Foundation PoI case - Tarnus 'Setin' Domurrum

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Lord Mirai (未来)

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Jan 5, 2021
> fsearch "Setin"
(1) Document(s) found.
Use 'fdisplay' to list found items.

> fdisplay
[1] - HGD-TSD1

> fopen HGD-TSD1
Accessing document - HGD-TSD1 . . .

Audio File found.
<BEGIN LOG - Tag HGD-TSD-MArch42__1>

Stating my name and rank for the record, Mirai Archaeus, Director of Research, Foundation Site-65, Canada.
I have taken it upon myself to concatenate all the information Foundation currently knows about the individual known as Tarnus 'Setin' Domurrum, civilian.
This information comes from a plethora of sources, including other GoI and eyewitnesses. Accuracy and reliability were reasonably confirmed.
This case is classified under CLEARANCE LEVEL 2.
Further access requires authentication. Ending log.


Authentication required. Input credentials
> auth MArch42
Security question: 'Quod es tu?'
Access granted. Welcome, Mirai Archaeus.
Displaying full document . . .

Setin Knowledge Concatenation

Section 1 - Canadian Population Records
Name: Tarnus Domurrum
Alias: Setin
Date of Birth: 19/02/1859
Place of Birth: Quebec, Canada
Marital Status: Single
Special Status: Orphaned
Official Status: Missing

Domicile changed to an unnamed settlement, Canada, 31/08/1865

[[ Append - Canadian Mortuary Records ]]
Event - Death. Victim relational state - Father
Tarnaticus Saten - Age 58 - (31/01/1807 - 13/09/1865)

Event - Death. Victim relational state - Mother
Evelyn Anastasia - Age 44 - (02/03/1821 - 13/09/1865)
[[End Append]]

[[ Append - Special Investigations Unit ]]
As per the collected information from Agent Eremias, statistics functionally compiled in the following outlook:
Between the months of July and October, year 1865, a total of 91 civilians went missing in the Ontario region, in an unnamed village.
Two civilians were subsequently found; One, female, middle-aged, non-responsive to all prompts, though obviously alive, aware and sentient. Our Jane Doe was recovered partially submerged in a half-frozen lake. Frostbite affliction.
The other civilian recovered is male, child, with signs of post-traumatic stress, displayed through incomprehensible talks about monsters and "the sky cracking". Medical evaluation queued. To be noted, his left eye appears to be compromised, red with fading pupil.

Furthermore, a ticket has been made to designate the area of interest as "Pinewood", for easier future reference

Update, the kid is gone.
[[End Append]]

Section 2 - Initial Contact
In the month of July 2023, a surface operation was taking place, in which several crates delivered by an external PoI were being claimed and unlocked by the Chaos Insurgency. Civilian Setin was captured amidst their numbers and taken to surface interrogation for questioning, after the insurgents were dispatched by External Affairs and AMTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") operatives.

After confirming that he was, in fact, not a Chaos operative, he was questioned about his unusual outlook: his clothes were a luminous purple and his eyes were pulsating, glowing red.
Questioning him was Director of Medicine “Prophet” Carmine, alongside External Affairs' Agency Manager 'Nebula'. After an extensive interrogation, the following facts were discovered and confirmed:
  • Setin's age well exceeds 100 years, as he witnessed the creation and evolution of Pinewood
  • He is followed by an entity he calls "Protector", who can manifest in telepathically-delivered words spoken in the receivers' mental voice.
  • The Protector is a generally-harmless entity with self-expressed authority over Pinewood and is in contradiction with the entity known as Death or "Azrael"
  • The entity presents a low infobreach, feeding Setin information in avoiding SCPs or GoIs in the area

Attached: Excerpt from interrogation - transcript by AIC
P = Prophet, S = Subject/Target, A = Nebula, X = "Protector"

P: Your name for the record?
S: Setin. My name is Setin.
P: And you are a citizen of Pinewood.
S: Yes.
P: And... you were born here?
S: No I was not.
P: Where then?
S: Quebec. Not far from here.
A: That's a long way away, man.
P: So you moved to Pinewood. When was this?
S: When I was little, about 6 years old. Back then, Pinewood wasn't even there by name, just three shabby shacks. *chuckles*

Nebula and Prophet look at each other, confused.

A: When exactly was this?
S: About 40 or so years ago?
P: Wait... how old are you?
S: What do you mean? I'm 48.
A: *pats Prophet's shoulder, signaling to exit* We'll be back.

They both exit, eventually returning with a sterile scientific sampling syringe.

