"friendlypebble" Ban Appeal (Discord)

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Nov 6, 2022
Your Discord name: friendlypebble

Date of ban (if known): Roughly December 2022 if I had to guess

Reason for ban (if known): I posted a high volume shit-post and Ventz decided a permanent ban was not excessive at all.

Who banned you?: Ventz

Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: No

Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal):
Because it's an old ban that, in my opinion, was extremely unwarranted and excessive considering the rule I broke. I also decided to join a regiment and am required to have Discord access in order to fulfill my role in the game. As I am only asking to be unbanned for the sole purpose of playing E-11, you won't have to worry about me doing nefarious things in the Discord. If that's a concern.
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