External Affairs Special Agent Application Format USA

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Well-known Member
Jul 23, 2023
External Affairs Special Agent Application

Steam ID: 76561198318092552

Discord name: swoleboye

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 100 hours

Age: 32

In what country are you located?: US

Time zone: PST
Character name(s): Swole

Civilian name: “Swole”

What server are you applying for? USA

[UK or USA] Do you have a mic?: Yes

What are your total levels?: 50

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

  • USMS EOD Investigator
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

  • I have one citation for excessive force on government equipment.
How long have you been a Senior Agent for?

  • I have been a Senior agent for 5 years
Why are you applying for Special Agent?

  • I am applying for the Special Agent position because I believe my extensive experience as a Deputy U.S. Marshal, specifically in various federal criminal investigations and executive protection, aligns perfectly with the core responsibilities of a Special Agent. Throughout my 5-year career in law enforcement, I have developed a diverse skill set that includes case management, advanced firearms training, and extensive knowledge of state and federal laws. Additionally, I have significant experience in physical security monitoring and design supervision, making me well-equipped to handle critical security matters within the RP environment. The prospect of contributing to the External Affairs team and utilizing my problem-solving expertise to address complex scenarios greatly interests me. I am confident that my time management and leadership skills will allow me to invest the required dedication and effort into maintaining a safe and immersive RP environment.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:

  • My extensive field experience as a Deputy U.S. Marshal, managing high-risk fugitive operations, and conducting corrective investigations, has honed my abilities to handle challenging situations with utmost professionalism. I have a proven track record of supervising and training junior deputies, ensuring efficient implementation of criminal processes. Moreover, my involvement in protection details for government officials and my experience in planning security for special events demonstrate my capacity to handle executive protection and conduct site assessments effectively. My background in responding to national incidents like Operation We Will Find You and showcases my ability to adapt and respond swiftly in crisis situations. These diverse skills and experiences make me suitable for the demanding and multifaceted role of a Special Agent.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

  • I have authored and managed numerous documents throughout my career, ranging from case reports to operation plans and personnel assignments. In my experience, a good document is one that is clear, concise, and well-organized. It should contain accurate and relevant information, presented in a professional format. A good document demonstrates attention to detail and provides sufficient context to facilitate informed decision-making. Additionally, a well-written document should be free from grammatical errors and adhere to the appropriate formatting and citation guidelines. Sadly all the case files I have made contain proprietary information.
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:

  1. Investigations: Conducting detailed investigations into in-game events, incidents, and criminal activities to gather evidence and uncover the truth.
  2. Enforcement of Rules: Ensuring players adhere to the server's RP guidelines and maintaining a fair gaming environment.
  3. Conflict Resolution: Mediating and resolving conflicts between players or factions through RP interactions.
  4. Protection and Security: Safeguarding important in-game characters, locations, or assets through security details.
  5. Collaboration: Coordinating with other factions, such as law enforcement units, to address larger threats and challenges.
  6. Intelligence Gathering: Gathering information on potential threats or suspicious activities to contribute to decision-making.
  7. Lore Building: Contributing to RP storylines and maintaining the server's narrative continuity.
  8. Roleplay Engagement: Actively engaging with other players to enhance the RP experience and maintain immersion.
  9. Documentation: Writing detailed reports and maintaining records of in-game events and investigations.
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Here is my resume to answer these questions: As a Deputy U.S. Marshal with over 5 years of experience, I have successfully managed a multimillion-dollar contract and conducted high-risk fugitive operations. I was involved in corrective investigations, monitored funds, and ensured budget compliance. During my tenure, I supervised, planned, and executed protection details for a local healthcare provider in response to a national incident involving threats to health care providers. Additionally, I responded to Operation We Will Find You as part of the federal emergency response and served as an EOD on a USMS Task Force during the incident.

Furthermore, I have been actively engaged in launching criminal and civil cases against U.S. interests, working closely with the U.S. Attorney's Office. I have testified in court and served as a member of a Special Response Team. My experience includes supervising the maintenance and installation of physical security equipment in several courthouses, ensuring the safety and security of key locations.

My time in law enforcement has equipped me with exceptional problem-solving skills, executive protection training, and advanced firearms training, making me well-prepared for the challenges presented in GMOD RP the video game. I am confident that my experience and dedication will be an asset to the External Affairs team and the overall RP community.

Furthermore, I have been actively engaged in launching criminal and civil cases against U.S. interests, working closely with the U.S. Attorney's Office. I have testified in court and served as a member of a Special Response Team. My experience includes supervising the maintenance and installation of physical security equipment in several courthouses, ensuring the safety and security of key locations.

My time in law enforcement has equipped me with exceptional problem-solving skills, executive protection training, and advanced firearms training, making me well-prepared for the challenges presented in GMOD RP. I am confident that my experience and dedication will be an asset to the External Affairs team and the overall RP community.

Note: I am hopeful that I have found the correct website while applying for this opportunity. I am eagerly anticipating the prospect of being a part of the CIA and the experiences that lie ahead.


Active member
Mar 17, 2023
-great experiance as an EOD Investigator
-play like a god (add me cuh)
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