A: I'll hold 'em.
S: Wait, what are you doing?
P: Don't worry, I'm a doctor.
S: NO WAIT! I don't like needles! Please don't hurt me...
P: It's alright, it won't hurt a bit...

Director Prophet proceeds to extract 100ml of blood from civilian Setin, during which he required restraining.
Setin displayed heightened panic, screaming as if being tortured. Cause for this fear has not been identified nor researched.
During sampling, all Foundation personnel within ten (10) meters of the subject experienced auditory hallucinations of "incomprehensible creepy whispers". This phenomenon manifested on several other occasions.

Upon investigation of the blood and tissue samples, the blood was very thick, coagulating almost immediately, and was of a darker color, as if not oxygenated in a long time. Carbon dating on the tissue sample yielded at minimum 80 years. Consider the number erroneously low, as cell regeneration dirties readings.

Eventually, the questioning resumes.

P: Right, mister Setin, it appears our instruments are malfunctioning, as uh...
A: Or you're just fucked up.
S: Wait, what do you mean?
A: You're not 40, why did you lie?
S: Lie?! What do you mean?
P: Our instruments seem to think-- nevermind. What's more important right now is... what's with your eyes?
S: Ah...
A: You're very creepy, with those red eyes.
P: Tell us about them.

S: ...sure. When I was small and I moved here, the people were... very weird. All the villagers would come outside at night, every night. They would gather and look up at the sky, in silence, not moving one bit. All of them. From 02:02 to 06:61. Or so I assume, as I would always collapse and faint at that hour, no matter where I was or what I was doing. And when I woke up, it was morning and everyone acted normally. They didn't believe me when I tried telling them. Not even my "parents", if you can call them that.
A: What does this have to do with y--
P: Shut, Nebula. Setin, did your parents also exhibit that behavior?
S: At first no, they thought it was weird too. Eventually, they would join them. I was alone.
A: And that thing didn't affect you?
S: No, it really didn't. I don't know if it was because I was the only kid in the village or not, but I was fine... except for the daily fainting. I didn't mind it much, as it wasn't painful or anything, just annoying.
P: And did you ever stare at the sky with them?
S: I'm getting to that now. Yes, I was curious what it was they were staring at. Of course, whenever I did look, I didn't see much. Until, one day, something weird happened... one of the villagers died.
A: Were they old or something?
S: I guess, but what was weird was that nobody cared. His body was in the middle of the road and they acted as if it was never there. That day, it happened
P: What did?

S: Nightfall came, and I climbed on the roof of one of the more "stable" shacks. Laid down on my back, looking at the moon. I had thought my eyes were deceiving me, but no, the moon looked like it had a crack in the middle, like a boiled egg after falling a bit too hard.
P: A crack?! The moon did?
S: That's what I thought I saw at first, but no. The crack grew... and it wasn't the moon that was cracked, it was the sky itself. As if it was made of glass, it cracked more and more, before shattering in the middle.
A: He's fucking with us isn't he?
P: I doubt it. Continue, please.
S: Through the new hole, I could see... impossible colors, combinations of concepts, ideas, from the most brilliant, to the darkest of the dark. Before I could see more, the hole was covered as an eye came through. The eye in the sky peered down at us. I looked around me, as the villagers started crawling out, staring right at it. For all I know, the eye is what they were looking at every night, and I could only see it then for the first time.

P: Tell us more about this "eye", what did it look like?
S: Just an eyeball, with a colorful iris, of everchanging colors: blue, rose, white, in a rather mesmerizing gradient. I stared at it, and it stared right back at me. My left eye started itching, then burning. I had to close it and couldn't see well with it for a few days after.
A: So this "eye in the sky" of yours made your eye hurt. Who'd expect that?
P: Nebula, if you're just gonna be snarky all the time, I suggest you leave.
A: Sorry, Carmine.
P: What happened next, Setin?
S: Well... I'm not sure, and I feel guilty that I don't know more. The eye, or whatever it was, started emitting sound, like a war horn in different pitches. After each sequence, it waited a few seconds, while staring at me. I think it was waiting for me to respond, but I couldn't understand. Neither what it wanted to say, nor what or how I should respond.

P: Interesting...
A: Why do you feel guilty about that?
S: Because calamity hit right after.
P: Calamity?
S: *whispering* calamitatis et miserieae...
A: What was that?
S: They all fell. The crack started to close again, as if time had reverted. The eye's iris changed colors quickly, as if panicked, as if telling me to hurry up. I didn't know what to do. Eventually, it closed completely. I looked all around me, all the villagers were on the ground, face down, not moving. All of them, even my parents, as shitty as they were. I was all alone.

