FearRP | Stacked Bans Appeal


Jan 16, 2024
Your in-game name: Jeff Brown
Your SteamID:
Your steam community link: STEAM_0:1:458484927
Date of ban: February 14, 2024
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Stacked Bans | FearRP
Who banned you: The Tennantite
Ban length?: 4 weeks 3 days
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/scp-rp-rules.2244/
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Be more careful when it comes to combat.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Yes
Why should you be unbanned: I should be unbanned since, if you read the exact FearRP rule, it states that FearRP is active in the following situation:
  • If you are armed but are being surrounded and outnumbered 2:1 by aggressors.
I was armed (with a sword, however still armed) however there was only 1 person after me, therefore the ratio was NOT 2:1 so I do not believe that FearRP should have been active in that situation.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: Be more careful when it comes to combat.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: It's the main GMod server I play on and it has a really friendly and active community. I like spending time here.


Jan 16, 2024
Small note, during the sit, the person reporting me mentioned "Guns beat knives". Nowhere is this mentioned under the FearRP clarifications or under the FearRP rule itself.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Jun 6, 2022
Hi @Akii !

I banned you for FearRP and stacked bans based off your warn history leading you to a Class E FearRP warning. This then means you get a 3 day ban which counts towards a stacked bans ban of which also being Class E. I gave you the FearRP warning/ban due to the person holding you are gun point having a ranged weapon. Where as you had a mele, hand-to-hand weapon. You were also at a considerable distance where you could not cause any bodily harm before a weapon would be pulled out (around 1 second), thus meaning the person who had you at gun point could easily engage you and injure/kill you if you made an attack on them.

Therefor, because of you obvious disadvantage of a hand-to-hand weapon against a ranged weapon you would fear for you life as you have no option of "disabling" the agressor in a reasonable ammount of time/before you end up dead/injured. Considering you did not abide by this on many occasions including a situation where you were at 3:1 I decided to give you the FearRP warning which lead to the Class E FearRP and Class E stacked bans (3 days and 4 weeks).

I hope this clears it up a little bit for you and I shall now leave it in the capable hands of another Admin or a Senior Admin+ to respond to this situation.



Jan 16, 2024
Hi @Akii !

I banned you for FearRP and stacked bans based off your warn history leading you to a Class E FearRP warning. This then means you get a 3 day ban which counts towards a stacked bans ban of which also being Class E. I gave you the FearRP warning/ban due to the person holding you are gun point having a ranged weapon. Where as you had a mele, hand-to-hand weapon. You were also at a considerable distance where you could not cause any bodily harm before a weapon would be pulled out (around 1 second), thus meaning the person who had you at gun point could easily engage you and injure/kill you if you made an attack on them.

Therefor, because of you obvious disadvantage of a hand-to-hand weapon against a ranged weapon you would fear for you life as you have no option of "disabling" the agressor in a reasonable ammount of time/before you end up dead/injured. Considering you did not abide by this on many occasions including a situation where you were at 3:1 I decided to give you the FearRP warning which lead to the Class E FearRP and Class E stacked bans (3 days and 4 weeks).

I hope this clears it up a little bit for you and I shall now leave it in the capable hands of another Admin or a Senior Admin+ to respond to this situation.

I don't recall being in a 3:1 situation, would you mind sharing the clip if you still have it?

Edit: Also, I would call that close enough to disable the aggressor considering that the Reapers Knife does 60HP per hit.

Edit 2: Also, shouldn't the stacked bans have been Class D or C? Can't exactly recall my history on bans without being able to join to access it.


Active member
Apr 9, 2023
Ban Appeal Accepted

Hi @Akii

Thank for putting the time into making this Ban Appeal and being patient with us.

After reading through with the situation and with the photo that you have shown in your response, I will be removing the ban time, and removing it from your record, as this was a situation that was definitely strange and from this ban appeal, I see that there was really no malicious intent on wanting to break server rules.
I thank you for being patient with us in making our verdict.

If you have any Questions, Please DM me on Discord with my Profile located on the Senior Admins list on our Discord Server

Kind Regards,