FellowChum's (Crota's) GM Appeal 2 Electric Boogaloo


Well-known Member
Oct 31, 2022
Name: Crota
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:424676499
Previous Rank: Senior Game Master
Date of resignation?:
Why did you resign? Was burnt out and admittedly wasn't liking the responsibilities of an SGM. So when brought up the idea of leaving on the spot by a friend I promptly did so.
Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: I had resigned last year at may and came back on august. I have not been demoted before.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: I have 3 RDM and a FailRP warn on June and Banned on June 9 and Feb 9, and now LTARP (not sure how I got that second one or LTARP)
Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?: I want to return (again) because I did enjoy being a GM before becoming an SGM. But being an SGM and seeing the responsibilities of one, began to deter me. I was also getting burnt out again and wasn't making any events as I personally would rather not make events than make bad ones that no one liked. I can commit to being a GM, I showed before that I could as I made events that people did enjoy and even got some to voice act or play important characters. It's only when I got SGM did I begin to have a decline in activity and creativity, as thats when the burnt out came. But I can be committed again, I still have plenty of free time to work on the job and have been wanting to show my creativity again. I've made mistakes as a GM in the past and am always ready to learn and be told what I need to change.
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