P: What did you do?
S: I hung on, survived. Eventually, some builders would eventually show up, building what became this facility. Eventually, the United Nations built their FOB near there as well. This annoyed the militia you call Chaos, and the rest was history.
A: What do you know of them?
S: Not much.
A: What do you know about us?
S: Still not much.

P: But we have CCTV footage of you expertly avoiding our SCPs when they breached to surface.
S: SCP? Those monsters, you mean?
P: Yes. Explain how you know about them.
S: I don't, I only know how to avoid them. How to avoid them, how to avoid you, the UN and the rest...
A: How? Explain yourself.
S: Well, I have a sort of... thing, with me. A companion. My Protector tells me how to defend myself and how to avoid things like those.
P: Protector? Is that some sort of god?
S: Hell if I know.
A: What is it? How does it speak with you?
S: Well uhm, I just get the information, sometimes with a word or two...

At this point, recording devices malfunctioning, registering an additional voice. Disregarding and removing unwanted interference. Source identified as the "Protector" entity, speaking to those in the room telepathically, using the voice of the receiver. The owner of the voice registered on the recording device has not been identified.

A: Holy shit!
P: Whoa...
S: Oh, he's here.
A: Get E11 in here stat!
P: Hello? Setin, can it hear me?
S: He can. It seems he 'likes' you.
P: Me?
S: Yep.
P: Why?
P: I mean, I do have no soul, so...
S: Ah, makes sense...

Two members of Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") made their way up to surface interrogation.

E11: What's going on-- what the hell is that?
S: Hello.
A: Take him to a chamber or something, he's anomalous.
S: Who, me?!
E11: Got 'em.
P: Thank you, Setin. I'm sorry it has to end like that though.
S: ... goodbye, Prophet.

Upon the conclusion of the interrogation, civilian Setin was transported to Light Containment Zone Non-specialized chambers, and placed within SCP-073's containment chamber. Preliminary investigations were conducted by members of Research recalled. Further research inconclusive due to antimemetic hazard.
At T+44 minutes from the Subject's containment, a raid conducted by the Chaos Insurgency resulted in the loss of seven (7) Foundation staff alongside the liberation of Setin from the confines. Subject soon escaped Foundation custody.
A connection between his state and the Insurgency's raid could not be directly made, although a coincidence of this magnitude is fairly unlikely.

No further contact with civilian Setin for twenty-three (23) days.

Section 3 - Global Occult Coalition intervention
In early August (02/08/2023), a medical tent was set up near the pinewood ranger HQ, which aimed to treat all members of the populace. Healers were composed of Chaos Insurgency and UNGOC operatives alike.
In this situation, civilian Setin approached CI MCOM Johnson Marauder and UNGOC CPT Patriot, seeking medical care for his condition.
During preliminary medical investigation, the following were demonstrated:
  • He had virtually no response to pain stimuli. His response to needles seems purely psychological in origin.
  • His blood was stagnant, not flowing normally out of a wound. After tissue and blood sample study, it was confirmed that his cells were already dead, unmoving. He was proclaimed “biologically dead”.
  • Accurate biological dating indicate true age 164, aligning with Canadian Records.

At this point, CPT Patriot labeled him as an anomaly and considered his termination. Instead of proceeding with a liquidation attempt as per protocol, attempts were made at revitalizing him. This was effectively resuscitating a biological corpse, after the replacement of the heart.
To be noted that civilian Setin was fully awake and aware during the operation, and only found it unsettling that he felt nothing. This fact would be extremely dangerous normally.

After a count of 4 defibrillation attempts, his vascular system reactivated and he collapsed, throwing up. When the 1SGT performing the operation suggested and attempted brain surgery, the Protector manifested for the first time in what Setin called "a very very long time", forbidding GOC from conducting said operation.
This exact phrase was repeated incessantly until the GOC operatives backed away: "YOU WILL NOT TRESSPASS UPON MY AUTHORITY"
At that point, Patriot ordered the immediate termination of Setin. The following attempts were made, which subsequently failed:
  • Nitroglycerine (left shallow scars on his left forearm)
  • Nerve gas (inhaled deeply, said "it stinks")
  • Standard and heavy caliber munitions
  • Rocket-Propelled Grenade charges, delivered via Matador weapons system

<PCCTV:UN-CAM4 - Voice extrapolation>
*amidst the liquidation attempt*
Setin: "Now that my protector has returned, I have nothing to fear anymore. I have my guidance back. Even you can't hurt me now."
*explosion near camera*
<End Feed>

At this point, his Protector claimed “Now he may be returned”', after which one last Matador shot was fired, causing the civilian to effectively vanish on detonation. Further analysis of the area only yielded clothing fragments of purple color, which were frail and would lose integrity easily. No biological samples identified.

