Foxatron's Site Director Application

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Apr 16, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:85170969
Discord name: Foxatron#0949
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 15 months
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Foxatron
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP UK
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
1.) Ethics Vice chairman
2.) Omega-1 Commander
3.) Chief of Security
4.) Security Captain
5.)Medical consultant
6.) IA ambassador
7.) Special Agent
8.) Ethics Assistant
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Site Director?
I am applying for Site Director because I see some structural disturbance within most departments on site at this moment in time. I see so much missing potential within departments and procedures that they could be putting in place to make some excellent and quality RP when on site but it is not being taken advantage of. At first I was thinking of becoming a department leader to expand on these procedures but I decided I want to go for Site Director because I know I can help all these departments on site ; set these new systems in place to give the average player lot’s of ways to have fun , and enjoy some quality passive RP on the day to day basis. In recent times I’ve been assisting and leading some Events on the server such as: Gensec sweep training event because these players are always left out and a few administrator events , and I personally want to see more situations like this because at this moment in time it seems to me that new players and your average player that is not in an MTF/SA/SC is left out of most events which is sad to see. As a Site Director I see myself as the main roleplay leader within the server and it is not just my job to organise Site Administration along with everything else on site-65 but to also ensure everybody has the chance to join in and interact with roleplay/events. One of the critical issues on Site, which is the lack of Departmental cooperation, I will aim to fix by conducting meetings between Department Leaders monthly and creating roleplay scenarios in which departments can work with each other and create co-operative stories. Finally , I would like to add that I would like to set up a meeting with O5 and come to a joint decision on who is the best fit for Site Manager and appoint them. During my time as commander I received a lot of commendation because I was very good at teaching people of every rank how to command and manage better within these position by creating meeting time tables and debating your points across peacefully which is why my CO team was flawless for the most during my time as Omega-1 Commander and whilst overseeing them as an Ethics Committee Member. During my time as Senior Admin I set up a lot of documents and procedures that were put in place that are still being used today of which was to create this SC/SA revamp so I would like to chance to see this through and develop upon it.
What makes you suitable for Site Director over Site Advisor?:
I know that I myself am much more suited for the Site Director role over advisor because I have a large amount of experience with team and site management. I am excellent and helping departments build and keep themselves sustainable for when people eventually leave; an example of what I mean by this is when I was leading Omega-1 as Commander I retrained all of my CO’s to meet my standards and expectations so that when I decided to leave the regiment it would still remain healthy and sustainable for the foreseeable future. A way I decided to train my CO’s was by making them a handbook in the same way I did for ECM’s so that they have a foundation of what is expected of them and areas that they need to improve upon , I would meet one to one with them separately to explain areas that they are excelling at and other areas that they needed to improve. To build on this I had to ensure that transparency amongst myself and my team was flawless because that is how any department will run with maximum efficiency , it does not matter what system you implement; if you are not transparent with one another you have no foundation to run with. What I also did during my time as a Captain was implement a large structured system for prosecutors to ease that flow of transparency by setting up tribunal summons templates and the tribunal templates themselves; I also set up a trello board to mark off any upcoming tribunal / completed tribunals/investigations and all of these systems and procedures are still being used to this day roughly a year later. I also know that I am very creative in my ability to control and lead a RP situation in a way that is fun for everybody which is a large portion of what is expected of you as the Site Director because you are literally a roleplay leader when on site; something that I want to emphasise on more so than it is now. I want to create more passive RP to new players and lower clearance players to boost their motivation to climb the ranks on the server. I have always had a neutral look into any situation when in any RP scenario without taking it OOC which needs to be emphasised upon , in the past I have striked and removed good friends because I am not a biassed person in any situation. During my time as Senior Admin , I noticed that RP quality was declining and players seemed to think that Site Command was the issue ; So I presented the idea of creating a revamp project for Site Command and Site administration . I scheduled weekly meetings with the SL team every Saturday then delegate in-game documentation for people to work on during the week so it was ready for the following meeting ; whilst ofcourse writing up meeting notes for it.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
The responsibilities of Site administration are auditing all departments on site , this to ensure that all departments are performing as expected by Site administration and site command ; then commending them on doing so as well as investigating why their standards are lacking in certain areas. It is also our responsibility to do monthly reviews on departments and making sure they are up to date and consistent , in addition to this I will add that every department leader should be told why they have received a certain rating for their review ; what they did well on where to improve and then following up with them a week later. It is also our responsibility to enforce and create policies that affect everybody from a site wide perspective such as the evacuation procedures that were created some time ago by the Site Administration team along with the O5 council. Advanced armoury is also needed on site and we need to be on site so that we can authorise as a very last resort on site along with mass termination of D-class. We are also responsible for managing GOI relationships as a team with DEA to ensure that our relationship with GOC mainly is healthy and intact because that is a vital relationship when it comes to ensuring that Site-65 thrives and remains healthy at all times. It is important that we are assigning department leaders with exceptionally high standards excluding IA and DEA which is always left to Site-Command. You are also expected to authorise appropriate testing on site 65 , judging a tribunal for lower clearance staff members , and liaising with site administration as a whole to ensure that you are maintaining the standards on yourself that you enforce upon other departments. Finally , it is vital that you are efficiently communicating on site during any on site emergency so that you know exactly what is happening and what is required from MTFs and so that you aren’t handing out advanced armoury without solid justification.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
As a child John came from a high standard background of academics from all over the world , at the age of just 11 months old his sister entered the living room to see her infant brother frothing at the mouth uncontrollably as if he was drawing his last breath... She screamed so loud and piercingly her mother ran to the living already in tears in fear of what she was about to witness , it was just as she had entered her worst nightmare ; her infant and only son dying.

