Accepted Factions Warfund Additions Suggestion (I cooked hard, it's long.)

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
I have searched and asked people for already similar suggestions but personally it was hard for me to find them alone, Asking people helped and eventually i got sent a Suggestion that compiled a majority of them (It's gonna be referenced in the next section)

A Suggestion made by Emilia Foddg, regarding Warfunds. The suggestion was briliant and well made, unlike this one however i believe it lacked more detail that i want to try and add more in with this suggestion.

Subjects discussed:

-Warfunds for CI and Foundation (How can they help ? etc.)

-Assets for CI and Foundation, Uses for Warfunds outside of the TacTablet (via Emplacements more on that in a bit), Fund Income and how it works for CI and Foundation.

-Concerns regarding Traditional Hostage Situations

-Changes to UNGOC Assets + Rule Changes to Assets (i hope the majority of you can see them in a positive light)

-Fund Transfer & Transfer History functions in the TacTablet Command Menu, Asset/Transfer approval perms (Who can do, what exactly ? lemme cook.)

let's start of with WARFUNDS:

DEA and it's predecessor DOI, aswell as other Departments/MTFs have paid out of their own pocket for Hostages, for a respected and despized Secretive International Organisation dealing with Anomalies asking their own employees to pay ransom out of their own personal fund would be beyond unreasonable and unprofessional and doesnt make alot of sense RP wise. This has been the case for 3 years now.

(It's not like the representative departments have a BUDGET, actually NONE of the Departments have a budget to begin with ! EVEN THE GREAT FOUNDATION ITSELF !!!)

How can the addition of Warfunds help ? + Mention of Issues created by the lack of Warfunds:
-Foundation primarily DEA/Nu-7 won't have to rely on it's employees to pay for hostages out of their own personal fund. (Outrageous)

-Nu-7/DEA will be encouraged to go out and participate in the missions instead of staying on site, in order to procure vital Warfunds. (If not, this may and will possibly be enforced by Site Administration or Site Command)

-Paying out of personal funds, is one of the negative sides of Negotiating and it has been one of the issues DEA has had since it's launch considering the fact Negotiations are a core gameplay loop aspect of that department.
This one major reason is also why DEA activity has been crippled lately compared to other departments. and this issue may be blamed on the DEA Leadership, but it's not their fault, DEA's problems are rooted in issues like these, Issues that can't be changed by the player themselves.
to add onto this, CI have placed restrictions on who they kidnap out of pity and people being generally greedy about how they spend their own money.

(due to the fact that, SOP aka DEA/Nu-7 has no means to pay for CL3 personel, God Bless Mr.Marauder and his crew for their Mercy and Big Pockets.)

Value of Warfunds is highly important, for fixing how hostage negotiations and our economy works, this will be explained bellow.

Moving on...

Money's value is priced by the players themselves, If Warfunds have no practical and reliable use, It's deemed worthless by the community, to put it very bluntly you might aswell use it to wipe yourself... (This is obvious)

Now if Warfunds were to be implemented to the two other factions, we don't want the Warfunds to become the next Reichsmark (If you know, you know.)

Emilia Foddg has suggested that Warfunds should be used for GM support instead of being providing players with a practical use in the form of Assets. It's not a god awful idea, it's defenitely not great either.

GM's whilst a fun bunch of very creative individuals, are unreliable and unpredictable afterall they're people aswell, there is also no way for Senior Positioned/CL4 individuals to contact them in a reliable way to schedule anything whilst this can be fixed quite easily it does not change the fact that Warfunds would essentially in theory be only an "Event usable asset" which already diminishes their value greatly compared to personal funds meaning it can't be reliably traded for hostages.

Assets may be abused but Staff can deal with it.

Hence i would like to introduce ASSETS to make Warfunds actually useful within the economy starting off with:


They would be granted access to things like...
-UAV (can be imported from MRP)
-Amnestics Barrage (Custom)
-Deployable Quad Bike (MRP)
-Armour with varying degrees of protection (Already on MRP)

-M1 Abhrams: This would be airdropped, can be countered by Airstrikes, Matadors, Orange Suit users, SCPs warning's as tough as it is EXPENSIVE. (I hope OS users can break vehicles, if not please make sure they do.)
-Lethal Chemical Barrage
-Deployable Quad Bike
-CI Emplacement Specialists: Only 1 slot, May place a LIMITED amount of Emplacements, Mortars and MG positions in exchange for Warfunds


Next up...

Fund Income:
Works normally for Foundation just like the UNGOC, makes sense since both are Paranormal Behemoths with good sources of Funding, however CI on the other hand is just a small cell of a large organization, a small cell wouldn't recieve funding. They would instead have to rely on HOSTAGE SITUATIONS for Funding, this means that the 2 other organisations would have to wire them money for Hostages. However to not make Surface Missions obsolete, they'd still recieve funding from them just not on such a grand scale as the other organisations.

Traditional Hostage Situations:
The goal of this suggestion is not to get rid of exchanging the money via Traditional means, it's there to take the burden off of those who just can't afford this kinda rule forced roleplay.
So to those CI who are still interested in that, go for it and feel free to negotiate in any way you want.

UNGOC Changes:

Introduction of:

Orbital Strikes

Airdrops in an Orbital Strike marker (grenade), which can be used to blast SCPs for capture and potential liquidation.

