Freddie's Executive Researcher Application [UK]

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:125114254
Discord name: FreddieC#8532
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6 Days 10 Hours over a 6 week or so period
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT +00:00
Character name(s): Freddie Helinski for foundation
Civilian name: James Crookshank the 3rd
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: No
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: CI Alpha
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 2 Warns | 1 FailRP | 1 FearRP
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? I would like to become an Executive Researcher to help with the grading and evaluation of documents and help other researchers to improve the documents that they write whilst also being able to test on CL4 SCPs for example 682 which I have been restricted from in my current researcher positions.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: I believe I am suitable for Executive Researcher as I am willing to train new Junior researchers in how to test effectively and stick to the ethics guidelines and at the same time write up a good detailed report worthy of possibly even excellent grading as they test and work there way through the ranks from Jr. Researcher to Sr Researcher and possibly even further. I would like to do this whilst also helping new researchers and maybe even researchers who have been doing it for an extended period of time explore new ways to format the documents they produce allowing them to receive the highest grade possible. I would also like to assist with the grading of documents and allow Jr's or any research staff to receive feedback in an adequate time manner and a grading back without them never finding out a grade and simply putting effort into a Document for no valid reason to get nothing back from it as the process currently is rather slow which contributes to the lack of documents a lot of researchers actually produce when testing.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? To my knowledge 3. An excellent document or research study would be one that is written in a clear organised format aiding for easy reading whilst also including all the information needed to receive top grades for such test whilst including aspects such as the Method they wish to take, the aims a hypothesis and an overall conclusion of the findings from the test that should also be planned to be interesting and original that people do not typically read about or hear of.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: The role of an Executive researcher is to set a good example within the whole research department and show researchers that are not as high as them within the department how to write documents and also help with the tests they wish to plan and or conduct. Executive researchers also read through and grade documents and research studies that researchers submit giving them the best possible feedback available for them. At the same time as all of this they can also approve and allow for cross testing or tests that other researchers would not typically be able to perform without the correct permission considering of course the threat and or death possibility is near to 0% or even at such level with as minimal risk as possible.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in: Freddie Helinski being an Executive Researcher takes time to think about and write up plans for tests that he wishes to conduct putting the upmost effort into any testing he wishes to conduct and allowing for a zero room for error making for excellent testing and consistently high quality documents at the end of it allowing for the research department to expand the knowledge they possess with the SCP's on site and even those who we do not see often but are aware of. Executive Researcher Freddie H also takes a great interest within SCP's such as SCP-035, SCP-323 and SCP-106 due to the complexity that they possess and the deep research that goes into such SCPs to get to the bottom of how these SCPs work and function to do what they do within the site and to subjects they come into contact with such as SCP-035 and how it must be the mask that possesses any subjects it cannot be DNA or Genes from a past or current SCP-035 subject that is possessed by the mask which is as reported in a document published by Freddie Helinski proving that only the mask changes the brain wave patterns of its subjects, allowing for extensive research still to be done by Freddie Helinski whilst also delving into research on even more complex SCPs with his deep understanding and fascination how these SCPs really work.
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Cory J

Active member
May 1, 2022
+/- Personally I've never seen you
+/- Only around 2-3 excellents

+Your app is fairly decent
+You seem to have good intentions


Well-known Member
Apr 7, 2022
+/- Support
- Never seen playing on Research
+ Decent application
Mar 24, 2022

Application Denied

Hi Freddie,

Thanks for taking the time to make an executive researcher application.

Unfortunately, we are denying this application due to already having a large number of executives and thus we are prioritizing the most active applicants.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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