What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Whilst somebody is in elastic restraints they shouldn't have to be told to stop breaking cuffs when it is clear that there are players around them with weapons out even if they are not being directly aimed at, for example when arresting/kidnapping some people they will try to break out of cuffs the instant you turn away to open a door or such, this is really stupid as them turning away for a split second isn't much of a reason for them to no longer be under fearRP especially since if they turn back around they could very easily kill them before they break out.
Secondly if someone is blindfolded they should realisticly not break out of cuffs when they are aware the person who has cuffed and blindfolded them is still nearby rather than needing to be told every 5 seconds "your under gunpoint stop breaking out" as you can easily tell by the audio of you and them moving that they are still there and realistically if you are kidnapped and being dragged whilst blindfolded you wouldn't try to escape whilst the kidnapper who you can't even see is right next to you.
Thirdly if the person arresting/kidnapping the player has put there gun away and the player attempts to break out, the moment the arresting/kidnapping player pulls their weapon out the player in cuffs should stop breaking out without the need to tell them to stop breaking out.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Firstly it makes things less tedious and annoying for people when arresting/kidnapping players, I think we have all had those moments in which someone tries to break out every 5 seconds and you have to repeatedly tell them not to over and over again which would be unrealistic as you don't want to antagonise someone who has you restrained and could possibly kill you when you can't fight back.
Secondly it simplifies thing for staff members when ruling on situations where players break out of cuffs despite being in a controlled situation rather than having varying rulings by different staff as some just go by how the rule works on paper vs how it would work realistically. For example staff member A may rule in a situation that person A was not breaking fearRP whilst breaking cuffs surrounded by a dozen MTF purely because no one was directly aiming at them and telling them to not break out vs staff member B who may rule in a situation that person A was breaking fearRP as being surrounded by a dozen MTF is more than sufficient to apply fearRP whilst restrained even if they are not being directly gun pointed or told to not break out as the danger is implied.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Only negative I can think of is when someone is being kidnapped they basically get reduced to a helpless child as they themselves can't do anything to escape without intervention by other players to save them or if left completely unattended.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe this should be accepted as the positives massively outweigh the minor negatives especially since it makes far more sense realistically and reduces the tediousness and annoyance of restraining people in elastic restraints. In addition in most circumstances the person who is kidnapped can't escape themselves and as such this has very little impact negatively overall.
Whilst somebody is in elastic restraints they shouldn't have to be told to stop breaking cuffs when it is clear that there are players around them with weapons out even if they are not being directly aimed at, for example when arresting/kidnapping some people they will try to break out of cuffs the instant you turn away to open a door or such, this is really stupid as them turning away for a split second isn't much of a reason for them to no longer be under fearRP especially since if they turn back around they could very easily kill them before they break out.
Secondly if someone is blindfolded they should realisticly not break out of cuffs when they are aware the person who has cuffed and blindfolded them is still nearby rather than needing to be told every 5 seconds "your under gunpoint stop breaking out" as you can easily tell by the audio of you and them moving that they are still there and realistically if you are kidnapped and being dragged whilst blindfolded you wouldn't try to escape whilst the kidnapper who you can't even see is right next to you.
Thirdly if the person arresting/kidnapping the player has put there gun away and the player attempts to break out, the moment the arresting/kidnapping player pulls their weapon out the player in cuffs should stop breaking out without the need to tell them to stop breaking out.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Firstly it makes things less tedious and annoying for people when arresting/kidnapping players, I think we have all had those moments in which someone tries to break out every 5 seconds and you have to repeatedly tell them not to over and over again which would be unrealistic as you don't want to antagonise someone who has you restrained and could possibly kill you when you can't fight back.
Secondly it simplifies thing for staff members when ruling on situations where players break out of cuffs despite being in a controlled situation rather than having varying rulings by different staff as some just go by how the rule works on paper vs how it would work realistically. For example staff member A may rule in a situation that person A was not breaking fearRP whilst breaking cuffs surrounded by a dozen MTF purely because no one was directly aiming at them and telling them to not break out vs staff member B who may rule in a situation that person A was breaking fearRP as being surrounded by a dozen MTF is more than sufficient to apply fearRP whilst restrained even if they are not being directly gun pointed or told to not break out as the danger is implied.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Only negative I can think of is when someone is being kidnapped they basically get reduced to a helpless child as they themselves can't do anything to escape without intervention by other players to save them or if left completely unattended.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe this should be accepted as the positives massively outweigh the minor negatives especially since it makes far more sense realistically and reduces the tediousness and annoyance of restraining people in elastic restraints. In addition in most circumstances the person who is kidnapped can't escape themselves and as such this has very little impact negatively overall.