A replacement for the useless 1000lb Bomb. (same rules apply to the orbital strike in this case since it's a replacement)

This goes well with the UNGOC's theme of being a paratechnological giant within the Anomalous Community, and whilst it might give you Tinnitus. Rest assured it will be used quite moderately. (probably)

Fuck it, place an additional rule saying: "Use as a LAST RESORT."

How do i know it will work against SCPs unlike the 1000lb ?
Experience. Since now i have self-proclaimed myself as a massive Source Engine enjoyer i know it's quirks and i know how things work with almost 10k hours in the game.

The Orbital Strike has a large radius so it CAN'T miss and outputs massive amounts of Damage over a period of time. It is ideal, and i'm 100% sure it will work.

1000lb Bomb (re-mastered):
The Fact that currently it's completely useless and buggy against SCPs makes this thing unusable (Fixes have been introduced to it before, all of them failed. Now it's just there gathering dust.)

With a cooldown of 60 minutes, and a conflict OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED by Respective Faction leaders and sanctioned by SL/NL (i got no clue who sanctions wars, if anyone.) If all criteria are considered along with the introductions of the changes above. I'm confident in the fact that this is a more than a FAIR weapon to use considering the fact that it's great against infantry, and multiple people have voiced their opinion on this matter.

Armour of varying degrees of protection

Deployable Quad Bikes (why not, everyone has equal rights for easier recon and transport)

moving on...

Fund Transfers and Transfer History:

Introduces new Commands into the TacTablet Command Menu
Fund Transfers would allow for members of all factions, to exchange warfunds with each other. (obvious)

Permissions and Hierarchy of Approval look like this:
Foundation: Site Command, Site Administration, DEA Manager+, Nu-7 2LT+, other Department Heads.

Transfer History would allow to track...Transfer History. In the event of Funds being embezzled amongst Unauthorised uses.

Viewing Permission:
Foundation: Site Command, IA CL4+

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Reference is right here:
Partially Accepted - Warfunds Episode V: The CI Strike Back

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Majority of TacTablet assets and other features can be transported over from MRP (Which means, less work for the team.)
-Fixes a major cause behind activity issues within DEA (One-sided Negotiations, More Variety in Negotiations,
-Gives Nu-7 a greatly important role OUTSIDE of the facility. (for a Surface Regiment they spend an awful lot of time on-site.)
-People don't have to spend their own money for RP forcefully created by others. (Personal funds don't grow on trees)
-Ballances the 3 Factions in my opinion, making all of them into a potentially bigger danger for each other. (I'd like for all factions to interact with eachother more carefully, since more is at stake and the difficulty is increased)
-Improvements in RP and RP Quality, and an addition and improvement into the Economy.
-CI Emplacement Specialists will be able to create short-term fortifications and usable weapons that spice up Infantry Combat on Surface, amongst other uses like in Defence. (Nu-7 and UNGOC alternatives should possibly be looked into)
-Gives IA an Investigative Function

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Dev Time
-Question of: "Can the server handle this ?"
-I'm too biased to diss my baby, i'll let the Comment Section do that for me.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Fixes multiple issues whilst providing content to the Community. Now not all of this may be accepted, so i ask for atleast a Partial Acceptence of this suggestion since this is ALOT and some of it may seem even OUTRAGEOUS.

Apologies for making it uneasy to read, but i havent slept in a long time, i'm 7 redbulls in and running on willpower alone.
Before I read this fully - I'm wondering if you've read thought this suggestion?

I have looked through it, but since i'm going through a bad case of sleep deprivation fueled by Energy Drinks, Muscle Aches and Willpower to stay awake my attention span was equal to that of a toddler that and i would've lost my train of thought if i gave too much focus, i mean look at the LITERARY MASTERPIECE before you, it's soo huge you can slap so many words into it, HELL there are alot of words.

It wasn't detailed economy wise, or how it would tackle some other problems, that and the features were different. Thanks for the link btw Niox.

Credit to Niox for initially forwarding me to that cool suggestion.

Edit 3: lemme eep
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Oct 10, 2022
but we all know that CI will not get anything good bc CI is sooo evil and can only have TB has its carry. (I want other things other then 1 person that can be really good or really dumb that will carry the team during a raid.) also maybe not a M1 Abhrams but a T72 for CI bc it fits CI way more. it has less HP but has a AT missile on top of it. i was also thinking of a weapons drop for CI that gives like RPDs and other types of guns in it but idc what i get for warfunds as long as it gets added and CI doesn't get notthing. (Btw am pretty sure warfunds are not getting worked on bc no dev wants to do it and we will never get it.)
Emilia Foddg has suggested that Warfunds should be used for GM support instead of being providing players with a practical use in the form of Assets. It's not a god awful idea, it's defenitely not great either.
look at the github ticket and my other thread on the matter - my understanding of the situation is that CT are looking more for ways in which warfunds can be used in non-combative ways, so as not to skew the rp environment even further towards combative gameplay, which is not the intended focus of the server.

that's why i made the other thread to try and gather and compile any ideas on how they can be used non-combatively. a lot of the uses you suggest here, weapons, vehicles, etc; these either supplement or otherwise outright encourage combative gameplay and would likely be rejected outright, unless you were to also provide a significant amount of other, non-combative ways, in which warfunds could be used.
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