Failed termination attempt was filed and a general hunt directive was issued to all GOC members to apprehend and liquidate the target.

Section 4 - Foundation protective custody
The date is 15/08/2023. Civilian Tarnus ‘Setin’ Domurrum approached Site-65, seeking an audience with a DEA or Nu7 superior. He displayed caution and discretion, as there was an unrelated ranger next to him.
After being granted admission, Setin was taken into surface Interrogation and questioned by External Affairs agents. He started communicating in proper terms as would be expected of a junior Foundation employee.
Recording attached:

<EM-SI-02 - 19:33:12>

Setin: I’ll cut to the chase; I’m here to offer a trade, from which both of us will benefit greatly.
DEA: A trade?
Setin: I seek protection from Foundation, against the GOC. In return, I–
DEA: What do you know about us or the GOC?
Setin: *sighs*

[Explanation redacted for size]
DEA: Oh Jesus, ok. I’ll have to talk to my superiors. What do you give in return though?
Setin: Information. Some things which even your researchers don’t know about nor dared to ever ask.
<End Feed>

Eventually, he would be passed to AMTF Nu-7 (“Hammer Down”) and taken to main interrogation, after a brief medical checkup. He would be questioned, in order, by the following Foundation personnel:

  • DEA Agent Luke
  • ECA Lily Zephyran
  • OSA Avery + MTF ISD A-1
  • Nu-7 MAJ Snevv
  • Nu-7 LTCOM Otters

During questioning, his Protector manifested a handful of times and its reach appears limited by contrast, as it would only be able to contact those who went in touch with Setin, through a handshake or similar, initiated by him.

As no Site Administration or Site Command was present or available, the full authority over the matter was granted to the LTCOM who, after a brief exchange of terms, approved and authorized Setin’s presence in Foundation’s confines, as protegee, anomalous entity and, by terms, captive.

Civilian Setin Domurrum was placed within Light Containment Zone Non-Specialized chambers, within SCP-073’s containment chamber.
Attached is a recording of the events in the room:

(Subject is seen escorted by Nu7 and DEA)
Setin: Ahh… home sweet home, huh.
Nu7: You’ve been here before?
Setin: This exact chamber, actually.
<Camera switch - CCTV:LCZ-NSC-Cam4> inside 073 chamber
Setin: So… will I be able to leave this place freely?
Nu7: Considering the terms of the deal, I can’t allow that. You’re under protection, which means we need to make sure you’re as secure as possible. I can’t let you randomly walk out, there are SCPs and Chaos that constantly go about the place.
Setin: I see. Very well.
Nu7: I want to ask, is it ok if Researchers come to… have a chat with you or test things with you?
Setin: And have me become a lab rat?
Nu7: You don’t have to, if you–
Setin: That’s fine. As long as they don’t… bring needles close to me. I hate them.
Nu7: I’m sure they won’t.

[Time delay, approx. 12 minutes]
The Chamber now only holds Setin, who is visited by two research staff, Executive Nate Mercer and his assistant, a CL3 Researcher Winkler Reiner. Several minutes pass without incident, until

Setin collapses, throwing up.
Nate: What’s wrong, you ok?
Setin: Haa… this is what I was trying to tell you, the ‘instability’ thing, always hitting in these times…
Reiner: Do you need to lay down or something?
Setin: No, no… I just have to warn you ahead of time… I may “vanish”, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.
Nate: Mr. Setin, can we help you in any way?
Setin: Tell the Nu7 that I didn’t run.

<Audio error detected in CAM4. Sound muted>
The two Researchers seem to be looking around confused, covering their ears briefly. Setin’s body seems to emit smoke, making the two move away from him; Executive Nate hurriedly tried to scan his keycard, but the scanner was malfunctioning.

Eventually, the smoke clears, revealing Setin had disappeared.

<Audio error resolved. Sound resumed>
Nate: –at the hell happened?!
Reiner: I don’t know sir, but I have a very weird feeling about this
Nate: Agreed. Let’s get out of here.
Reiner: With pleasure

The keycard scanners stopped malfunctioning, allowing them to leave.

<End Feed>

> farch HGD-TSD1
Archival order received. Enter RAISA authorization passcode
> farch HGD-TSD1 4215981730 -f --auto
File successfully archived
> disconnect
Logged out.
> os shutdown
Terminal powering down. Goodnight, Mirai.
Last edited:


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