Fanta/Conor Mc Gee's SA app #2

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:630449071
Discord name: fantalemon737
For how long have you played on CG SCP: At least 2 years
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Ireland🇮🇪
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Foundation: ‘Tanora’ CI: Alfred ‘Angle’
Civilian name: blank as of now due to GM stuff
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding roles:
Omega-1 CPT
Held roles: ECA, MTF Nu7 CPT, MTF E11 CSG, UNGOC 1SGT, CI Gamma
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
screenshot 1
screenshot 2
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
  • [*]I am applying for site advisor for a few reasons but the main one I feel is for an extra challenge. Site advisor has plenty of responsibilities overseeing countless departments making sure they are up to standard. To do this, the SA member and SA team must be up to standard working as a team to make sure the site works efficiently and effectively. That is why SA are key and why I want to join. I want to play a part in the huge operation of managing an entire site of people. I also would like to join SA to progress and better myself within the site. As of now in O1, I’m extremely proud of myself to have reached CPT and lead prosecutor but I feel that if I became a member of SA I could help in everywhere around the site and not be limited to Omega-1 duties and tribunals. On top of that, I think that if I were to become SA I could delve into some deeper roleplay with certain departments, interacting with them more and experiencing a true roleplay situation/situations. Finally, I would like to become a member of SA as I feel it would give me a better insight into what other departments are up to and what they would like. I would be able to communicate with all members of each department and ask for feedback on what they would like in the.
    NOTE: I realise this is a regular duty of SA but I would love to do it.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

As Previously mentioned, I have been a part of a lot of the foundations MTF and have achieved ranks which I am happy with.
Although yes, the last time I was in E11 was at least 1 year ago, I can still remember and know a lot of their policies and how they operate. I know these because I was under some really good CO’s at the time and know what it takes to have an effective E11 task force.

In Nu7, I was a leader of the now dead squadron "Day-breakers". Daybreakers in short, was a surface based squadron which worked alongside DEA. With this experience similar to what I said about E11, I can assist the SOP wherever needed and make the right choices because I have that experience. An example of this is knowing when the right time is to authorise a main raid. During my time in Nu7 I also roleplayed a lot with CI, whenever I kidnapped them I would torture them for personal gain rather then professional gain. I enjoyed this because it created 2 types of people who watched the tortures: people who wanted me to keep going and agreed that my character was cruel and people who were more light hearted and told me to stop.

I was ECA under redmann and heavily enjoyed it. It introduced me to a whole new side of the server that being the side with the FLC, CoE, tribunals, audits etc etc. I really enjoyed ECA as it allowed me to dive into deeper roleplay. I feel as if I could do the same as SA. I also became a Sr Assistant during my time as ECA. The Sr assistant role was only introduced very soon after I became ECA. To achieve it (especially at that early stage of it) you had to go above and beyond. From what I can remember, one of the requirements was to suggest a change to the FLC. I believe I added the charge of kidnapping 2 - "Restraining or detaining Clearance 4 Foundation personnel against their will and denying their escape without just cause". Although yes, this charge isn't perfect, I still managed to come up with an idea which was actually tried and tested in the field.

Finally, as of now I hold the position of Omega-1 CPT. During my time in O1, I have become the leader of the prosecutors squadron which handles a vast majority of the tribunals within Site-65. I was taught by Athena everything I know about tribunals which has helped me loads. I feel that If I was SA I could help with tribunals a whole bunch and take some weight off of the committee’s back.

Willingness to learn and grow

In almost every single job I've been in on the server, I started off clueless. I'm going to use the example of prosecutors. Prior to joining prosecutors, I only knew a small bit about tribunals. I had never touched them before. But now thanks to the help of my superiors, I have became the leader of an amazing squadron with amazing people in it who consistently pump out a workload which I am very happy with. On top of this, I think I am an amazing person at taking feedback. I don't argue with anyone over feedback, I simply just listen to it, analyse and improve. Another example of this is when I was a part of the UNGOC and I had to make documents. I kept on making tweeks and tweeks to these documents until they were considered perfect by the CO’s. Even if they were the smallest, most tiny bits of feedback I still changed the document and was happy with the end result.

Communication skills
In my opinion, communication skills is a heavily under looked skill on civil networks. Communication is key especially in Site administration where you are contacting so much departments for certain reasons. I believe I have very good communication skills over discord, in meetings, in game and more. With these skills I am able to transfer over information when its needed and in a simple, understandable manner. I also think that communication is a necessity because if department leaders do not communicate, their department may decrease in standard. This is why if I was SA I would HEAVILY encourage communication.

I think one of my key skills is tat I am quite innovative. I always try my best to come up with new ideas to better whatever job I am on within the foundation. I always try my best to speak my mind and show my opinion on situations. I have been the leader of 2 separate squadrons on the server, both of which I have developed new things to do in them alongside the help of the people in the squadron with me.

Sometimes, not everything goes to plan. When something doesn't go to plan, that is an opportunity for you to show one of your skills and show how adaptable you are. I think that I am quite adaptable being able to adapt to certain short term and long term scenarios. Examples of each are: If an RP scenario with someone goes wrong, you cant just end it there. You have to follow through with this RP and be able to finish it to the best of your ability. For long term, if a squadron or department is dying out, you may need to adapt and add more incentives to join this squadron. This is where site administration may need to step in to these scenarios.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
1. Assigning positions senior positions

Site administration have the duty of assigning people who they believe fit to positions such as:

Chiefs of secuirity

DEA Directors

Medical Directors

MTF Commanders (Nu7 and E11 only)

2. Assist in tribunals

Site administration personnel have the ability to Judge tribunals (more often lower level tribunals)

3. Handling issues brought to them by foundation personnel

If anyone in the site has an issue about someone, Site administration is key group to go to.

4. Completing audits on departments when needed

5. Authorising Advanced armoury when required

Site admin may authorise AA within reason to MTF personnel.

6. Handling directing tasking from anyone above you in the CoC

From time to time, someone above you in the chain of command may give you a specific order/task which you must complete

7. Handling (creating/tweaking) foundation documentation/policies

Site admin may have to change some policies some times as they may be outdated/irrelevant

8. Communicating with external GOI's over agreements/policies/treaties

Site administration have a role to play when it comes to GOI's especially the UNGOC. This may include arranging meetings, setting up treaties etc

9. Overseeing site staff, specifically the CL4's

Hypothetically, if a department/regiment was severely under preforming, Site admin may need to step in to do something. This may include handing out punishments to CL4 personnel if they haven't had one given tot hem yet by their superior CL4.

10. Acting as a liaison/overseeing departments
Similar to No. 9, site administration members get assigned to certain departments each month. If there is going to be a review the SA member will assist in writing this review. The Site administration member also acts as a port of call to all people in that department.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

sorry the format is strange on the lore, leave feedback below please!

James Dingle

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Jul 13, 2024

As I stated in my previous +support, Conor's dedication to improvement is unwavering and with the guidance available in Site Administration at the moment I believe he would become an amazing asset to have.

Best of luck in your application!
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The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Conor mc gee

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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