Fefi Consultant Application (USA)

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Active member
Jan 7, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:70934809
Discord name: Tre
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3-4 months
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Untied States
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Fefi
Civilian name: Starven Marvin
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: None
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: LTARP because I was playing when my gmod wasn't 64 bit and had extra ram so it crashed randomly, so when I was arrested I crashed and i got warned for ltarping. FailRP because I was mixing my saying fearrp while doing fearrp. Fearrp warn because i shot the mayor before he could be kidnapped by Ci but they were pointing guns at me. I got RDM because I was a non combative tech expert and I killed a Ci with a perm knife. I got a ERP because I had made a vhs tape that had a innapprorate word on it and it got into someones hands who reported me. I got banned for one reason and it was because I said as mayor while I was declaring War on UN, I said I was the Fuhrer obviously people didn't like this so I got a 1 day ban.
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant? I want to be able to help anyone in the foundation mentally, psychically and emotionally, as senior doctor I've seen things that no one wants to go through including a d-class named Jimmy who had a mental issues that if we had enough resources that we could of saved him of his symptoms. As Senior Doctor I wasn't able to get people the help they needed by getting more people on medical staff and keep the medical department more organized and ready.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?: I feel like that most doctors just heal and medics fight but I take Medical RP to heart, I want to immerse others in helping their problems and their questions, like for example I mentally evaluated a few D-class, 2 Jr. Researcher as senior doctor and me and this other doctor helped him to get better so we could set him back on course in life and help them do their job better.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice: EST, You first ask the patients what their symptoms are, you then ask for consent to receive EST, you then comfort them but saying "do not head towards the light", then after the EST is done have the patient leave the machine after the procedure, heal them to max HP and set them on their way.
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?: Medical Consultants give out medical licenses and train trainees to become doctors, as well they should be able to answer any medical questions if asked, if doctors do a good work they can also credit said doctor. Medical Consultants are trusted officals and should know the rules and guidelines like other cl4 and they should report problems that their medical staff do to IA.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in: As the story goes, former Medical Consultant turned Director of Medicine, then Site Advisor Marvin Garden was working in the facility climbing up the rankings, found a cadet who didn't really know what he was doing, he didn't have that drive to use a gun, one day he showed up to medbay seeming sick of a sinus infection but someone dropped a few liters of class C and the cadet drank it but Medical Consultant Marvin Garden was there to help the cadet come back to his ways and remember his past. So from there he turned that young cadet into his son, a doctor, Marvin Garden Jr. Now Marvin Garden Jr. was a great one infact he was a therapist who helped other foundation members and d-class get to their feet and live their life again. He was a prodigy just like his father but he came across a woman [REDACTED] and they hit it off smoothly, they had a child together originally named Fefi but called Marvin the 2nd, they dropped off garden because it would be a little complicated to keep garden but they still refer him as that. Marvin the 2nd had a rough childhood, always running away from breached SCPs and getting scolded by ethics but he grew, he learned, and he understanded that his path was to become a doctor like his father and his father's father. He got his license from his grandfather when he still was a consultant, he helped around the facility lots, he healed and treated hundreds of paitents including ethics, ia, dea, and other cl4 to get on their good side to let the consultants get him the credit he needed and when he was finally able to be called a senior doctor, he took after his father and did psych evalutations on d-classes and other foundation members, here is one of the excerpts from one the evalations:

D-9491 Jimmy

Jimmy had a unique personality

"Jimmy was an odd d-class when me and dad met him, he was talking really fast and was hyper in the medical line. This is one of the first times we could psych eval because I was recently promoted as a senior doctor. We got him out, gensec put him in cuffs and forgot to check the weapon check, this was surely a deadly mistake. We got him down to the consultant’s office to question him and give his psych eval, dad sat in the front, I sat next to Jimmy. Jimmy started to tell stories about how he was able to talk at a very young age and it freaked out his preschool teachers. He talked about the price of cobalt in east asia, and opium in China. He also talks about how China and how the mountains rise out of the seas, and he says that it makes him think about god but he doesn’t really think there is a god since he is a science man. After he stopped talking about his China fantasy and God, dad asked him how he became a d-class. Now he started talking about how he was having lunch with his wife and child, he was talking about a story with his wife, and his wife wouldn’t shut up until Jimmy snapped and stabbed and stabbed and stabbed until she wasn’t interrupted, and they eated and listened like a good family, dad then asked about the child, he said the same thing happened to her after she started crying, me and dad were obviously shocked and disturbed and he also included the fact that it was beef stroganoff, and he would kill for his wifes stroganoff, he has killed multiple d-class and killed a researcher by throwing him in a tesla gate, he said he would kill again if he was freed. He knew about the nukes below the facility somehow, probably through his years in the facility. He says he has no issues with his brain, he explains he is a chipper guy and he says the sun smiles at him, he then threatens me because i had an outfit that resembled Ambassador Junkman because it was a dare and he wanted to kill me. He explained further that his child was 13 when she died. His job was a car salesman and he would scam people for 6800 dollars of profit from a schmuck who didn’t know a thing, and he would hit a button and the engine would fry. He didn't regret killing his wife and daughter."

The rest of the conversation wasn't recorded becuase it was taken to the quarrentine room, it did end up that Jimmy died by rushing medics with a gun, but this was the only case of Marvin the 2nd's psych eval not working and this was his first. He did another on a Jr. Researcher who was injected class-b and Marvin Jr. and Marvin the 2nd were able to regain some of the memory of the Jr. Researcher to get them mentally stable and on with their day. Marvin the 2nd's goal of becoming a great doctor was achieved but he wanted to become more than what was ordinary be like his grandfather and become Consultant so that things like Jimmy could never happen and help the ones that secretly hide it from everyone else. Marvin the 2nd wanted to change the underlying problems of the medical deparment of the facility and he paitently waits for the people to read over his file and see that he has the skills to become what his grandfather has become and what his father wants him to become and make them proud.

Marvin the 2nd had a code name, his code name was 'Schizophrenia' since that was his patients biggest problem and his picture for his code word was the dog that his grandfather gave him, he lost it so he always puts his dog on docs to remind himself of the dog he once loved:


Marvin disowned Marvin the 2nd because he lost his dog, so he had to go back to his original name Fefi
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Active member
Jan 7, 2024
Got job banned from medical like last week
Tried to breach 008
I was under fear rp by two parawatch fail rping for 008, this was cleared up by admins, and the job ban was like a hour long. and how i minge


Active member
Jan 7, 2024
-every time I see you on medical staff you always Mingy
-you try to breach 008 on Foundation staff
I was under fear rp by two parawatch fail rping for the 008 thing, this was cleared up by admins. what is mingy about me


Active member
Jan 15, 2024
Not even Junkman wanted to train you for IA cause he knew you were too unprofessional and cannot be trusted, and now you want a cl4 job?
Application Denied

From: Director of Medicine, Abbie Oswald

Dear, Tre

You will be denied for the job of Consultant due to the fact you are a major lacklustre player and i do not see you fit to represent the team.

I advise if you wish to continue your pursuit towards medical leadership you sort your childish issues out before reapplying after 2 weeks. Thank you

Kind Regards,
Abbie Oswald
Director of Medicine​
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