, the entire Server changes the map it is running on, away from Site65 onto another map, usually found on the workshop, and the entire gameplay of the server is instead replaced with something the GM team has created over several months.

Due to the Incredible workload of such an event, both on the GM team and the logistical work for the Network administration, one has not been hosted in quite a while so not being aware of what exactly "Map Change" means is perfectly understandable, and I mainly wished to clarify the misunderstanding and do not count this strongly against your application.

The Core idea you have presented would be very suitable for a large-ish event on the Server, but would not be viable for the Entire server's population of around 128 players.

This is a very viable and doable SCP event, however this section of the application is intended to be about special, "Faction" based missions.
Please elaborate why exactly Omega-1 would be tasked with guarding an SCP, when this is not usually in their area of expertise.

Alternatively, perhaps replace this idea with one that is more typical and in line with Omega-1, their Employers, and their usual duties on Site-65.

This is another issue of legibility, could you perhaps explain more explicitly how you intend to carry out this event, and additionally explain what you could do in order to prevent it spiralling out of control into a case of excessive killing?

This is one of my main concerns in this application. Aside from the sheer disruptive potential of this, due to it likely quickly spiralling into MRDM, There is also the practical issues in executing this event.

How I interpret your description of the Event, a GM character would start somewhere in HCZ, and cause a player they meet to become "Infected".
Now comes the first question: How do you communicate this to the player?
You do not have the advantage of 008 in this case, where the mechanics do it FOR you. An Idea would be an invisible GM doing /me or /its , but this would become a MASSIVE logistical issue when the "infected" increase.

Second question: how do you communicate their infected status to other players?
Again, game mechanics are not implemented for your event, meaning virus scanners would not show anything, and you are likely relying on the player roleplaying out the "Virus" driving them mad and giving clear signs, which I don't imagine would be consistently done, making containment and roleplay in general VERY difficult if not impossible.

Third question: how does staff distinguish from an infected player "going mad" and RDM, furthermore, how will you stop getting "infected" from being an "MRDM license" for the infected players? I can imagine when players realize what is happening, many of them would get deliberately infected, and instantly go on a killing spree because "the virus told me to".

I think this event is a massive issue, and requires either significantly more thought put into the execution and restriction of this, or should not be run at all.

To move on from issues relating directly to events, your application has a significant problem in regards to coherence and legibility, with many sentences being very unclear and/or difficult to interpret.

Lastly, something I personally look for in applicants is for them to demonstrate their familiarity with the SCP Setting outside of the content prominently featured on the server, and while you have mentioned a variety of the SCPs from the wiki, the anomalies are not the only thing it is about.

I would personally like to see something involving something slightly more uncommon in an application, this could be anything from a Foundation Department you find particularly interesting and unique, a Group of Interest you find novel, or some Location or other aspect of this narrative setting.

Keeping these things in mind, I cannot as of current confidently support you joining the GM team, but am very open to seeing my concerns addressed either in revisions or a reply.
i Hope this new revised bit helps, i think it gonna be much better sounds a lot more cleaner and i hope that my shortness in my messages dont do my edits any injustice, i hope this new edition i made just makes more sence

Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

Active member
Oct 5, 2022
The Netherlands
Neutral -/+
You have massively improved your application when pulling it up to your 'old' one but the only current problem I have is your conduct in-game.
I have noticed that you sometimes come from the wrong angle in conversations and when I have seen you, you can become really angry about small things. As a GM you will need to have some self controll as there will always be minges trying to ruin your event and if you would lash out at them then this would encourage their behavior as it is found 'funny'.
Best of luck with your application!


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 16, 2022

Application Denied

Hi @ShadyDave ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a Gamemaster application.

Due to our previous conduct on our network, I think it would be overall poor judgement to allow you to return to our GM team.

kind regards

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