She grabbed her dying child quickly and proceeded to run to her car whilst screaming for help , she drove as fast as she had ever driven before to the hospital . She ran into the hospital whilst screaming "help my baby is dying " the doctors responded as fast as humanly possible and took him to an emergency room. The mother being forced to wait for 3 of the most painful hours she would ever endure in her life in a cold hospital waiting room, a Doctor emerged from an emergency room to announce what had happened. After explaining that the baby had many issues : Uncontrollable shaking , fatigue , in-human amount of thirst and hunger ; he went on to state that your son is Diabetic and almost lost his life . This is how he would later be known as 'Insulin'

Fast forward 10 years

John had later developed a passion for Herpetology , he had an interest with Reptiles that had never been seen before since Steve Irwin . He had an almost crazy obsession with these ( what most people would call) terrifying animals ; it wasn't the animal itself that he had become obsessed with but the biochemical warfare that these creatures naturally had and he wanted to know what else it could be used for . He came onto discovering many things like : A cardiotoxic ( a toxin some snakes produce that target the cardiovascular system to shut it down and kill prey swifly ) A neurotoxin ( A toxin some snakes use to part the nervous system to prevent prey from moving ) then he discovered toxins for worse than these. He discovered something called a hemotoxin ( this evil toxin destroy red blood cells which disrupts blood clotting , organ degeneration and severe tissue damage) this "evil" toxin can cause the skin to decompose in minutes almost as if corrosive acid had been poured directly onto someone's skin.

This simply blew the young boys mind on how an animal so small can destroy a creature 50x their own size like there was absolutely nothing , such raw power for something so small...

Fast forward 10 years

These previous interests of John’s mind have given him a greater source of power , knowledge .... A weapon far more deadly than anything in existence , he became very interested chemical warfare and for years was wondering how to weaponize something from these animals instead of wasting all of the resources to make medicine (which is what most venom is actually used for) but the university he worked for decided his research was far too dangerous and would do more harm than good ( like the Manhattan project ) but this is exactly the foundation needed , a scientist crazy enough to create something so unique but humane enough to care about who it affected.

So in the middle of the night John was captured from his own home and brought to site 65 , where they said "We need a unique weapon and you will be paid handsomely." His passion was for too rich and strong for him to even question who they were or who he was with , he simply replied " Fund me my research and I will build what you want and more"

He was exactly what the foundation needed and the foundation was exactly what he needed....


Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
I feel like you need more experience as site advisor since SA has changed a LOT since you left the server
Apr 16, 2022
as much as you have a lot of experience, you just came back into the server and Many things have changed since you left, so I'd recommend going for site advisor whenever a slot is open.
Thankyou for your honest response Mirage ,whilst I would agree that this is the case usually I did write a large bulk of the guidelines; for these current roles with the revamp as I said in my application which I would argue show's that I understand how the department is supposed to be running but as I said I understand and respect your opinion on the matter.

KInd regards,


Jimmy Jones

Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2022
- Support
Just rejoined the server and hasn't been here for months.
Also deleted his site advisor app to make a site director app instead.
Comes off as power hungry and impatient

Goondra "Sleepy"

Active member
Dec 9, 2022
- Support
Only recently come back
Haven't had any interactions with you that I can remember
Hasnt intereacted with anyone but O-1 or old players
Go for SM at least first not SD

Reiner Zufall

Active member
Aug 1, 2022
I have to leave a -Support as well
as other people already said you recently came back
you have CL4 and CL5 experience, which is really good, but I think you should apply for SA before you go back as SD.
Nov 12, 2022
- Support
While you have a lot of previous experience within different departmental roles I would not say you are quite ready for SD right now due to the fact that you have just came back to the server and there has been a lot of changes to the site / server since you left.
- Support

- Often comes across as extremely rude, power hungry and impatient.

- SA has changed drastically since you were in the server a few months back and you can’t just come back and jump into Site Director after being here for 2/3 weeks.

- You keep applying for any CL4 role that seems to open at the minute and just seem to want any position you can get.

- The fact you’ve only just come back is already a red flag to even give you SD, what’s to say you won’t just become inactive or generally do absolutely nothing as SD or otherwise just leaving the server again.

Find a CL4 role you can actually play and interact with everyone and gain reputation before going for SA, also take your junior CL4 roles as a chance to fix your attitude problems everyone seems to pick-up on and be respectful to others not shoving your CL4 card in everyone’s face and just coming across extremely power hungry and aggressive.

Don’t really think any of us need a Site Director that’s been known to call people cu*ts in character and be borderline toxic on multiple occasions.
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